See PDR!
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Welcome to 'See PDR'


This site is out of date. Really, really out of date. I haven't updated it for over two years. I have a new site here.

If you want to look around this site though? You're welcome. It's just really out of date.

And now on with the (out of date) site:

At the time of writing nearly 1000 people have come to see this page, presumably only to look at my face. This does worry me in the extreme, but at the same time, I find myself strangely flattered...

By the way, all the files in this directory are open for anyone to look at or read, which is fine. However all rights remain that of the author and plagiarism is wrong, so don't do it. OK?

Rant over.

PBFP2k Pictures!

Only a few so far, but there'll be more, promise!

PDR's drinks for London Bronzers thing!

PBFP'99 pics.

Here is a link to another page with some pictures I've drawn, and here is another.

This is a link to a page with a whole load of essays that I've written, and also a whole load of jokes.

See pictures of my new year party.

See pictures of my sister's wedding.

See pictures of RACHIE.

See pictures of me with Blue hair.


See pictures of completely random things!


See pictures of completely random people! (Like my parents)


See how toembarrass your drunken flatmates in two easy steps!


See left over pictures of Bronzers!


See pictures of PDR's drinks for London Bronzers thing! I really couldn't think of a catchy title there...

That is all.

of you have chosen to visit this page. Why???

See information about visits to this page since 24/6/00.
