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this page is completely new and there aren't much picture but you can't complain. It's a great start.

A Picture of KLouD (one of my characters I hardly use now) standing at the newly implemented lake. Well one of the lakes. I'm the one in the front left.

The Grave Yard in Ascestos Desert, Some of the tomb stones have hackers names. I still have no idea why Conan made a grave yard.

Now some chat pictures which are rarely seen. LadyMoms true opinion about snakes.

I had to blur out the bad words but yes they were said. I said this (Klimax is my main char) and surprisingly I didnt even get suspended or even warned. i got an email from one of the GMs (who shall remain anonymous) who asked me if I really did that and I lied and said Nope of course and my account never got suspended.

Of course, one of the GMs on christmas Eve when they were allowed to dress up as a monster, I forget which GM this was but the Monster was Fufu (Fuloran)

This is Asty (Asterix), He decided he'd be a Red Fenris for the day. Yeah, most people claimed that he was their pet but I claimed he had too many fleas.

That's it for now. Check out my peeps page if it's up yet. Wanna head Back?