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My name is Alfred Degiorgio, born in Malta, it's a small Island in the mediterranean sea close to Sicily, Italy. I am married and have four daughters, and already grand father of two. I am retired but not because I wanted to, I have a disability , I am a Parkinsonian,I have been already 8 years, I am coping quite well so far, providing I take medication on time. I used to work in Timeshare for over 15 years, and I am sure that if I had to ask for people to give me their questions, in other words if they have any difficulty,i will never stop answering. I am not asking, but saying that if you have any question you need to ask, please do so, I will still try to help you out if I can, at no cost at all.


Think for a minute about the way you, your family, friends and relatives have been travelling in the past. Shall we call it a package-deal? Well, your holiday was most definitely a deal, and you know what, it was a deal you have lost out on,and many a middle man has been cashing in on. First the travel agent took his cut, then the tour-operator and the airline company cashed in their respective commissions. The hotel, the transfer provider, car-rental agent,… all of them took their piece of what you have spent on your holiday. And you want to know something else? You will never see any money back, will you. Well, the good news is that there is a better and more economical way of holidaying and enjoying the sights and sounds of over 3000 resorts in 80 countries.


Timeshare is the solution. For whom? Anybody who likes to go on holiday for at least a week in any one year and enjoys a luxury standard of accommodation and is looking for a peace of mind not paying the middle man, will need, without a doubt, Timeshare. Timeshare is the solution.

Many people do not even know what the word Timeshare is. It is a very easy to understand concept. Instead of forking out a lump sum of money to a travel agent for a package deal of a week or so with no return besides a few holiday pictures, the holiday-maker ensures time into a resort which he will share with other owners yearly for many years to come. How much time does he want to own? As many weeks as he or she usually holidays a year: one week, a fortnight or longer. Does this make sense? Most certainly. Let me give you an easy example. When you go from one place to another by bus do you actually buy the entire bus or pay just for the ticket? When you make a phone call do you buy the Telephone Company, the phone booth, or do you just pay for that call. When you go on holiday do you want to buy the entire hotel or do you want to pay for the nights you actually stay?

Why is not owning a holiday home, an apartment or villa, you ponder? First of all, how many of us are able to afford any of these. Also, would you like to go to the same place year in year out? Have you considered maintaining a holiday home for 365 days a year while you will only use it few weeks a year?

What makes more sense: owning a villa a 100% and using 5% holiday time, or owning 5% of the accommodation and enjoying a full 100% holiday time?

While the holiday home owner is bound to return to the same country over and over again, the timeshare owner is free to holiday anywhere in the world in luxury resorts. Whilst becoming a timeshare owner, one becomes automatically a member of the large pool of timeshare owners around the globe. He or she enrols in the exchange system. Once an owner, you become a member of RCI (Resorts Condominium International). The world is your oyster. To be more precise: you can go to over 3000 resorts in over 80 different countries. You don’t even have to go to your own resort once.

How does the exchange system work?

R.C.I. divides the year in three seasons, or rather three different colours:

RED is the high season, WHITE is the middle season, and BLUE is the low season.

If you travel in the high season in Malta it is from the first week of May to the last week of October. If you had to use week numbers, that will be week 18 to week 43 both weeks inclusive.

If you travel in the middle season which in Malta is March, April and the month of November. Week numbers are week 9 to week 17 and weeks 44 to 47.

Obviously if you can only travel in the low season then that will get you in the Blue season, this will be January, February and the first 3 weeks of December, that is to say weeks 1to 8, and weeks 48, 49, and 50.

So every owner owns a specific week or weeks in a resort in a specific season.

The Exchange system works this way:


This is what we call the normal exchange.

Once you have decided that you want to use the exchange, phone R.C.I. and bank your weeks. In other words, you are telling R.C.I. you do not intend to holiday at your own resort. Then, browse in the brochure, make your pick and call R.C.I. to book your weeks in the resort and destination of your choice. The moment you decide you want to go to a specific place or area, ask for the exchange as early as you can, try also to be flexible. Example: I want to go to Florida. There are quite a few resorts, so when you ask for the exchange choose a few resorts in the area you prefer. If there is a specific resort you would like to go to, ask for that resort as the first preference, if RCI has that resort available they will confirm it for you.

Instead of asking for example from the first of July to the fifteenth, you can say any two weeks in July, that will give R.C.I. more chance to confirm that specific resort. To use this type of exchange you can bank your time 24 months ahead, and you will be able to ask for an exchange from 12 months to 46 days prior to your holiday. Once RCI confirms your exchange, for a small fee you will be in Florida.

There is also what we call the late or instant Exchange. This is mainly for people who cannot go on holiday whenever they want to. So, in this case, they will pick up the phone and ask R.C.I. for whatever is available, this type of exchange is getting very popular especially when these members are not able to pay red prices as they are more expensive. With this kind of Exchange you have to ask within 45 to 2 days before the holiday. In the case of 2 days : RCI will help arrange for your flights.

The advantage of being a member in Malta is mainly in prices, Malta is one of the most economical places and also our maintenance does not shoot up in exaggeration .

A studio apartment sleeping 2 in Malta exchanges for sleeping 2 anywhere else in the world the maintenance is stg 80, a one bedroom apartment sleeping 4 in Malta exchanges for a sleeping 4 anywhere else in the world, maintenance is stg 90, and a two bedroom apartment sleeping 6 in Malta exchanges for a sleeping 6 anywhere else in the world, maintenance is stg 100, and that is per unit not per person per week owned. Obviously this is an example of one resort.

The duration of your membership varies from 25 years to 50 years, most of them around 30 years and during that time once you Own it, you can USE it, RENT it, Sell it at any price you want, GIFT it to anybody you want, you can also Will it to members of your family as part of your will, you can also BANK it so you can use it the following year, you can ACCRUE it for more than one year, and the most exciting part of it is the EXCHANGE. Suppose you want to go to Australia or USA , you would like to go for a longer period.Let me give you another example: say you owned two weeks in 1998, and you are not using them this year, in 1999 you don’t want to go to USA, so you also bank those weeks so now you have 4 weeks banked, in year 2000 you have decided you want to go, now you can go to USA for 8 weeks. 2 weeks from 1998, 2 weeks from 1999, 2 weeks from 2000, and you can also borrow 2 weeks from year 2001. This is why many members are overjoyed with the system, it is so flexible. (As soon as you are a member R.C.I. will give you the chance to use the bonus scheme, in other words you can start using the system that same year providing you have bought for that year.)

How would you like to have a holiday in luxury for the next number of years for you and your family at today’s prices, which system can give you the guarantee to be able to go on holiday for as little as stg 5 per person per night for the rest of your life.














Your TWO WEEKS banked.

You have decided to Exchange to Florida, all you have to do is ask RCI if there is any availability in Florida giving them a choice of Resorts, and if possible a choice of dates, instead of asking for specific weeks you can always say any two weeks in July. Your chances to get your exchange confirmed are much bigger. By being flexible you stand a better chance.

If you are not using the exchange do not bank your time, as you will be using it in your own Resort. Once you are going to your own Resort in your own time,you don't bank your time.


My Daughters

Luxury Resort

The Hotel from the air is Malta


Once you are an Owner


RENT IT for any price


WILL IT as part of your estate





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