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SSUPERIOR, highest rank there is. You need to know the fighting system, have all awards, and know the tech, and magic system inside, and out, being a master at the game, and able to perform things at a superior level, but only SOME rank S people are members of a hand picked branch called "LunaStar Elites" can you become one of the best and get picked to become a LunaStar?
AAdvanced, high performance rank, you have half of the awards, know the battle system and got a developed array of techs and magic, it takes time to reach rank A but it is not impossible, you know to know how to be a leader and when to be a follower, when something is over your head or right there for you to tackle and dominate.
BBasic, good to have rank B. you did what you needed to do, and know your known and awarded with the promotion, proving yourself and judgment you made the first offical step needed to walk the road to glory. But dont run or you will surely fall, you just started and have a future ahead of you. The question is..Will you chase it?
CCommon rank for most people who are in the realm of lunars, you have skills at your disposal and need to discover what your best at, so by experimenting with whatever abilities you have at your disposal, you could someday become known in the Lunar Realm.

Details About Rank

Rank is all about you and what you do to cause progression in yourself, rank can involve a bigger paycheck for you during the month, it is through progression in ranks your charachter learns more and new doors open to him/her. Things such as "Awards" in what lead to bonus special moves, as well as things like a higher magic level, it is by your magic level that your rank is displayed on your page, if you have a number of spells it means your that certain rank based on whatever spells you have achived, you can find out by visiting the spells page on just what rank earns you what catagory of spells. Rank also allows you to use stronger items, lets say your rank B and you have a class A or S sword (Class is what weapon rank is reffered to, since weapons cant have set player ranks due to the fact they are not players they have "Classes" in what they are classified by ability and quality) you wont be able to use that sword very well because it was designed for professionalism. Though you CAN use it, you just cant use it at 100% where as a class B sword you would be able to do more effectivly with while you are class B, the fact being you know how to use a class B sword and know what your doing unlike if you had a class A sword and you wouldnt get the best results. All players start out at rank C. Be aware that some equipment can be upgraded, so if you find that special sword you want to keep even after you get a rank up, feel free to get your weapon upgraded also so you dont have to leave it behind. Hold onto it unless you really dont need it. weapons get EXP too and this % reflects upon your rank at certain times. Now lets get into weapon,armor and item quality/classes.

Weapon Ranks
SUpgradable only with a special event, deep special abilities are imbused with these objects causing them to stay at 100%, extreme spell effects flow through them with unrivaled potentcy, amazingly strong and next to impossible to break while the quality takes care of itself, your class A equipment is your best friend but if you ever have heard the term "Live by the sword" then a class S piece of equipment is something you will probably want to marry.
AMust be upgraded with special materials, has potent special abilities and noticable spell effects that wont let you down, good bold endurance keeps class A items from breaking, they will become your best friends if you keep them in top quality.
BUpgradable, Has special abilities sometimes and minor spell effects, good endurance and a bit more of a noticable kick then objects at class C. you will learn to like them the more you use them
CUpgradable, No Special abilities or spell effects, but it makes up for that by having just that kick bit more attack and or defence,potentally able to breake if overused.
DNon upgradable, weapons of the D class are cheaply thrown together, and dont handle very well. They are usually good for a limited amount of time, an example of a D level weapon would be a rusty sword, or giant rock boulder.
ELowest of the low, E type weapons arent even worth notcing, and certainly are not able to be upgraded. But, they are handy for thoes situations where your down on the ground, about to be stabbed, and you see a clump of dirt you can throw into your attacker's face to blind him.

Thats what you want to know for class equipment. Now how about some elaborate paychecks with rank followed by job classes, with the special condition the general of your "group" agrees to the condition, your charachter might be able to get a higher paycheck or bonus (you can either save the bonus and paycheck awards for a new charachter to create or add them onto your current one, you get that freedom to decide for yourself) with this permission. The following table tells and shows about how your bonuses and paychecks start off when you join a group, and how they could be promoted.

Lunastar Elites 90,000,000 Sponsorship from Aquarius, the lord of the LR
Dark Lunars 30,000,000 Paycheck up, no item bonuses (reccomended class for vets)
Starblades 12,000,000 Top of the line equipment based on class and element
Dragoons 8,000,000 Up to 3 customizable pieces of C to A class equipment
Light Lunars 5,000,000 Single piece of class S custom equipment with knowledge to use it even at rank C
Freelance Whatever you scavange Earn money the hard way, not restricted by use weapon classes however

Now lets take a look at what the advantages are if your charachter meets the special conditions to get bonuses and promotions.

Lunastar Elites 90,000,000-200,000,000 Become a host in the RPG and get host benifits
Dark Lunars 30,000,000-100,000,000 Optional perks from other groups
Starblades 12,000,000-50,000,000 Optional charachter trait points
Dragoons 8,000,000-20,000,000 Optional equipment points for building up
Light Lunars 5,000,000-10,000,000 Optional award points for bonus growth rates
Freelance X2 whatever you may find Optional abilities in jobclass skills

You can work up to being the best, it just takes some time, I bet you would like to know what awards are huh? well let me show you a grid containing awards and what it takes to get them, earning an award gets you a bonus special technique slot, you start out with 7 but can work up to 11 with all 4 awards, there are even some hidden awards not listed here and it is rumored some charachters are so strong they have over 15 special moves...

Special Magic Or SkillSpecial magic,skills or abilitys
Special Job ClassSpecial Job/Class or position
Special WeaponSacred,special,blessed or enchanted equipment
Special SkillSpecial fighting style and/or performance techniques

Heres some other tidbits you should know, just side things....
Freelance is a free agent or mercenary group not affiliated with the lunar military, though they may be hired by the lunar military as "clients" but are no way a part of the lineup.

There are 3 military statuses if your in a military group, these statuses are
General : Leader of a lunar branch
Commander : Right under the General rank (2nd commanding officer)
Colonel : Assistant to most higher ranks (3rd commanding officer)
If your looking for glory then you want to work your way up to one of thoes military statuses. You got the rest cut out for you.
Lunastar is not an optional class to start in, You must work up to it.
There are hidden awards not listed on this page "secret" ones so to speak, can you find them and determine what they do?
The Lunar Realm concept, methodology and factor is © by Angel (Aquarius) Steinborn as of 2/16/01