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Name: Odin
Age: 1,000,000+
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 187
Hair Color: DeepSea Blue
Eyes Color: Aquamarine
Skin Color: Pale White
Body Frame: Average/Firm
Strength: Classified
Intelligence: Classified
Dexterity: Classified
Wisdom: Classified
Charisma: Classified
Constitution: Classified
Defence: Classified
HP: Classified
MP: Classified
Race: Jasper Lunar
Job: EXG Leader
Ethics: Good
Level: V
Money: N/A (EXG Funding)
This award has not been attained yet This award has not been attained yet THis award has not yet been attained This award has not been attained yet
Element : Air/Water
History: Odin Astral, formerly known as "Capc" or "Cac" (pronounced -Cape- [Childhood Aquarius.Perfected Clone] ) he was biogenetically spawned from Aquarius' DNA, after 132 attempts to make an identical perfect clone of the "original" Post Aquarius (Odin), This Odin (Cac) was finally born, now that Cac was finally a living breathing perfect replication of post Aquarius it came to be he was used as a prototype to create a few doubles who had altered minds to be war soldiers, though the plan backfired on those who doubled him as the altered copies could not be controlled, being the prototype he was not seen as a threat and allowed to live since he was the foundation for future research on Aquarius' genes, thus forced to live in a lab almost his entire childhood he was Fathered by a man named Aven Abbadon and a genetically enhanced lunar woman who was code named "700". One day he was busted out of the lab by a group of people who took him to a place called "The Haven", Cac quickly took a shine to a lady named Lilith Darkside, her beauty and shapely figure seemed all so familiar to him that he fell under her trance, growing up with her he went through all of his boyhood to manhood phases and had many of his questions answered about life by the demoness, he made friends with another kid named Vince and a girl named Trinity, he never saw them again after he was condemned to his "room" by some type of enchantment, eventually he met Aquarius Astral (the original Odin on whom he was cloned off of), Aquarius did not shun the child who was his exact twin but rather Fathered him as if he were his own, Aquarius taught Cac how to fight, how to use his abilities, and many different tactical strategies he could use in war situations to every day life, Aquarius (whom was the original Odin) had decided a long time ago to continue existing as "Aquarius" and passed the name of his original identity onto the childhood "Cac" thus he was officially named Odin as of that day. Odin had grew up into another Aquarius, but different in the aspect of never having a sainthood birthright, continuing to exist without the razzal dazzal of Aquarius he sought out a meaning to his life, Had the original Odin (Aq) have turned down his sainthood, Balthazar had an alternative path in life pre made for him, however since the original did become Aquarius this left the alternative path wide open, Odin being the twin of Aquarius took this path, it was a path equal to the glory and enlightened state of sainthood, the destiny of leadership, Terrorgeddon and the Atlantis sect became ownership of Odin in all it's advanced technological glory. Devoting himself to the restoration of the two great cities he spent many years studying and researching schematics and blueprints for various machines, building them with his own two hands and restoring the cities. Years passed and Odin was an adult now, returning to the haven to inform the people that the restoration was complete he discovered it had been taken over by a man named Adrian Abbadon! Taken by surprise by Adrian and his personal war group the shadow patrol, he was nearly defeated, a struggling victory took place but he wouldn’t have been able to win the long fight so he retreated for a period of time, meeting up with Frankie a master strategist and the leader of a resistance against Adrian called as the "EXG" all while on the run, Odin was set into a temporary re-transformation, with his memories blocked out he became "Indo" (Odin re-arranged) for a period of 1,000,000 years, at the time Odin/indo wasn’t quite strong enough to take on the entire force provided by Adrian and Kaffa so Frankie who watched over Indo, waited until the time was right to wake Odin back up, Frankie successfully woke up Odin with help from someone named Sohjin but paid at the cost of his life, Frankie died and Odin became the new leader of EXG, now he was re-vitalized and Odin had plans to turn the war around by introducing the EXG members to all the advancements he made in technology of Terrorgeddon and Atlantis, is this really the turning point in a war? Only time can tell for sure.