The Land of Ozeals
Ozeals is a continent of the two havens. The havens were created long ago, their purpose/reason for construction is long since forgotten, both made of a mysterious material called "Haven Stone", each sanctuary is an essential part of the lunar world's existance, and can only be found on the planet Monerica. Ozeals is a land that floats IN THE SKY, not in the sea of water like the mainland islands, but rather in a sea of clouds. Home to the aristocrats of the realm. Among Ozeals, are the Dark Star Agents, Sterling Division and the legendary Lunastar Elites, as well as the LGC members. Upon the paradise is an abundance of technological prosperity among it's cities. Ozeals is the Halo of Monerica, just underneath the planet's interstellar atmospheric level, never staying in one place, the mystic island drifts wherever the sea of clouds take it, with thoes as well who live upon the island's citys, furthur down is a list of all thoes cities located on Ozeals.

Gold Structure/H : The Haven of Life - the sanctuary of the "Life" crystal that keeps the life force of the planet flowing throughout Monerica, this Haven is the grand central station for life, hence the abundance of energy allows this land to float on the clouds in the skies.

Dark Blue Structure/H : The Haven of Time - the sanctuary of the "Time" crystal that keeps a hold on the whole paradox in the Lunar Dimension, not just the planet Monerica but the COMPLETE "Grandmaster universe" allowing the flow of time to pass through this haven keeps a constant flow of energy going through the dimension to prevent time from overlapping within the paradox.

Red Structure/1 : Trilla - The biggest city on Ozeals and the planet Monerica, close enough to the haven of life to directly be goverened by the lord and council of the Lunar Realm, with a population of 300 million , Trilla is the most successful and abundant place on the planet.

Red Structure/2 : Staya - The second biggest city on Ozeals, one of the bigger citys in Monerica it ranks as the second most popular place in the world, with a populaton of 100 million it provides much equipment and prosperity for the other towns, it rivals trilla but only comes up second rate on Ozeals.

Black Structure/3 : Ft.Gars - Once a military base it has been made into a city, also known as "The Lunar Acadamy" it is a place for many new recruits and veterans to learn and teach things they know.

Black Structure/4 : Horbosin - A port town built by the forest, it has a vast amount of lumber and factories, much equipment comes from this town and is shipped all over Monerica, It is on the east side of Ozeals and can only be reached by means of a "Secret Stargate".

Black Structure/5 : Zango - This town is hidden, it connects to the second rift of waterfalls in a small area covered by mountains with little forestry, not much is known about this town, it is a very secret place.

Black Structure/6 : Unigog - Heavily Residental, this is a place for people to live away from the hussle and bustle of high industrial areas and the big city, not quite a redneck town as there is some technological civilization, but nothing special. The perfect place to hide away actually, no one ever thinks about going to Unigog unless it is for vacationng reasons.

Black Structure/7 : Mejatin - Similar to Unigog, this town has many residential areas and is a paradise for leaders, almost no industrial or business districts , it is a resort town for the rich and famous, also located on the same part of Ozeals that can be reached by the secret stargate.

Black Structure/8 : Cozo - Surrounded entierly by mountains this town is a secret garden created by Aquarius for Elvantal lunars who seek shelter, only they know how to really get there without having to rough the trenches of the lakes or hiking of the mountains.

Purple Structure/9 : Stargate Exsicpie - This stargate allows reality to warp and transferrs people to/from the mainland up to the flying continent of Ozeals, giving them access to the north,west and south areas.

Purple Structure/10 : Stargate Zojide - This stargate allows reality to warp and transferrs people to/from the mainland up to the flyng continent of Ozeals, giving them access to the restricted east side.