This is the lunar mainland, complete with a map, and the group that resides among it (Freelancers - People who are wanderers, mercs, bounty hunters, etc ; for a list click the "freelance" button just below). furthur down is a description, of all the important places on the mainland, corrisponding to the map. Other places in the RPG, may not always be mentioned if they are not "key points", but that doesnt mean they arent there.

1. Haven of Light (Silver Object): Also known as the Haven Of Divine Moonlight. This is/was the home of Balthazar in the days of old. This haven containes the "positive" elemental energy crystals.

2. Haven of Death (Deep Purple Object) : This haven is made of black havenstone. it houses the "Death" crystal that allows thoes who have passed, to transcend to the next world.

3. Haven of Space (Blue Object) : This is one of the most important structurs in the lunar world, it is home of the space crystal, the space crystal allows the lunar world to have a stable paradox, without this crystal the entier series of rifts would collapse and implode upon one and other.

4. Azania City (Aquamarine object) : This is a very important and large city, one of the biggest on the mainland, it sits not too far away from the sanctuary of Azure. This city is just like Trilla and New Villa economically.

5. Regonia Castle (Silver object) : Another large city on the face of the mainland, though this city's technological level is not as high as the other major citys, it is still highly populated and a very important place to keep in mind as it has one of the most devistatingly strong naval forces in the lunar world.

6. gate to the Sacred Realm (black object) : on an island all by itself, the ruins of an ancient civilization rest in ruins, or do they? For some bizzare reason there is an abnormally strong energy flow around this area, supporting the stabalization of a dimensional gate to the "Sacred Realm"

7. Paradox Palace (black object) : This massive castle has no entrance/exit, rumor has it that the only way to reach the insides of the castle are through a paradox gate, but... No one has ever "found" the gate. Could it simply be a myth? The paradox Palace was also used as the Dark Saint fortress in the final days of the Black War.

8. Demon/Devil gate (Purple spike) : This place is the "Demon Gate". If you walk through you can go to the realm of DarkHell and the Demon World. But once you go through, these is no "return portal" a 1 way trip to hell..

9. Juno/Masa Cabin (black object) : Just within the skirts of the Jade Forest. This Cabin is rumored to be the home of 2 great war heros who train together away from society in order to prepare themselves for an oncoming war, should the realm ever be in danger.

10/1. Stargate (Purple spike) : A secret stargate leading to a special sealed off area of the land Ozeals.

10/2. Stargate (Purple Spike) : A warpway to the land of Ozeals, conveniantly located right next to a city.

11. Omen Hill (Gold Object) : The Omen hill warpway to Moonstar's Palace, it is well guarded by Chance Astral. It is home of MoonStar the Avitar of Light.

12. Rich's Palace (Green Object) : The remains of a secrt city hidden under the sand, the technological level is off the charts. It is the home of Rich, and the sanctuary for the Avatar of Earth.

13. Scythia gate (Purple spike) : The only way in/out of Scythia located in the forest, This gate is protected by "ShadowBlaze" the Dark Wolf, whom is also the Avitar of Darkness.

14. Azure Falls (Aquamarine object) : a series of waterfalls gather at this point, beneath the waves is a MAJESTIC underwater city that rivals the size of Trilla, built entierly out of crystals and preserved in perfect condition for population. it is a Sacred place and offlimits to outsiders, home of the Avatar of Water, Azure Maelstrom, and tomb of the most beautiful mermaid Shay Maelstrom.

15. Kajar's town (black object) : A secret town on a small hidden island, this town is home to many supernatural creatures who plainwalk between the etheral world and the mortal world, goverend by the warhero Kajar, and his wife Pandora Light, these creatures life in secrecy away from the active world.

16. New Villa (Black object) : KENO AND RENO CITY, YEAH BABY! If your looking for a city to pary in, this is the place for it, once a trash hole this place has been cleaned up by it's new mayors Keno and Reno. The buildings have been re-made with crystal and the streets are literally paved with gold, no joke. Even Charlie himself likes to hang out here once in a while, This city has multipul upon multipul Residential, business and industrial areas as well as it's own stargate connecting to the land of Ozeals. This town's "Popularity" rivals even Trilla's

17. Crystal tower (Blue Object) : Crystal tower, built on the highest point in the mainland, the only other tower bigger than this place is purgatory. What goes on at this tower is classified information.

18. Crystal Sanctuary (Aquamarine Object) : A sanctuary made entierly out of crystal on a blocked off part of the land where the mountains protect it and the forest is too thick to travel through, hmm I wonder what that place could possibly be..

19. Purgatory (Silver Object) : A strange tower constructed in the center of the land, it's foundation begins in a place deeper than DarkHell and rises all the way up into a place higher than Lightheaven. However there are no entrances/exits, There is a mystery behind this tower that has yet to be solved.

20. Vampiric City (Black Object) : A city well hidden underground, deep in the bowels of the planet. It is goverend by the prophet of Darkness himself, Belial the elvantal lunar vampire.

21. Centra cape (Black object) : Also known as Stale Island, this place is protected by mountains, it is the home for a vast population of Elvantal Lunar Elves and Drows who seek privacy.

22. Gotak Central (black object) : A highly religious town based on the followers of Exsisia and the Avitars, Everything in this secluded city is ran on religon, they still crucify heretics in this town. This fear keeps thieves out and commoners who simply wish to trade from gettingtheir things stolen, it is also a very good port town with a naval fleet that almost rivals Regonia.

23. Port Cub (Black Object) : Another strong naval city. While nowhere near as big as New Villa, Trilla, Regonia or other places, the quality of the goods found here is noted by many traders, so it is a popular place to buy sell and trade to make end's meet. People have been known to get rich overnight in this city.

24. Paridian Forest (Purple Spike) : This forest is on an island all by itself. Rumors speak of a gateway to a rift that will take a person to the sanctuary of none other than Belial himself.

25. Kismet City (Black Object) : A busteling city composed almost entierly of business districts, While famous for it's colledges and acadamys, this place almost rivals the lunar acadamy. Many soldiers and magi are raised here to guard the tower of Purgatory. This place also has a naval base bigger than Regonia's however it's fleet quality doesnt even come close to a match up.

26. Fiper Villa (Black object) : a city surrounded by mountains, this is a very secure area where most country leaders and other various "big wigs" come to have vacations, as well as the more "Seddy" side of the city, but we wont get into that, This town can only be reached by means of the Regonian navy.

27. Angel Island (Black object) : This place on the map is the about spot where the angel realm island is, that floats high above the mainland in the clouds, it can often be seen on clear days, in all it's graceful serenity.

28. Scribery (Black object) : a secret school for magi, this place was established by people from the Ozeals Acadamy to share their knowledge with the people who live among the mainland, however due to it's exclusive and strict codes of conduct, very few ever graduate from this school, thoes who do graduate however become unrivaled sorcerers and wizards.

29. Kistra Port (Black Object) : An industrial city populated with technology and business, it operates by a nearby port and trades vigorusly with all the ther citys, this place is well known for it's "hock shops" where you can often find rare,mysterious and valuable commodities.

30. Dazel Cape (black object) : Desert city Dazel is well known for it's wyrm leather, as well as it's beauty, despite being in a desert, the many oasis sites that strangly surround this area keep it active, the most well known shop is probably a weapon shop owned by a Father and Son duo named "Jock and Jake".

31. Densera Capitol (Black object) : ANOTHER port town. This place is very seedy and very big, many black deals go down in this city, rumors have it that there is an underground city right below the Capitol, an underground city that is owned entierly by the black underworld as well as various other crime lords.

32. Siba City (Black object) : A smaller city, however many heros such as Dirk Truestar and Dryst have originated from this city, The enviorment makes this place a great city to live in and raise your children after getting married.

33. Port Gill (Black object) : You guessed it, another naval city. This city is much more than just a harbor and port, it is large enough to support multipul industrys and public business corperations due to it's high standard lawschools, this is the town where Mr White and Mr Black were born, that should tell you something.

34. Kigison (Black object) : A city founded by "Eclipse" and assist govern by "Torian". With Bianca's help this small town is hidden well away in the mountains not too far away from Paradox Palace past the "bad lands" where no one would ever look for it, it is a town with many dojos and martial art arenas.