Hidden deeply within the sacred realm, is the land of the dragons, direct servants of MoonStar, these dragons reside their origins from back since Balthazar's era. Hidden in "a" forest in the sacred realm, is a secret metropolis, oversought by Draconis, one of the strongest dragons to ever exist. Some of such dragons who are known throughout the realm, have come from this land (Wisdom, and Guilty for example). Sheltered in all it's untanted glory, the small paradise is undefiled by any form of outside contact. It's here within the dragon realm, that the evolution of typical dragons, leads them to ascend into "Dragoonite Dragons". These dragoonites, overseen by Draconis, protect the sacred realm, and the hidden dragon realm. Only dragons that originally were born within the dragon realm, know where it is located. It has been searched for by outsiders for a very long time, no one has EVER found it, and the select few who have, never speak of it. The serene grace of this untouched land establishes upon the sacred realm, the hope for a pure world. Some of what places, guarded by Draconis, and protected by the dragoonites, are listed below.

1. Draconis Palace (Silver Object) : Draconis' palace, where Draconis himself resides, this is the training palace for the ascended dragoonites, where they are taught to use their abilities, and are fofered to become nobles of the realm.

2. Draconis City (Gold Object): Home to the Dragoonites that are born within the dragon realm. This is a private city where only the natural elites and nobles are allowed to live.

3. Brim Eye Gate (Black Object) : The sacred gate of the dragon realm, it is guarded by the spirits of the dragoonites, no one may pass the gate, to reveal the dragon realm within, unless they themselves are dragons, or stronger than Draconis' enchantment.

4. Evana City (Red Object) : A small city of nobles, home to the medium class blooded dragons, it is a safe haven away from the outside world. For a period of time it was oversaw by Aidan after Nightfall (the original heir) signed it away, untill it's inheritance was passed to Dawn Darkwaters. After the "mysterious dissaperance" of Dawn, the city became intigrated into the dragon realm, and is now overseen by Draconis.

5. Black Scale Palace (Aqua Object) : The ancient palace of the elder dragons, a graveyard so to speak, before an elder dragon passes on, they rest in the courtyard of the palace, reinforcing it's seal with their death energy, to strengthen the barriar that conseals whats hidden within.