Name: Aquarius
Age: "Looks" 29
Sex: Male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 234 lbs
HairColor: Dark Blue
Eye Color: Aquamarine
SkinColor: Fair-White
BodyFrame: Built-Muscular/Strong
Strength: Classified
Intelligence: Classified
Dexterity: Classified
Wisdom: Classified
Charisma: Classified
Constitution: Classified
Defense: Classified
HP: Classified
MP: Classified
Race: Dark Lunar
Job: LR Emperor/Overseer
Ethics: Good!
Level: V++
Money: Ozeals Funding
Element : Air/Water(Iridescent)
History: Aquarius Astral, one of the oldest lunarian beings alive to date, the first being ever born (Keep in mind, lunars came before ANY other race of beings [For more information about why, see Balthazar's page and history]. He was not simply molded and created by Exisia as was Balthazar, and Aurora, but among being conceived between a man and a woman, Aquarius was "born". His birth was considered to be a miracle, and shortly after being born, lunarian women were gifted with the ability to birth. It is strange though, Balthazar and Aurora brought Aquarius into the world, BEFORE Exisia granted women this gift. That’s why it was called a "miracle"). He has quite a story, a story that is so old, it dates back to the times of Balthazar himself. Much of the truth has been fragmented by rumors, and various alternative suggestions, but if there is any truth to the legacy of the past, it is endowed within Aquarius. Aquarius stands 6 feet 4 inches; he has long dark blue hair and aquamarine eyes. Although Aquarius may only look 29, he is actually OVER 4000 years old (Aq's EXACT birth date was the 10,000,000th year of the BR era (Br : 10,000,000), he was born the exact moment the year changed. Thus he is whispered to be the prophesized being that the visionaries spoke of, who would unify the land [see the eclipse war]. In actual year-terms, Aq's most modern day "recorded age" is 7,999,999,950,000,000. This may be incorrect as to pinpoint his EXACT age; the institute is unable to gather records that date any further back). Aq's Story begins in the era of BR: 33,000,000. His birth name given to him by his mother (Aurora Astral) and father (Balthazar Astral) was Odin. Thus he was named in honor of a great lunarian being who left the lunar world, and Balthazar's council, to explore the lesser worlds that had just began to form underneath the universe they lived in. Coincidentally enough, it was no more than moments later after the man left the palace, did Aurora undergo birthing Aquarius. (It was the man's new era resolution to explore other worlds. Read the legend of the god, Odin the allfather, for more information about the man Aq was named after). Odin grew up under his father's watchful eye, training his mind, body, and spirit in the ways Balthazar saw most beneficial to his son. Odin was to be the successor of the land, so Balthazar could retire with his wife, Aurora. During the great awakening, when Ophelia (avatar of Exisia) presented herself to Balthazar, it was discovered Odin had a great deal of sleeping potential, more so than Balthazar himself! Odin's blood was so refined, so pure, that it was during that day, in presence of Ophelia, the avatar of Exisia, he jumped right past being an ancient, and transcended evolution to become an archaic being, the manifestation of the first being "blessed by Exisia", he was a "Saint". A few years had passed and occasionally, more beings across the land of Ozeals would awaken. In total there were twelve (12) beings in all, each one who had a special task given to them by Exisia. These "saints" were named after the zodiac, to help distinguish them based on their unique abilities, which were different in each person. Odin was given the title of "Aquarius", thus he changed his name to "Aquarius Astral" in respect of his title, and loyalty to the lunar world. Aquarius' own childhood friend, whom he grew up with Kerin Spade, was given the title of "Scorpio", and following suit; Kerin changed his name to Scorpio Spade, to display his loyalty to the realm. The land prospered as Crystal technology, and red scripts alongside blue scribes were developed. This technology was not crude engineering; it was the mechanics of the spirit itself. It was with these advancements, lunarian beings evolved furthermore and developed spiritual abilities that endowed them with the "aura effect". In the following years, came logical branches of the aura effect, including psionics and heraldry, to those who did not already develop them. Times were good, this was declared the first "Silver Era" by Balthazar (BR : 400,000,000). The grand city of Terrorgeddon was developed, with top of the line advancements. BR : 505,000,000 came to pass, and in it's wake, the birth of beings known as "dark saints". The beings known as dark saints were created for the soul purpose to spread negative energy throughout the realm, in order to keep unified balance between the ascended beings whom were the original saints (otherwise dubbed as the zodiac saints), and the rest of the lunarian population. Many people became corrupted by discovering they had the potential to become dark saints, and many got the wrong idea of how to conduct their gifted titles. One such being named "Eden" was one of the first to awaken the negative energy within himself as a dark saint. Even Ophelia herself was confused as to why her deity, Exisia, would create such beings (At the time, their purpose was unknown to the public, thus no one knew just exactly why the dark saints were appearing). Aquarius observed dark saint activity across Ozeals, and though their job simply was to unify balance and keep up with the Z-Saints, they saw balance in a different perspective. The Z-saints could not be compared to, thus the only way to keep balance would be to destroy the people of the land, so there were only 24 beings in all left alive (12 Dark saints, 12 Z-saints) thus the logic of the darksaints (This logic is incorrect, but the dark saints at this point, were corrupted beyond any, and all virtue or rational train of thought). Chaos and destruction ravaged the land, as the dark saints plundered, ripping Ozeals apart and taking lives of others. Chunks of land fell from Ozeals to the worlds below; this became what would be known as the "mainland". Other realms were able to retain their mystical grace, and remain in the heavens above. The only two realms to remain in the sky were Ozeals, and the Angel Realm (The Angel Realm was no longer connected to Ozeals however, and became a separate country, due to so many pieces of Ozeals collapsing from the heavens, and becoming the mainland). In BR:900,000,000, the Z-Saints gathered and led by Aquarius, decided they could not allow the dark saints to "play judge" among the people, who had no reason to be attacked at all whatsoever, thus was the dawning of the most horrific war to ever take place... "The Saint War". Balthazar urged Aquarius not to go into war against the dark saints, and even went as far as to have Terrorgeddon constructed into a domain where Aquarius, and seven hundred hand picked beings could like in peace, away from the reaches of chaos caused by the dark saints. Aquarius, took his father's words seriously, but decided to not retreat into Terrorgeddon. Balthazar watches as Aquarius led the Z-saints onto Ozeals, the mainland, and even the Angel Realm, in an all out conquest against darkness. Eighty million years would pass (80,000,000), before finally the efforts of the Z-Saints would start to sow. Led by Aq, the dark saints were slowly losing, and came to the conclusion that they would not be able to win this war. The Dark Saints resorted to tapping into the dimensional fibers of a land, filled with negative energy (Darkhell), and summon demons, devils and monsters to aid them in their losses. This is what would come to be known as the "Angel War", as the hell spawns (such as Teal Hellsinger) led by the dark saints, would focus on one realm, while the prime dark saints themselves, continued to battle against the Z-saints of Ozeals. One by one the dark saints got picked off in combat against the corresponding Z-saint. Though Aquarius even desired to be a dark saint, and uphold balance once their purpose was discovered, he was well aware of how the negative energy they possessed corrupted and defiled the virtue of the being endowed with it. This led Aquarius to hasten his efforts against the increasing army of demons that stood as a wall for the darksaints. By the time BR: 1,700,000,000 came around, the entire universe was nothing but a war ridden dimensional distortion. Aquarius led the Z-saints into one final glorious battle against the dwindling forces of the dark saints. Juno MooreDeath, the apprentice of Z-saint Virgo Bluesun was stationed at the devil's gate when the angel war started, in order to guard it from further being exploited by the dark saints and halt demonic summoning. During the final battle that happened however, so much time had passed, Juno's mind had become corrupted and he too became a dark saint that led a wave up against the grand palace of Balthazar. Aquarius, not knowing this, did not return to the palace. In the utter end of all the chaos, when the last demon was slain, only eight known beings were left alive. Balthazar Astral, Masa Darkstarr, Juno Mooredeath, Virgo Bluesun, Scorpio Spade, Aquarius Astral, Ophelia Exisia and Eden Kinzo. Two dark saints, three Z-saints, and three beings of what were not either. Not a single demon, devil or any other lunarian realm left in the lunar realm. But the scales had become thin, that even the dark saints were re-able to re-gain their virtue. Eden and Balthazar went on to form a seal around the lunar world, as they all came to a truce. War had destroyed the universe, and they all knew Balthazar would have to re-create it. Aquarius was heavily wounded and would not live for long either. This was the end of the saint war, a war with no victors. Balthazar used his ability to sentence Juno and Scorpio to the lands of the dead. Scorpio Spade became trapped in purgatory, in order to watch over the lost spirits of the war, Juno Mooredeath was sentenced back to devil gate and bound to it, until he was able to create a seal (Which he eventually was able to do, thus the ritual now used in modern day to re-seal devil gate every time it opens), Eden Kinzo was sentenced to be trapped within a seal, that would conduct all the negative energy from the realm, and into him, so that the world may re-grow over time. Eden, knowing he would lose his memory and once again be corrupted, agreed to this for the sake of giving the universe a second chance. Eden took on the burden of corruption, willingly. Ophelia returned to her deity, Exisia, to watch over the heavens and Virgo remained in the Lunar Realm, to watch over the land. Balthazar took the wounded Aquarius, and the both of them vanished into a wave of energy. It was then Balthazar decided what to do. He went about sacrificing himself to create six crystals for six havens, and balance the vibes of Aq's seeping death energy with his own, so that someday, Aquarius might re-discover the true lunar realm. But Aquarius was so badly hurt; his body was sealed into a lunar slumber while his spirit was sent to the heavens to be reborn. It was a long shot, a reincarnated being, with no memory of their past, finding the roots of a past life. But it was the only thing Balthazar could do. Balthazar was never seen ever again after this day. Trillions upon trillions of years would pass. Generations would come and go; the dimensions and worlds underneath the lunar realm would flourish and prosper completely unaware that there ever was a war in a land, sealed off from the outside worlds. The lunar realm itself, the planet Monerica (The true lunar realm) had become as quiet as a forest. Virgo visited the moon realm, a world created by Balthazar, during the saint war, for his people to go to, to escape the chaos of the war. Virgo prophesized of dreams he had (Sent to him by Ophelia, from Exisia). In such elaborate dream descriptions, the surviving families of the moon world were able to decipher "specific" names and figures among the lunar realm, which played a part in the visions and murals Virgo sculpted. The kings of the realm, baffled about this, awoke some of their greatest researchers from lunar sleep to investigate ancient ruins, research history books, and decipher glyphs. A young man who had lost his memory (Side effect of lunar sleep), whom was an elite warrior along with the crew of researches as a protector, discovered how much he looked like one of the knights in the mural that depicted the saint war during an expedition. The young soldier, known only as "Ast" (Due to the A encrusted on his armor), set out to the lower worlds to do dimensional research. It had been a while since Ast had walked the land; his lunar sleep lasted 2 billion years and wiped his memory completely. Ast found various books in a world named "Pria" and studied them to become an elder mage. Long after he settled down as an elder mage, he was summoned back to the royal courts of the moon world where he became a "Warrior" for the self proclaimed "God" of the moon world, this "self proclaimed god" was Marcus-Truewind, the successor to the moon throne. The era was now MR: 3,000,000,000. It was later on Ast completed all forms of training Marcus pushed upon him. Ast's success ranked him as one of the strongest lunars in the moon world. Ast was enlightened by this spiritual training, slowly visions, and dreams of the man in the mural came to him. As time passed, Ast trained in the moon land, strengthening himself under Marcus' eye. After mastering a special shock wave skill, a man named Valin Evenforge presented himself to the royal throne of the moon land's court. Valin trained Marcus self defense and Ast as an elite soldier. After Marcus Truewind reached the status of "Ancient Being" with help from Valin Evenforge, he renamed himself to "Lex Truewind", and then proclaimed Valin as the "god" of the moon world that same night. Strangely after this event, Valin disappeared. Ast waited for ages on Valin to return since the training was never finished. Time passed and Valin would not return. Another being (Enerjak) in the frozen land of Fandaria (Also a region in the moon realm) made an alliance with Lex Truewind during the time Ast watched over the land. While Ast waited, he joined the forces of Fandaria to find other styles of combat he could learn. Ast completed training with Enejak Fandaria and returned to the moon palace to once again become the personal bodyguard for Lex Truewine. Some time passed as Ast was brought before the royal court and discovered the lord of Fandaria (Enejak Fandaria) was actually his own uncle! Ast became the leader of Fandaria's elite unit known as "Black Blood Knights". Ast continued to serve Fandaria, as the personal guardian to both, Lex Truewind, and Enejak Fandaria. One rainy night, Valin revealed himself to Ast, Valin had returned and appeared before Ast to inform him, that there was a connection between Lex Truewind and himself, the "god" of the moon world, Valin Evenforge. Valin revealed his true identity, Valin traveled from the future, into the past. Valin Evenforge was indeed, the adult embodiment of Lex Truewind. Valin Evenforge revealed a hidden land in the moon world, a land undiscovered and untouched by Lex, or Enerjak. It was with Valin's wishes and help, Ast became the king of the "Dark Moon Realm". Ast traveled the dark land by himself, searching the ruins and undiscovered castle in the mountains. Within the castle Ast found more murals depicting various scenes from the dreams he remembered Virgo having. Murals and red scripts that had mention of forgotten secrets among abilities dark lunars could possess. Isolating himself in the ruins of the empty palace, Ast studied the ancient red script book. Mastering these abilities sparked those dreams again, dreams of war, dreams of that man in the mural who was depicted wearing the armor that had the "h" symbol engraved upon it. The potency of these techniques Ast developed, had the potential to threaten the very existence of the moon world, and all the lands below it, but due a curse that was placed on him by Valin, Ast was unable to move into the next stage of lunar evolution that was needed in order to harness the level of potential required for mastery of the ancient techniques. Ast discovered he was cursed, and thus started training his mind, body and spirit in attempt to shatter the spell placed upon him by Valin, whom suddenly had turned on him. Ast came to finally break his curse, years later. He proclaimed himself the "dark emperor" of the moon realm, and as a threat to the royal courts of Fandaria in the frozen lands, and the Moon Palace, he proclaimed himself the strongest man in the world. Ast claimed his kingdom at the dark palace in the Moon Realm. Inevitably, due to the growth factor of the Dark Kingdom crossing over onto territory in the Moon Realm's palace land borders, a war broke out. This war was between the beings called dark lunars, those of who were banished to the dark kingdom, and the light lunars who remained in the lands of the Moon Palace. This would become known as the "Eclipse War" (MR: 10,000,000,000). During the eclipse war, Ast was discovered to actually be the son of Lex Truewind, and his wife, Faith. Faith tried to stop the war, but became a casualty herself. Ast, leading the final wave against the Moon Palace, invaded the kingdom of light, and killed the man who was his father. Ast struck down Lex Truewind after besting him in combat. Ast unified the lands of darkness and light, claiming success to the throne, the very same throne Lex held from Ast, in fear of being surpassed. It made sense now why Lex cast Ast into a lunar sleep, wiped his memories and had him banished to the dark land by Valin Evenforge. All because of Lex's own fear of losing the throne. Yet in the end because Lex couldn’t accept his son being a dark lunar and went as far as to banish him to the dark lands, he ended up getting toppled. Shortly after attaining two thirds of the moon world, Ast began having those dreams once more. How so they haunted him. Spending a year setting up peace among the two lands, Ast began searching for the truth, by declaration of a new era (AR : 10,000,000,001 ). After toppling his father, Ast moved onto Fandaria, where Enerjak continued to oppose the moon world, and was beginning to start trouble for the new emperor. (AR: 23,000,000,000) Ast, joined by his son, Chance, led an army against Fandaria in the frozen land. After toppling the Fandarian army, Enerjak sealed himself up inside of his fortress. Chance was called back to the military camp, to help strategize a plan into the castle. A successful stratagy allowed Ast to get into the palace and defeat Enerjak one on one, clearly besting Enerjak in every shape way and form of combat. Enerjak was decimated by Ast. Enejak's body was separated and given to other parts of the Moon World as an example of what happens if you defy the court of the dark emperor. Ast took over the dying kingdom of Fandaria in the frozen land, now unifying the three realms together, to create a utopia for the dark kingdom. Life moved on as did Ast, he had been through two wives, and a mistress. From the ladies he raised a family. Ast fathered several children, Will from Godessa of Pria. Chance, Kayla, TerraStorm, Taja, Hiro and Pierre from MidnightStorm of Scythia. Katt, Valin(named after Valin Evanforge), Kris, Eric and Menia from Fera. With his kingdom safe in the hands of many successors, Ast traveled the lands, fighting the demons that would appear from time to time to threaten his home. After many fierce battles and a period of time, Ast stumbled upon the "Sacred Realm" a part of the "Lunar Realm", a world he would soon discover. It was within the sacred realm, he found a legendary blade known as the sacred "God Slayer". With this sword, Ast returned to the Moon World to kill the demoness "Angelic_Payne" who he had caught word of, trying to invade his empire. Ast continued his journey, and would once again use it in a fierce battle against a malevolent being that would be revealed as "Dark Odin". Dark Odin knew things that sparked memories within Ast, such as an incident involving Ast being attacked by a black dragon as a child. Something Ast had long forgotten. After Dark Odin left, Ast could only wonder who that man was, and how he knew that. Ast started to look deep within his being for missing memories as he trained in solitude, after returning to the dark empire of the Moon World. Ast's strongest point was revealed when he triggered a sleeping spiritual essence deep deep down inside of him that had been concealed up until the day he was advanced enough to tap it. Ast's dreams of the man in the mural, became more intense after having a brief surge of this sleeping potential. Upon trying to adapt to this essence by experimenting with it, Ast was able to create a celestial weapon. The celestial weapon was first known as the "Arc Light". A blade held the spiritual entity of another being, surprisingly, a being that has been inside of him all this time! The more so Ast used this sword, the more his memories would unlock. Eventually he had regained everything that his deep lunar sleep had stolen from him. Once having achieved this, the celestial weapon beckoned to his spirit, it wanted to return to ether, and unite with his body where it came. Ast, not knowing how to handle this situation, gradually allowed it to do so, as he started remembering his dreams, in a more realistic fashion. Little by little, more dreams, more memories, memories that were not his own.... Or were they? Eventually by the time the arc light, his celestial sword, returned to him, he had completely re-awakened his true spirit, and discovered the truth behind a forgotten land, a land known as the Lunar Realm. Repeating memories of ancient beings, known as Z-saints. Ultimately he continued to have visions of his birthplace in what seemed to be a past life. The place in his dream, that was not a Moon Castle constructed by Lex Truewind and Faith, but rather Balthazar Astal, and Aurora. It became clear to Ast, his past life parents were the beings he had seen in those visions, and HE was the man in the mural, wearing the armor with the engraved crest. It was unknown to Ast, that for all these years of his life, he was just spiritually possessing ownership from the body of a child that came from Lex Truewind and Faith. It was all so clear now, Ast remembered Balthazar, using that final enchantment to reincarnate him into a new life. It was not much longer at all that Ast discovered who he truly was! Ast Truewind, was the reincarnation of Aquarius Astral. Aquarius was awake and fully self aware of his past, and the saint war. He remembered all his memories that had ever happened, even traveling through the void as a spirit with his true father, Balthazar, to find the child who he could be reborn into. Aquarius was aware he was no longer in his "rightful" body. He was Ast in this body, not Aquarius. Ast (Aquarius) returned to the sacred realm, he looked about the red script in the forgotten palace, scriptures that held the secrets of resurrection methodology and practice. Eventually after several thousand years, he found them and began to study them in hopes he could restore his true self. During this journey in the lunar realm, Ast met a surviving Z-saint. This man was named Scorpio Spade, however due to the long time in the tower of purgatory where Scorpio was sentenced by Balthazar to be sealed up, it became obvious that Scorpio was only projecting an image of himself, from his dimensional prison.. Scorpio guided Ast through the lunar realm, into the forgotten land of Ozeals, to a place called the "Haven of Life". Within the haven Ast found his original body, completely healed from it's mortal wound, sleeping peacefully within a crystallized chamber, awaiting the prophesized day when Ast would arrive, there it was, the man who was depicted in the mural, wearing the encrusted heavenly armor, the one Ast had so long dreamed about. With Scorpio's help, Ast broke the seal on the crystal. Ast's body resonated with the spirit of Aquarius within Ast. Ast's became an embodiment of energy, and everything that was "Ast" became death energy, the missing death energy that Aquarius had lost from his mortal wound in the days of the Balthazar era just moments before Balthazar himself had performed the act that would allow Aquarius to be reborn. Slowly, Aquarius woke up. There he was, in the haven of life, in the empty lunar world, that was lost for so long. Aquarius regained his true body the one he had during his past life as a member of Balthazar's council. Shortly after this event, Aquarius regained full memories of his life as a zodiac saint as well as being able to remember everything he had done as Ast. Balthazar had took a gamble on this to happen, and he won. Aquarius was back! In a short time, Aquarius spent training himself, getting back up to par. Unifying the memories he had as Ast, with the memories he pieced back together as Aquarius. All the skills and abilities he unlocked were truly his own. Later, he went about re-unifying himself with his celestial weapon, the "Arc Light" sword, a strange event occurred. The sword took on a different form, one blade representing Ast, the other representing Aquarius. It was a double sided weapon that would evolve to become, "Celestial Morning Moon Flare" (Named specifically as a Celestial weapon, Morning to the dawn of re-awakening his true body, Moon to represent Ast of the Moon World, and flare to ignite his life as a re-awoken Z-saint). Aquarius knew now is what he truly was meant to be, the saint bearing the zodiac title of Aquarius, and the one who was prophesized to be born, who would unite the lands by bringing peace to the moon realm by overcoming the eclipse war. Now Aquarius stands among the saints, where he originally belonged. Time passed, and Aquarius built up his potential back to that of a full saint. Time to time, Aq he felt alone by himself, in an empty world all by himself, Scorpio was sealed in purgatory, and could only present himself by projecting a psychic image of himself. Aquarius realized, he was the only one functioning in the physical world since the war that took place ever so long ago, before he was reborn through Lex Truewind, and Faith. Since Aquarius can’t trust anyone easily, he went about restoring the saints by himself, in hope to rebuild balance. Unknown to Aquarius, in doing so he also restored the "Dark Saints" (AR: 77,000,000,000 - AR: 730,000,000,000 ). Shortly after, it was then he discovered that it was that warrior, "Dark Odin" whom Ast defeated with the “God Slayer”, was actually the embodied incarnation of Aquarius' own hatred during the old days of war! To think, a hatred so deep, it took upon it's own sustenance, and was able to manifest itself as an entity upon the physical world (Thus it is revealed Dark Odin is not a -true- dark saint, but just a personified incarnation of Aq's desire to be a dark saint at one point in time, during the Balthazar era when Aquarius wanted to preserve balance). An event took place, when Aquarius encountered shattered elemental crystals stored away far behind the haven, in a hidden room that Lex Truewind didn’t want anyone entering. Crystals Balthazar left behind (if you remember earlier in Aq's story) in order to sustain the 6 prime balances of all existence (Space, Time, Death, Life, Darkness and Light). Through the re-construction of the crystals, and returning them to their rightful place in each haven, Aquarius fulfilled his destiny. It was with this act, Aquarius unified the Moon World, and the Lunar Realm. It was then all the sub dimensions that Balthazar created, to keep his people safe during the saint war, were unified, and restored, because of Aquarius. Angel Lunars returned to the Angel Realm people returned to their homes on the Mainland, dragons returned to the Sacred Realm, and soon the essence of the avatars would follow, and be reborn(AR : 741,000,000,000 - AR : 930,000,000,000). With the re-birth of the land, so came it's seekers, such as Eden whom was re-awoken at one point in time, and even the dark saints from the past, who survived retaliated against the realm, but due to the balance Aquarius upheld by successfully creating the construction of the crystals, the threats that would arise, were unable to produce the same results as the dreaded events of the saint war. Aquarius had finished what Balthazar has started. Aquarius re-constructed the supreme grand master universe, and restored balance once again, as it was in the Balthazar Era. Aquarius proceeded to resurrect the Z-saint, Libra (Who later died in combat against a dark saint), and discovered the lost sanctuary of purity, where he was able to re-awaken the sleeping Z-saint Virgo (Who set out on his own journeys in life, leaving the realm in the safe hands of Aquarius since his job as "watcher" was now done). With the lunar world restored to life, so came back many of the lost secrets of the past. Ophelia returned to Aquarius, from her deity, Exisia, to warn Aq of an unholy being named Dark Venus. Aquarius confronted the threat of Dark Venus, a supreme dark saint create to be the single counterbalance for the realm. A long battle ensued, but Dark Venus came to virtue of his position after the corruption cleared from his mind. It was true, Dark Venus was evil, but unlike the other dark saints, he had a sense of purpose and responsibility, not just a hack and slash monster like other known dark saints, this in essence made him even more lethal than any other dark saint known. Ophelia's death at the hands of Dark Venus, woke him up to his place in the world, such virtue Dark Venus had, he turned around and walked away from the lunar world, not to be seen for a very very very long time(AR : 1,000,000,000,000). Time passed on Aiden Astral succeeded the throne as the king of Ozeals, and Aquarius, with help from Odin Astral (A clone of Aquarius) found the lost ruins of the ancient city known as "Terrorgeddon". This city is where he was given the opportunity to live before the final disaster of the saint war (ADR : 3,000,000,000,000). A while later, a conflict involving a group known as the "Nightmare Saints" came up, Aquarius fought to defend the realm from a corrupted nightmare saint who wielded the skills of Exsisa, but yet, it was unknown at the time to the public, why the nightmare saints were created, were they created to replace the dark saints, whom fell in combat oh so long ago? To Aq's surprise, help came from the dark saint, Dark Venus. The allied lunar forces came out on top of this battle after a long struggle. This war was recorded in lunar history as "The Second Silver War" (ADR : 10,000,000,000,000). Aquarius and Dark Venus parted ways once again, Aq, witnessing what has happened, sought to reform the royal council that his father Balthazar once upheld. Aquarius formed the LGC (Lunar Grand Council), to help restore balance among the nations, as well as the people, should such a threat ever occur once more. With the formation of the council came a great threat. A war broke out among the surviving nightmare saints, and Dark Venus' allies, the dark saints. This would come to be known as "The Black War" (ADR : 14,000,000,000,000). The war was interrupted by a unified group of individuals, who sought to prevent it's chaos from spreading through the mainland. The nightmare saints lost the fight and a single survivor "Sceptok" was followed to paradox palace (Fortress of the dark saints). At this time Aq was accepting the fact he was a part of Dark Odin, since he created Dark Odin by his own hatred, based on tormenting memories of the saint war. Aquarius became a dark saint himself for a period of time, after He manifested with Dark Odin, in order to take the bull by the horns, and deal with the embodiment of chaos that he unleashed, or so it came to seem. The war lasted many years as the unified forces of the realm struggled to comprehend Terrorgeddon technology discovered by Odin Astral. The goal they sought to achieve with Odin Astral was to be able to replicate the protective barrier around Terrorgeddon, so they could create an enchantment field, to protect the realm against the black war's waves of negative energy. Once achieving their goal, an alliance was formed consisting of Aq's first three sons, whom wanted to turn him back to the side of light Chance Astral, Will Astral, Cervantes Astral, Rhapsody Blackrain (Water Avatar's Guardian) and Alkaiser Litelife (Adopted son of Mune) along with additional help from the surviving nightmare saint Sceptok, managed to penetrate the "Paradox Palace" and defeat the dark saints, except for Dark Venus. Rhapsody was struck down by Dark Ruby, Dark Ruby was Killed by Chance, DarkXniper was struck down by Cervantes and Will bested Dark Eden in combat, but was unable to kill him. Dark Venus was strong enough to the point where they couldn’t scratch him, but in an attempt to stand up to him, they DID manage to exhaust him. Aquarius came to reveal his plan about monitoring Dark Venus. Aquarius and Dark Venus had a final showdown as Aq used up every last drop of dark saint energy he had to combat the being of darkness, created by Exisia. In the end Aq was able to best Dark Venus, thus there was not enough energy left to sustain the dimensional pockets of paradox palace. The insides of the castle came to crumble, as the Z-saints regained their place in the lunar world, thanks to Aquarius' strategic plans. The war was over, and an era of peace reigned throughout the realm (ADR : 27,000,000,000,000). A stronger army was formed after the events following the black war, specifically for the soul purpose of fending off the lunar world from outsiders, to protect the peace they had gained. The Z-saints had completed their task, as did the dark saints, and so with this, the essence of the spiritual beings known as the saints (of all sorts) started to fade. In a grand celebration, Aquarius appointed his son, Aidan, from being the king of the realm, to being the lord of the realm (ADR : 63,000,000,000,000 ). With this, Aquarius left the lunar world to search for his father, Balthazar Astral, in hopes that he may be alive, and a solution or explanation could be discovered for the weakening abilities of the saints, if anyone had the answers, it would be Balthazar. Since then nobody has seen, nor heard from Aquarius. Aq's whereabouts are unknown, however his existence has been proven as the sacred item "Solar Flare (CMMF)" was left behind, appraised in the lobby of the haven of life for all to see, Being it is a celestial weapon, it would fade from Existence if Aq were ever killed, but as sure as it is able to be seen, it is known that Aquarius still lives on. And so the legacy of this Aquarius Astral is now an adventure, all of his own. It is a mystery to those new to the realm and a story to be passed down. Whatever happened to Aquarius Astral, your guess is as good as mine. Aquarius traveled the lands, searching high and low for any hints Balthazar could have left behind, incase he needed to be found, but no matter how deeply Aquarius looked into the realm while on his journeys, he couldn’t find anything. The thought finally came to pass that Balthazar might actually be dead. Refusing to give up his search, Aquarius decided to leave the lunar world for a while, and search the lower universe. Aquarius met Nakonia De'avir on his travels, she too who was leaving the realm to go to a finishing school, having graduated from the academy. Aquarius employed Nakonia on his little quest throughout the lesser lower universe. ages, millenniums, decades would pass as Aquarius battled with beasts, Traveled through ruins of what was left of the moon world, and even journeyed through the mystical ethereal worlds of the south. In the end however, not a hint, trace nor clue of drop to Balthazar's whereabouts was ever uncovered. Aquarius returned to the lunar realm, after going as far down the universal chain, as to even visit earth. It was from Earth, he sensed a wave of negative energy all the way from the lunar world. Upon his arrival back home, Aquarius discovered the land was at a state of war. Aquarius' children had left the realm to find their father (As he went searching for Balthazar, his own father), and in doing so, there was no Astral higharchy to govern the people. A group called the EXG led a rebellion against the haven, in what was taken over by the Abbadon family, some time after Aquarius had left. Aquarius was unable to reach Ozeals before the final battle of what was labeled "The third silver war". Odin Astral (Aq's cloned brother), led the EXG against the haven's dark army, the Skeleton Crew and the Nega Militia, as to be discovered when Aquarius returned to Ozeals, Odin had been able to sweep out the Abbadon's foothold in Ozeals. Aquarius returned to Ozeals finally being able to get there through the EXG, and declared the third silver war over. Aquarius decreed Nakonia his wife, and allowed Odin to return to Terrorgeddon. Aquarius, came to terms with the loss of the saint energy within him, and started working on a project, to help harness saint energy, should it ever be needed again (This would be project Nautica, but it would be trillions and trillions of years before it was completed). Aquarius however discovered he was able to sustain his abilities, for a period of time, by using his own energies. Aquarius still had the essence of a saint, but since the saints were no longer needed, the essence went into it's spiritual slumber. This doesn’t mean the essence completely left his body. The dark saints of conquest, were all but abolished (save for a select few), and simply said, there was no need for them anymore. Aquarius proclaimed himself grand overlord and emperor of the entire lunar realm, with Nakonia at his side as the empress and a personal bodyguard. The balance of the lunar realm was now up to the people who lived in it, the saints did their job and got the ball rolling, now it was all up to the people that Aquarius fought to save, the civilians of the realm, the people that lived in it. With Aquarius as the emperor, he laid down his sword, becoming a political figure among the people, in order to watch over the development of the realm that they now had in their hands. It was indeed a time of peace, Aq called this the "Blue Era" (ADR : 500,000,000,000,000). Under Aq's watchful eye, society was re-built, technology advanced, and so continued lunar evolution among the beings of the realm. To Aquarius and Nakonia, a child was born, Destiny Astral, their daughter. Nakonia was ill from having birthed children. Nakonia's family blood was weak, and with time she fell into a state of cancer. Aquarius sealed Nakonia in his lab and dwelled on finding a way to cure her. Eventually he developed a state of depression and started dispelling negative energy. This energy consolidated itself into an entity (the same way Dark Odin manifested). This entity became a frozen reaver that went about pumping out frozen energy at the same level as Aq's potential. The result of this renegade reaver was astounding. The entire planet was frozen over with a layer of ice so thick, it actually increased the density and mass of the planet itself. With the planet's density changed, it fell off it's axis and started heading for the sun. A group of lunars from the haven's Special Forces team, led by Junsui, tracked down the reaver and sealed it away within a sword once used by Izer herself. There the reaver stayed until Arion came along, but that’s another story not affiliating to Aq's history, and thus has no place to be mentioned. In AOR/ADC : 1,700,000,000,000,000 a blackness soaked over the sky, this would be the awakening of a being named "Omnicron" an ancient devil whom was created in the ethereal realm, then cast out. Aquarius couldn’t help but notice the black sky that blanketed the world. With this concern, Aquarius dispatched the haven forced once again to investigate this crisis. This event was labeled "The black eclipse crisis" in sense of, during Omnicron's presence, the sky was pitched out. It wouldn’t be until AOR/ADC : 3,200,000,000,000,000 that the people of the haven were able to pinpoint Omnicron's exact location. By now Omnicron had already summoned/created 3 demon generals who were comparable to the dark saints, at some levels. Lune, Rune and Dune, created from the mind, body and spirit of Omnicron. To make matters worse, Aquarius was informed that Ram and Neal (Necromancers from the past) were also revived. Ram and Neal had been around before, but they were hardly strong enough to be considered a dimensional threat. Due to Omnicron, Ram and Neal were now both prime threats that stood on the same level as Omnicron and his three demon generals. With great effort, Aquarius raised his sword once again and with his own generals combined with the military forces of Ozeals, Omnicron's growing army was decimated. Omnicron's generals were dealt with by the special forces of Ozeals (The Sterling Division). Omnicron had no choice but to retreat and hide, to regain his senses and plan what he could possibly do next. Some time passed and the gray era was declared. The gray era was a time of unsettling peace, true it was peaceful once more, but everyone was aware that Omnicron was still out there. A Dark Star Agent, known as Dark_Knight_Ryu would later become corrupted by sealing the reaper dragon inside of him (A dragon that was created by the dark saints during the saint war, as a WMD against Ozeals) these events would take place in AOR/ADC : 4,000,000,000,000,000. Omnicron and Reaper gathered, without Aquarius knowing it. Together the two fiends created a plan that would seal the fate of the planet Monerica, without fail. The plan was fail proof; an evaluation of the Special Forces, and branched divisions was made. In AOR/ADC : 4,100,000,000,000,000 a full-scale wave of demons was sensed by Aquarius, being prepared to attack the world he tried so hard to re-establish. Aquarius summoned one of his most reliable Dark Star Agents, Orbius Naroki, to lead the Special Forces on a stealth mission into the paradox palace, where Omnicron and Reaper had been staying. Aquarius once again led his generals and military against the demonic forces on the outside, having faith that his agents on the inside would see to the end of the two beings. it was during the encounter with Reaper and Omnicron that one of the special forces agents (Tin), revealed himself to be Dark Forge, the son of the legendary prophet, Belial Bloodmoon. The Special Forces were defeated, but thanks to Dark Forge, both Omnicron and Reaper were reaved by his wraith blade. The two fiends did not anticipate the legendary Belial's son to get involved, and their plan had fallen. Dark Forge became corrupted by absorbing the two beings and turned into Blood Forge. Blood Forge started drawing in dimensional energy and was going to detonate paradox palace as a universal bomb that would obliterate reality. Aquarius, having finished his outside work, stormed the paradox palace with Cervantes and Kiran at his side. Aquarius, Kiran and Cervantes assisted the Special Forces on the inside against their new threat of Blood Forge. In a last ditch effort to save the realm after Kiran was reaved by Bloodforge, Orbius used his gravity element to create a black hole sphere, so dense, it would compress the entire dimensional pocket of paradox palace. Aquarius, teleported his special forces out of paradox palace where an unknown event occurred inside of the palace due to Orbius' final attempt, and Blood forge’s convulsing from reaping Kiran. Whatever happened, Orbius, nor could Bloodforge be detected or sensed anymore. With a heavy loss from Kiran, Aquarius' son, the depression that started when Nakonia went into a coma, now only deepened. in AOR/ADC : 4,100,000,000,000,000 Aquarius announced the gray era once again, since now Omnicron, Reaper and Dark forge were no longer existent in the world. Aquarius returned to the haven, and sealed himself up, away from everyone else. Nakonia was finally cured as Aquarius' deep brooding depression leg him into an unhealthy level of research and experimental time. The success of Aquarius' experiment brought the weak Nakonia out of her state of being in a coma. Slowly Aquarius' depression dropped and his mental stability returned to a healthy state of mind. With Nakonia at his side he indulged in living life and having an empress. Two more children would be born to Nakonia over this time of health. Landon Astral and Chasity Astral, came into the world within the next three years. Weak Nakonia fell back into her slumber, as her weak blood didn’t allow her to enjoy being a mother. once again Aquarius fell into a deep depression. Aidan Astral, Aq's son, the king of Ozeals confronted Aquarius about his lack of stability in his work, due to the loss of his wife. Aidan, furious, sealed Aquarius up within the "God Slayer" sword in ACR : 5,000,000,000,000,000, just in time for the "judgment war" as Ozeals entered war with a reborn Teal, and her army from darkhell. Aquarius was unable to take part in anything as he was imprisoned in his God Slayer sword. There he slumbered for many many many years. It wasn’t until ACR : 5,000,920,000,000,000, that Aquarius escaped his imprisonment, having built up enough energy, to break out of the god slayer's grip. Returning to the throne and establishing himself once again as the true emperor, he overlooked what was going on in his world. Again in his absence, a war had started, but this wasn’t just any war, literally the forces of darkhell were trying to consume Monerica. Aquarius stood against this attempt, in a unified effort with the Angel Realm, what had almost been entirely pillaged by the demons. With the legendary Mazaramus Darkstarr, assisting the forces of Ozeals, Aquarius launched his war winning tactic once more. The same tactic that won the rift war, involving paradox palace and Blood forge. A small group of agents combined from both the Angel Realm's forces and Ozeals' spec ops group invaded Teal's fortress, while Aquarius and Conner overlooked the outer battlefield. Mazaramus succeeded in his dispatch against Teal, within her fortress and not only killed her, he disrupted her control over the army of demons, blowing her constructive focus and sending every being back to darkhell. Mazaramus, was also a casualty in this war. The plan was a success; Aquarius' tactics once again came through. But in the passing of the war, both Mazaramus and Aidan were slain in battle. Valin Astral, was appointed the new king of Ozeals, Sierra Astral was appointed the new baron of the Angel Realm in Maza's place, however she was reported to have died from combat wounds later on. Ange Elevee Darkstarr was then pronounced baron (VOR : 6,700,000,000,000,000-VOR : 6,800,000,000,000,000). Shortly after the war, Aquarius once again brings Nakonia out of her coma. A time of peace fluxes through the realm as stability is restored and everyone is able to re-build their lives. One night however (VOR : 7,000,000,000,000,000 ), Aquarius returns home to find Nakonia is not there any longer. Did she walk out on him? Inspecting his home, Aquarius finds signs of a struggle, and sends out a dispatch notice for Nakonia. Unknown to Aquarius, Landon Astral, was already on the case and had discovered that Nakonia was kidnapped by an old "high school academy sweetheart" named Korus Darkthrone. In the fight, Korus had reaved Talon Black, a legendary necromancer with abilities said to rival that of Leacite Vaunderblood's own potential. Chasity escaped with Nakonia, bringing her back to the haven, as Landon was defeated in combat against Korus. However Landon was also able to reave Korus, using Talon's scythe. It was from the wounds in combat, Landon Astral fell into a deep coma. Aquarius embraced his wife, as Nakonia was returned. It was then revealed that Landon and Chasity had feelings for each other that they should not have. Aquarius engaged his daughter to a man named "Dirk Truestar", whom was not only academically elite, but one of the highest ranking officials in the lunastar branch. In VOR : 8,000,000,000,000,000" Nakonia birthed Kallen Astral, named after the legendary Kalen Tezla whom saved the ethereal realm from Pandora and Teal. It was on the exact moment that the new era struck, Kallen was born, just as Aq was when Aurora birthed him. Cervantes prophesized great things for Kallen, a great destiny that would fulfill the Astral family bloodline, just as Aq brought the lunar world back to life and unified the worlds, the greatness of destiny had something planned for Kallen as well. To Aq's surprise, Nakonia did not fall into a coma this time either. Aquarius established Kallen's future with the academy, and Kigison. Upon responsibility as the emperor, Aquarius finally completed project Nautica, to help study the nature of saint energy. Later on in that year, Aquarius sent Nakonia to accompany Bardock Atiran, and Ange Elevee Darkstarr to research demonic activity. Aquarius was not about to let another demon wave flood into his world. A ten day infiltration and observe task, turned into Nakonia disappearing for three months, and so three months would pass before Nakonia returned to Aquarius, to inform him of the clan war between family Vaunderblood, and family Hellstorm that took place in darkhell. Just as Balthazar was thrown into the saint war after Aq was born, Aq predicted another "great disaster" for the lunar world, following Kallen's birth. Now ever ready, Aquarius stands to uphold balance and unity within the lunar world, as he ahs done for so long. This is the story of Aquarius Astral, the emperor of the Lunar Realm. Only time can tell, what will happen next?