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Today is

241, Age of Chaos

"One day in the battlefield we WILL meet!"

- Draftell, Gnomish Mage

WaterWind Warriors | Message Boards | Great Library | Raven's Crest | Golden Claymore | Temple | Docks

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Huge wooden gates stand spread apart, granting entrance to the city of WaterWind--the largest on the continent of Antorath--into which great merchant caravans and heroic adventurers or simple passerby will often pass through. Surrounding them are twin guard towers, where soldiers stand, alert but not stressed, for the city had been saved, as was the rest of the continent, upon the destruction of the evil Chaos Knights' leader, Lord Kaertana. Now, the liche that had wrought destruction on the land, lay his late years--as a human--in some village unknown to everyone but himself and the gods above.

One of the soldiers above salutes you, his simple uniform shining bright in the clear light of Sol, the Sun, and calls, "Hail traveler! If'n ye be needin' rest, an inn be just down the road, yonder-" he points down the central road, packed with peddlers and commoners forcing their ways through the streets and alleys to wherever they may go. The soldier then grins and turns his attention to the next traveler.

A sign wobbles above the heads of the people ahead, creaking in the light breeze coming from the rivers straight at the opposite end, at the docks: the Merchant's Road and Ghadagür River. It reads: "The Grinning Dragon", a common name for these parts of Antorath, where trade and adventurewas high. Pushing and shoving down the street, you come to the inn's door, and step inside, relieved at the quiet-- compared to outside--that rests in the Grinning Dragon. A bard sings of heroes recently made, strumming his lute to accompany him. Numerous people of all races sit about at different tables: gruff human men drinking ale and chuckling and talking of fish they'd caught in the rivers the last week; stout dwarves roaring with laughter with more ale or whiskey, or working small wood or metal crafts in their hands; gnomes studying the effects of some strange concoction they made of the dust on the floor, some herbs, and a glass of wine; halflings humming along to the bard's tune while their fingers explore their neighbor's pockets; or elves speaking in musical voices over goblets of their sweet wines and mead.

An elderly human woman approaches you, wiping her hands on her brownish-white apron, smiling politely and bowing. "Greetings and welcome to the Grinning Dragon! Might you have a drink or plate of venison to sooth your aching bones? Or a room to rest them even longer over the night?" Debating whether or not to get a room, you agree to your favorite refreshing drink and fresh chunks of bread and cheese.

In responce to your inquiries of the town, the barmaid replies: "Well, this is the place for sure to get information on this continent of Antorath and the gods above it. WaterWind has hundreds of things to do. The Great Library of WaterWind is just down to the road and to the east. The Raven's Crest is probably the best place to buy magic items, though few do they sell to strangers; their prices are decent but you never will know what they have until you ask and can be trusted. One of the most popular places for youngin's like yourself is the WaterWind Warrior's Recruitment office, back up the street and to the east--it's easy to spot. You can join the Warriors'...they are basically volunteers looking for some adventure and a way to help the realm on their free time without devoting themselves to the military or knighthood. Be sure to equip yourself, though. I'd suggest the Golden Claymore, they have the best prices around. Also, south of here lay the Temple of Porphus Midem. Ye can get healing and the help of the Prime Provider down that way, though donations are necessary to keep the place running." She begins to take your glass to refill it, then pauses on an afterthought. "You may wish to learn more of the realm's happenings at the message boards next to the WaterWind Warrior's office. The docks, too, are quite adventuresome."

An Out-of-Character Note: This is a 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign, taking place in the homemade realm of Roank, the continent of Antorath, with a medieval theme. Many house rules are in effect, most of which will be found on the House Rules page. It is very helpful to have access to a 3rd edition Player's Handbook (PHB), although a lot of tables are shown here, but not all. Games are usually on Fridays at 5 PM Pacific time, 8 Eastern; they take place on AOL and AIM; we had run on WebRPG until it required pay, which I couldn't ask people to do. AIM and AOL members can go in the same chat room now, and roll dice too. Please download this and make sure it works before submitting a character request form. Thank you!

©1999-2002 Eric Schmidt
Most images aren't mine (maps and such are); this world is.
Please respect the mind's imagination! Thanks!