Hullo everyone, Tigger here. I see that you've stumbled upon my humble abode. I know it isn't much to look at, but that's what you get when you're lazy and easily distracted like I am... The site's always being updated, sometimes several times a week, so you might want to check back again soon and see what's new! Ready to get into everything? Well, here's the links to the different areas of my website, and a couple of links to some of my favourite webpages... Oh, and while you're here, could you please take a few minutes out of your busy day to sign my guestbook lower down on this page? And if you have the time, go ahead and sign the slambook! Thanks a bunch and enjoy your visit!

ATTENTION: If anyone has problems accessing my webpage in the future it's because Geocities might be closing it down at certain times of the day if it goes over the data transfer limit (i.e. if too many people are accessing it). I apologize for the inconvenience it may cause anyone. But the good news is that if this site is down you can access the same content on Angelfire at the following address:

John Taylor and Nick Rhodes: Masters of the Universe
- What makes them the masters of the universe, you may ask...well read on and find out!
My Favourites and Not-So-Favourites
- A compiled list of all that is right and wrong in the world of Duran other words, things I like and things I don't...
The Tigger Taylor Story - A damn funny movie script
- A movie script written by my good friend Nurse Twigenstein, starring who else but John!
101 Things To Do With Nick Rhodes
- A list of the things I'd love to do with Nick were I to get my grubby little hands on him...
Duran Duran: The Quotes
- A collection of the stupidest and funniest things the members of DD have ever said
I Dream In Pictures
- Tons of pictures of John and Nick as well as some group pictures
Roger's Page
- My tribute to the neglected one
Duran Duran: The Lyrics
- A definitive list of the lyrics to all the DD songs as well as some Arcadia, Powerstation and JT lyrics
Video Critiques
- My personal opinions on DD's videos
Too Much Information
- Facts, facts and more facts
The Duran Duran Hall of Shame
- Embarrassing, bad or just plain frightening pictures of the boys...
Is Warren Really Nosferatu?
- You be the judge...
Nick Rhodes Is A Vulcan!
- Come on, you know it's true...
- A collection of pictures of the boys smooching
Adopt A Duran!
- Adopt your very own cute and cuddly Duran to put up on your website or in your LiveJournal
Doodles and Drawings and Such: A collection of Duranie Art
- A collection of some of my DD artwork
The Tick: Duran Duran Style
- If the boys were to play characters in The Tick...
Invader DURAN
- Another exercise in role playing for The Boys, and this time it's a blatant rip off of Invader Zim!
All About Me!
- Everything you ever wanted to know about me and then some...
- What have I done with the place?

The Official Duran Duran Website
Trust The Process
Spit on The Escalator
Dancing On The Sand
Nick Rhodes is God
The Lovely Blue Planet Of There
Smack Hits
The DD Toon of The Week
Secret Oktober
Gina's Cherry Ice Cream Smile
My Live Journal
The Hunger Site
- Not DD related, but a great site for a great cause!

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

View My Slambook!
Sign My Slambook!

This site was last updated on JUNE if you really care...
Check out the updates page for more information on what I've done with the place...


Want to link to my site? Feel free to use one of these nifty banners...they go great with chicken! Come on, you know you want to...

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