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We shall miss him. He went to Columbia to study film and fell in love with the school. By the time Halacie was in his junior year at C.C.C he was busy making friends everywhere talking about the school. He graduated in May, with two degrees, one in animation and one in hospitality administration, which everyone thought was absolutely fitting for a guy with his embracing character. He was awarded the Columbia Gold Ribbon for extraordinary achievement in student activities. "Everybody that comes in contact with him is just so inspired and so motivated," said his friend, Ron Pitts. Halacie's family and friends will miss his sweet smile when he passes. . . . I recently made this web page in honor of his kindness. And to inspire the a person to take on the mantel. My name is Jimmy Henry and I would like anybody who knows him to e-mail me a nice story about good old doc. My goal is to keep his legacy going even after he makes his new travel. Thanx--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------this story comes from Sara Wielgos----------------------------------------------- ----------------------- I was going to my girlfriends dorm walking down a partially lit stretch of main road to her dorm. I got about half way down when I spotted a couple of kids (just short of midteens by my guess at that point). I crossed the road and tried to look as if I hadn't noticed them. One of the kids was on a bike so he came over to me from across the road and stopped in front of me, stopping me from going forward. He started pestering me, asking me if I had any cigs or some change for the bus. Yes, I was starting to shit myself now! I tried to politely tell him no I don't (even though I did have both). At this point he said "What's that in your pocket?" pointing to my wallet. He told me to give it to him, again I politely declined. He then told me that his friend (across the road) had a gun. Oh yeah, right. BUT there were 2 of them and one was on a bike leaving the running and fighting options out of the question. But halacy must have been walking out of bar louie if not I have not a clue how he should up. But he called out to me pretending he was drunk and acting like he had not seen me in years( FYI HE ALMOST NEVER DRINKS AND WE HAD CLASS THAT SEMESTER) he staggered toward me yelling about how much he missed me and how my hair was nice. I was so glad he was with me he told the kid on the bike that he had to by me a drink as he snached me away. The kid did not dare set one tire trail after us. halacy made so much noise that he half the bar looking at . I was so glad he was with me and I told him, we sat in the bar for a little while and then walked me the rest of the way to the dorm. I tried to tell him how scared I was but he changing the subject telling me that my hair was nice ( it was btw) Thanks for letting me share and thanks Halacy!---------------------------------- -----------this story comes from Cindy Telafuko----------- I had been dating Bob for 6 months when I found out I was pregnant. Bob didn't want me to have a baby considering we were only Depaul and Columbia students with no jobs, and he thought that this is just a second chance. I didn't want to give up the life was inside of me. I didn't know who to turn to. My family is Catholic and against abortions, and the people I usually turn to were also against abortions. The only person I could tell was Bob and a few friends who I knew had abortions in the past. They all told me the choice is up to me. I know Bob was scared and said he would stand with me no matter what I do. I was very very sick at school and thats when Halacy first asked if I was ok. He was the class ta and he paid extra attention to me at first it was bothering but later I was cool with it. I felt that I needed a fresh perspective on this so I in private asked him what should I do?( Do not ask if you ever met this guy you just feel like you can trust him) He held my hand and told me that he knew a couple that was in my same spot. But they got the abortion and that was the most painful choice that they had to face. He even told me that the guy still looks in the mirror debates about killing himself. And with every day that goes by it is harder and harder not to. He told me that whatever I do choose I should make certain Bob and I stand by each other. We choose not to and now my boy will be on his way in november. Thankyou for your trust and help my friend I hope you get better but I if not it has been an honor knowing you.--------------------------------------------------------- this story comes from Rob smith---------------------------------------------------------------------- I needed a place to crash cuz my girl and I were having problems. I met this guy at the doc club end of the year party. And he had us laughing all night i did not have many friends but he not only let me stay at his place that night but he also introduced me to some of his friends thankfully now because of him I have a whole new circle of great friends.... they're not the kind of people who disown you if you don't choose the same life path is them. I feel VERY lucky to have met Halacie and his friends. I will miss you brotha!--------------------------------------------------------- this story comes from Tim Cain--------------------------------------------------------ALL I WANT TO SAY THIS HAL IF YOU DON'T GET BETTER THEN I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE THE COOLEST PERSON EVER AND THE NEXT WORLD HAS NOT ONE CLUE WHAT THEY ARE IN STORE FOR! WE WILL ALL SEE YOU AGAIN IN THAT WORLD SO DO NOT BE FRIGHTFUL.----------------------------------------------------------------this story comes from kim walttls---------------------------------------------------This is all bull I do not want to say bye to this man but I fear I will never get the chance. You taught me to defend myself when I had violent boyfriends.You gave me strength you gave me money when my son was sick. You always said that "only a cunning warrior fights when the battle is already won" You gave me motivation when I was dull. THANKYOU I ONLY WISH I CAN SEE YOU QNCE MORE BEFORE YOU DIE! I KNOW IT IS SELFISH BUT I CANN'T STOP FEELING SAD YOU DO NOT DESERVE THIS! I MISS THE WAY YOU WOULD JUST RAISE ONE EYEBROW IF YOU FELT SOME THING WAS STUPID. I MISS THE STUPID JOKES YOU WOULD TELL MY SON AND MY BROTHER. I MISS THE WAY YOU WOLD EAT MY MOTHERS FOOD. I MISSSSSSS YOUUUUUU!! THIS IS NOT FAIR! THANKS JAMES FOR LETTING ME SHARE THIS GOOD BYE YINKO I LOVE YOU!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this story is from Jason Yin--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HEY THE HALACY THAT I KNOW NEVER GAVE UP EVER HE ALWAYS FOUGHT. HE NEVER GAVE UP SO IF HIS HEALTH IS THIS BAD THEN I KNOW HE MUST BE SCARED. I SHALL SEND HOPE FOR YOUR SOUL. I WISH THAT THINGS COULD GET BETTER BUT LIFE IS SILLY SOMETIMES. YOU ARE A GREAT PERSON THANKS FOR THE FRIENDSHIP.--------------------------------This story is from Christy Smith Hogan--------------------------------------------------------------As the hours slowly pass and the sun rises over the hilltop, I lie awake trying to think of what life would be like without you. A life that hasn't been blessed with your beauty or the kindness of your heart can truly not be possible, for you reach out to even the simplest of souls, touching their hearts with love and their minds with hope. The light in your eyes shows me that you care so much about other people that you show it off always with that beautiful smile you wear upon your face. Your soft touch tells me that you'll be there no matter how far I fall. When I hold you in my arms, I know that I will never forget you, because you are the part of me that I hope never changes. And when I see you laugh, I know that it is truly a miracle that you are here in my life. Because without you, I wouldn't have such an amazing best friend, and there would be no star in my sky to show me the way. ( Well I hope this poem is good and helps show how much you mean to all of us I will pray for you my awsome friend. When I wrote this I was thinking of what his girlfriend must be feeling so this poem is an ode to her and her love for him. This next one is for him and his brother)--The test of Yinko (halcy) is the fight that he makes. The grit that he daily shows. The way that he stands upon his feet. And takes life’s numerous bumps and blows. A coward can smile, When there’s naught to fear. And nothing, his progress bars. But it takes a man to stand and cheer. While the other fellow stars. It isn’t the victory after all, But, the fight that a brother makes. A man when driven against the wall, still stands tall, and takes the blows of fate. With his head held high. Bleeding, bruised, and pale!! Is the man who will win, fate defied, For he isn’t afraid to fail. (thanx 4 letting me share this) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------next story is by Lisa Bobersnakl-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why did u have 2 die just in case no one knows his birthday is 2 marrow and he is sending all of us fairwell gifts. but the only gift i want is him to be alive.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is from mike lee-------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do not have a tail but I would like everyone to liston is from Xio Phung ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Hey so I met Yinko along time ago with Sara and she is right he comes out of nowhere. All the time he would just show up I don't how it would just happen. But I would like to and to what jimmy wrote at the top of the page. Yinko also called helaciee or chris was born in Chicago and was raised and educated in that city as well. He was a huge white sox fan for many years as well as a bears fan. He is able to speak japanese, french italian some ungalw'a some arabec and of cores spanish. Although he always pretended to never understand spanish or speak spanish. Why hide a gift a extra trick? I mean his spanish was better than his french and in case you did not know his french is DAMN GOOD. I would ask why keep up the secret? " Because that is a more popular dialog in chicago than were you live. Out here I if want to learn the truth I must hold back something. In chicago you can meet someone nice and sweet and the first chance they get to talk trash they will never wait to take it. And with spanish they are free to say this crap in front of you if you never give them any reason to think you understand them." Now this is not the exact quote but it is something to that effect it was many years ago when he said this. But he had a point when I finally moved to chicago I did the same as Yinko and well he was right. Yinko was like that one super hero that is always thinking always working even when he looks relaxed. He is survived by his parents his brother David and sister Ragina. Oh also by his fiance (I don't know her name I think it is liz but if not sorry Yinko ). He was not only one of the youngest and one of two of the first black accredited martial artist in the old magazine "aikido chicago". He was a strong willed and cartoonist and my number one go kart buddy. Not to mention a great singer and very funny guy. Now I am not sure but I am told to different things was the cause of death the car crash or the ulcer? The reason is because toward the end of our friendship. Yes I said the end I made prejudiced statements to him about the lady he intend to marry and ma'am I am so sorry. I was a fool and if by some chance you read this just know that you had a brave man. And I and my wife are deeply sorry for your loss. Yinko was so pissed at me that night I mean he ordered extra food and told the waiter to put it on my tab then got up and left. So when I finished scraping up cash to pay for more twelve lobsters Bottles of wine that was sent to other tables. I knew our friendship hit hard times but I had not been aware that he cut me out of his life. Not just my wife our friends anyone that knew me but I never had the chance to say I am sorry to him. So to make up for what I have done and since I never made it to his I would like to inform all of his relatives & friends are invited to attend a watch over funeral ceremony located from the Breslin Funeral Home, 7326 Pleasant Rd., Malden on Thursday May 27th at 8 AM followed by a Funeral Liturgy at All Nation Youth Church, 7306 Pleasant Rd., Malden at 9 AM. Services will conclude with interment in Oak Grove Cemetery in Medford. Visitaton will be held prior to the Funeral Liturgy on Thursday only. NO flowers, donations or goodbye cards. I am also having a star name after my friend who is now among them in helaciee's memory. I choose Helaciee over Yinko because he would have wanted it this way. I will miss him every time I see an action movie watch a cartoon or hear any hip hop music.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is Jimmy I think we should attend this------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------Xio Phung-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok so if you are looking at the north star 36 degrees longitude 22 degrees latitude that is the star my wife and I had named in memory of him.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This next post is from karry smith------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I think this is really sweet but I need to say thanks for the gifts I just got mine it was wonderful but what I realy want is you to be with us I am sorry but would trade my gift just to keep you with us.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OK THIS IS JIMMY AGAIN BUT I HAVE SOMETHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT JAKE POLLO, MANNY AVALOS,RAMON BURGOS,TOM BOLINE AND MICHAELN D'ADAMO I DO NOT KNOW WHO YOU GUYS ARE AND TO BE HONEST I DO NOT CARE! THIS IS A RESPECTFUL SITE AND I WILL NOT POST ANY HATE MAIL DEATH NOTES OR ANY EMAILS WITH THE N WORD (JAKE AND RAMON) USED TO DESCRIBE MY FRIEND. HE IS A GOOD MAN AND I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANYONE WHO THINKS THEY CAN SEND RUDE E-MAILS TO ME JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE JEALOUS OF HALACIE! EVERYONE I AM SORRY FOR THE INTERRUPTION BUT I HAVE RECEIVED OVER SEVENTY SIX HATEFUL AND DEATH WISHING E-MAILS FROM THESE PEOPLE. FIFTY OF THEM CAME FROM TOM AND RAMON ALONE! I THOUGHT IF I DID NOT PAY ANY ATTENTION TO THESE E-MAILS THEY WOULD STOP BUT INSTEAD IT DID NOT AND TO MAKE THINGS WORST I GOT HORRIBLE PHOTOS SENT TO ME. SOME OF THEM INCLUDED A YOUNG BLACK HAIRED WOMAN DOING THINGS I THAT SHOULD BE LEFT THE IMAGINATION WITH SOME GUY LABELED HALACIE'S WITCH BUT WITH A B INSTEAD OF W. AND THE OTHER WERE OF HALACIE BUT I WILL NOT INTO DETAIL IT WAS LABELED BAGGED AND TAGGED. I AM SORRY BUT I CAN ONLY TAKE SO MUCH. I HOPE YOU ALL BURN IN HELL FOR WHAT YOU ARE DOING! ALL OF YOU SHOULD JUMP OFF A CLIFF TOGETHER!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this story comes from Sara Wielgos--------------------------------------------------------------------------------WHOA I just last night read this and I must say to those guys I am shocked that you could hate someone so much especially halacy of all the guys out there. Look I hope all of you get what you deserve. And that goes double for the ones that would dare use that nasty word to describe him. I saw those disgusting photo's of that girl and I don't think she even knew she was being photographed. And the photos of what was done to Halacy is fucking sick I hope someone cuts your chest out and takes a dump on your hart. My hart weeps for you girl----------------------------------------------------------------------------this story comes from Xio Phung-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Look I have just a few questions james and sara. I know you are going to hate for this but if the guys e-mailed you and you did not want to mess up this site with the trash they e-mailed you then why are we discussing it? And if the girl is doing something inappropriate then why even bother to feel for her? It is her choice who cares if it was photographed, buy talking about this only proves one thing that we let them get to us. And I know Yinko would much rather gather info these people instead of wasting time yelling over the web. My advice is this lets just find out why they are mad. I would say go to the cops as well if they are dumb enough to write a threat and e-mail it then all we is for James to print it out and show it. As far as the pictures being e-mailed try to block them. This is why we need to relax. Dose anyone know them? Those are names that I have never heard of and I don't half of his friends. but regardless james send me those pictures but no one else after that we will get to the bottom of this. --------------------------------------------------------- ----------this is from Tim Kane-------------------------------------------I know tommy if anyone is ok with it I would like to ask whats why he is acting this way? Now on another note I would also like to say thanks halacy for my gift as well. I sure wish you had more time man. And as far as his girlfriend if you are reading this then know that when halacy dose pass (thats right he is still alive but not for long) I will light two candles one for Hal and one for you. I know what it is like to have to have to slowly watch some pass away, for me it was my sister. She had a ulcer as well and she had good days and bad days. but remember it is the bad days that make the most impact and let them know you care. In the end I did not say good bye because if you love someone they never truely left you. I hope you find peace my brother.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This next post is from Crystal------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I bet you the girl in those photos is someone I know. I will beat that girls ass. But anyway I was just going to write thanx to halacy for everything. You are the only nice dressed animator on the planet and coolest person that ever worked in the cage. I know your are hurting but I want you to be able to go in peace. As for those fools that hate halacy I WOULD CURSE BUT YOU GUYS ARE NOT MEN JUST GIRLS THAT PRETEND TO BE MEN.