Now that you've made it through my opening page of graphical nonsense. Welcome, and howdy campers, my name is Phaloola (well, not really, but we'll deal with that later) and I have a problem. I love tongues. I love the tongues of others. I have what you might call a This is a non-sexual websight (so don't you kiddies worry) dedicated to the admiration and worship of the body's loveliest muscle. I've been getting a few questions as to the actual purpose of this websight. Is it a parody? Is it satire? Is it a meaningless attempt to fill the void in my life? Yes, no, maybe, probably, I forget. Make it out to be what you want. It's my job to provide you entertainment, it's up to you to process it. Anyway, back to the happy 'lil intro. You may have noticed the floating head of Elton John following around your cursor, do not be alarmed, he won't hurt you (unless you beg him for it). I'm not an expert at this whole HTML phenomena yet, so you have to pretty much bare with me as we go along. It should be a strange and magical journey full of broken links, useless java, and over-used poorly made image maps. Also, I am proud to announce that my math teacher took some photos of me with his digital camera and they are now up and on my webpage in the BIO section. So, you can finally have my oh-so-lovely presence grace your screen (I am such a narcissist). So have a seat, and indulge yourself (and your tongue) in a healthy, little obsession.....

Well boys and girls (and whoever else may be joining me this evening), I have returned. That's right, I'm back to update this webpage. OH MY GOD!! I've been busy with school, two since-ditched girlfriends, two sports, and a whole bunch of research for this webpage (you call it being a slut, I call it research). So, I'm not sure what I'm going to update other then adding the lovely picture someone put in my guestbook and writing this little quip, but I'm sure you're all glad to know I'm still alive and kicking around. I've been entertaining a new hobby recently as well. I've started an all girl punk band called Safety Seal. We can't really play any instruments or sing, but I've written some killer songs. So, check them out on this new page ---->>> La La La La La La La. Okay, rock on brothas.

Enjoy the forked-tongue interface.

All The Celebs You Hate In Very Silly Poses Admit Your Dirty, Shameful Lives To The Rest Of The World I Am So Fabulous Spank 'Em, Lick 'Em Up And Down, Make 'Em Call You Daddy, I Don't Care Lick Them Up And Down Like Postage Stamps All The British Whores You Can Handle...Or Something More Fun Than A Peach-Berry Ecstasy Trip Around The Moon

Creepy karma and bad vibes to anyone who doesn't sign my guestbook. So be a good little camper and make us privy to your most personal information.

Mindless sheep have passed through here on their way to the slaughterhouse since 7/6/00.