Criteria for joining this ring
There, that's it. It's not that hard. I will pretty much except every sight that submits, I'm not that picky.

Submit your sight to the ring and you'll be more fun than a peach-berry ecstasy trip around the moon!
What's Your Sight's Name (stupid names will be changed):
What's Your Sight's URL (the full URL, not the or address):
Give Us Your Name (in case we want to find you later):
Give Us Your Email (in case we want to try our new mail-bomb software or something):

Now Give Us Your Password (loose it and we break your thumbs):
Keyword And God-Damnit not more than 20.
Tell Us All About Your Sight. We Care So Much.

Cut and paste this html code onto your page, there is a picture of what it should look like when you put it on your websight. I'm not really strict about saving graphics to your own computer. I'd prefer it if you did, but if you don't I'll add you anyway. Change all the information to your own and everything should work. Okay kiddies, have fun and try not to hurt yourselves.

Howdy Campers, I'm Phaloola and
I'm More Fun Than A Peach-Berry Ecstacy Trip Around The Moon
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