You may have noticed that in this world wide web, there are people out there who truly strive to have a great sight. Jam packed with frames, matching buttons, customized graphics, 10 billion and 1 pages all linked together with cute matching sets, and sometimes even a little music to brighten up a surfer's day. You may also have noticed that you're not at one such sight. I don't care if things match, you may have noticed my general malaize and lack of exerted effort by the fact that I have black backgrounds and fairly plain graphics and text. And you want to know something else? I don't care. This websight is something I do in my free time, I happen to have a life (**exaggerated gasp inserted here**). It may not be much of one, and it may only consist of watching television, eating my styrofoam-like rice cakes, and leaving the house to rent clerks every Saturday, but God-Damnit I'm proud of it. Anyway, back to the point (and yes, I do have one). This is a page I created that was originally intended to be the last in the string of tongue fetishes (fetishi?). But with the not so recent and recent additions of my lick-able links and webring pages I kind of blew that plan out of the water. I hope to give you an idea of what I'm about and who I am. You should brace yourself, though, it could be relatively frightening and I don't recommend that you continue reading if you're pregnant or have a heart condition. Read it if you wish, give me feedback if you want, and you know what? You can even send me a question or a comment. My email address is at the bottom of every single page on this entire sight. I'd type it again so your precious lil hands don't have to overwork themselves by scrolling down, but I'm tired and it's 1:30 in the morning. So, less talk more content, right? Read on.

That's Right Boys And Girls: They're Finally Here!!!! Pictures of Me!!!! Click ME and see them.

Given Name: Margaret Jeanne Schrider
People Call Me: M.A.G.G.I.E (Mechanical Android Generated for Galactic Infiltration and Exploration)*please, bare with me, I have a cheesey side*
I Would Like To Be Called: Evil Goddess Phaloola
Earth Age: 14 years
Actual Age: Slightly older than the Universe, definitely older than the galaxy. What can I say, I'm immortal.
Height: 5 feet 3 inches and done growing (short people are taking over, just wait and see)
Claim To Fame: I can flare my nostrils faster than ANYONE else.
Second Claim To Fame: I can go 5 FULL minutes without blinking my eyes. In your face Steve Forbes!
Weight: 111 pounds (thin, but not in shape at all)
Religion: Card carrying atheist. No, not because it's cool, and no, not because I worship the devil. Because I don't have time to worry about the afterlife when there's so much to worry about in the here and now. So I figure I should just wait until I croak and then see what happens.
Siblings: Claire, 15; Matthew, 10; Katherine, 8; Micheal, 7
I live with a father so paranoid that someone is trying to stalk him that he doesn't want his name on the net, so I'll call him "Tom." I also have a mother named "Michelle" who lives next door to me.
# Of Piercings: 10 (or 11 depending on what day you catch me)
Location Of Piercings: Ankle (surface piercing *I only play pierce this one, that's why the # of piercings at one particular time can change*), Naval, Nipple (left), Septum, Tragus, Both Cartilages, 2 lobes on one ear, stretched lobe on other ear to 0000 gauge, and a labret (a true labret, not just a bottom lip ring with a stud, it's near the center of my chin).
Music Listened To While Creating this Sight: David Bowie's "Scary Monsters" on vinyl **SHAMELESS PLUG**
My Likes: Drag queens, transvestites in general, glam rock, punk rock (70's punk not 90's psuedo-punk), animals, Toffuti (the best tofu ice cream), surfin the net all night long, anime porno, some people, love, big hair (hey, the higher the heals, the bigger the hair, the closer to God), feather boas, purple wigs, hair dye,
My Dislikes: Homophobes, racists, bigots in general, most people, country music (although I have a strange addiction to country music television), bubblegum pop, dresses, shaving my legs, meat, fur, dairy products, and FOX (the television station)
If A Genie Granted Me Three Wishes I Would Ask For: An Anatomically Correct Barbara Streisand Doll, an hour to Time Warp in the English castle where they filmed the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and the opportunity to watch Elton John and David Bowie (in drag) wrestling in a tub of lime jello.
Favorite Thing To Do: Sleeeping, eating tofu icecream and complaining about the fat content, watching bad movies and throwing things at the screen, and on occasion I'll brave daylight and go to a bookstore.
Marital Status: Single (please, I'm 14, did you really expect me to be in a long term relationship?)
I Currently Reside In: New Port NoWhere, Florida
Eyes: Blue-green
Hair Color: This week it's bleached blonde with bad roots. I've had the following colors: blonde, red, orange, black, brown, platinum, silver, grey, blue, white, turquoise, green, pink, fuschia, purple, and topaz.
Physical Description: Big nose with a large lump in the middle, beautiful eyes (or so I've been told by countless strangers **gloat**), fat cheeks and a double chin (it's genetic, so bite me), forehead the size of a movie screen, hair that's so dead it stands straight up without the aid of gel, slightly large thighs and stomach (I'm not fat mind you, I'm actually very thin, just out of shape), big feet (in comparison to the rest of my body), calloused hands (I have this weird habit of rubbing my hands together, don't ask), brittle nails, and I don't shave at all (that's by choice, I did shave for a while, but I stopped).
Mental Description: I'm a total snob, I have the attention span of an angry duck, I think that I'm always right (I am, aren't I?), and I pride myself in the fact that I'm lazy as hell.
I.Q.: 160 (I'm such a nerd)
Favorite Colors: Neon Clear, Electric Pumpernickle, and Hot Pink
Favorite Food: Tofu and vege pockets by Amy's
Favorite Drink: Pepsi
Drug of Choice: Caffience (drug of champions)
Favorite Animal: The Fuzzy Platypus
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite Quote: "Just because some of us can read and write and do a little math, that doesn't mean we deserve to conquer the universe." - Kurt Vonnegut
Favorite Book: Half Asleep In Frog Pajamas by Tom Robbins
Favorite Author: Tom Robbins and Kurt Vonegut and Micheal Moore and Valerie Solanas (SCUM Manifesto)
Favorite Television Program: Will & Grace, and Beyond Bizarre on the Discovery channel
Favorite Movie: I have a lot of these. Velvet Goldmine, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Velocity of Gary, Strangeland, the Piano, Clerks, Amadeus, Artemisia, Dogma, Chasing Amy, If These Walls Could Talk, If These Walls Could Talk 2, and Labyrinth

Favorite Actor: Richard O' Brian, Tim Curry, Patricia Quinn, Jon Rhys-Meyers, Ewan McGregor, Chloe Sevigney, Hillary Swank, Kevin Smith, Ellen Degeneres, and Anne Heche
Favorite CD Cover Art: Frank Zappa's "A Ship To Late to Save a Drowning Witch"
Favorite CD: The Velvet Goldmine Soundtrack, Changes by David Bowie, Diamonds in the Belly of a Dog by the Other Star People, and Abbey Road by the Beatles
Favorite Band: The Beatles, Indigo Girls, Fruit, Betty, Hole, L7, Veruca Salt, Weezer, the Smiths, Culture Club, Duran Duran, Queen, Green Day, and REM
My Entire CD Collection: The Other Starp People's "Diamonds in the Belly of a Dog" , The Ramones' "Ramones Mania", The Rocky Horror Picture Show Audience Participation Album CDs 1 and 2, The Cure's "Bloodflowers", Melissa Etheridge's "Brave and Crazy", Melissa Etheridge's "Yes I Am", Melissa Etheridge's Self Titled, Melissa Etheridge's "Your Little Secret", Melissa Etheridge's "Never Enough", Marcy Playground's Self Titled, The Beatles' "White Album" CDs 1 and 2, The Beatles' "Rubber Soul", The Beatles' "Live at the BBC" CDs 1 and 2, The Beatles' "Let It Be", The Beatles' "Revolver", The Beatles' "Abbey Road", The Beatles' "Help", Roxy Music's "High Road", Roxy Music and Brian Ferry's "Street Life", David Bowie's "Changes", David Bowie's "Heroes", Nine Inch Nails' "The Fragile", The Prodigy's "Voodoo People", KoRn's "Issues", KoRn's "Follow the Leader", Christian Death's "The Doll's Theatre", Beck's "Midnight Vultures", Beck's "Mellow Gold", Bauhaus' "Gotham", Bauhaus' "Crackle", Marilyn Manson's "Mechanical Animals", Marilyn Manson's "Antichrist Superstar", Coal Chamber's "Chamber Music", k.d. lang's "Drag", Silver Chair's "Neon Ballroom", Fiona Apple's "Tidal", Fiona Apple's "When The Pawn Hits the Conflicts....", Green Day's "Dookie", Green Day's "Nimrod", Aqua's "Aquarium", Soul Asylum's "Grave Dancer's Union", Queen's "Killers" the live album, Duran Duran's "Rio", Culture Club's "Kissing to Be Clever", David Bowie's "Scary Monsters", Elton John's "Don't Shoot, I'm Just the Piano Player", and the Velvet Goldmine soundtrack
Favorite Musician: David Bowie, k.d. lang, Jill Sobule, Beck, Peter Murphy, Elton John, Melissa Etheridge, and John Lennon
Favorite Song: "Hot One" by Shudder to Think and "Buddy Holly" by Weezer
Favorite Artist: Jackson Polluck and Andy Warhol
Favorite Painting: The banana that Andy Warhol did that's on the cover of the Velvet Underground's debut cd.
Favorite Websight: Well duh. But my second favorite is Eric Conveys an Emotion and Meat.Org
Favorite Political Cause: Gay Rights and Animal Rights
I'm also a vegan. I've been a strict vegetarian for over 3 years, but I only became a strict vegan about 2 months ago.
I'm Pro-Choice, even for partial-birth abortion
I'm Encouraging Those Of Voting Age To Vote For: Ralph Nadar, the Green Party
I'm a member of the Radical Left. Well, maybe I'm not a member, I think the whole idea of being a radical leftist is that you're not a member, but I consider myself a radical leftist. There, that's better.
I oppenly oppose commercialism. I hate big business. Recently there was an anti-commercialism conference in a city near by, I got the most fascinating literature, including a book edited by Anuradha Mittal and Peter Rosser called "America Needs Human Rights". A collection of essays relating to the deepening poverty of our nation amid the plenty of a booming economy. America blows.
W ho's
T aking
O ver
End Corporate Control

I wear a lot of clothes that I buy at the thrift store, Salvation Army is a goldmine. My favorite shirt of all time is one I found at Sal's, it's a long sleeve button up decorated by psuedo-chinese patterns in bright orange and pink (definitely a disco shirt).
People That Are Currently On My Hit List (Disclaimer: I don't really wish them dead, well I do, but I don't wish them murdered): Fred Phelps aka pure evil , Jerry Falwell, William Knight (of proposition 22), and Dr. Laura Schlessinger
People I Love: Ralph Nadar , Gore (a little), and Micheal Moore
Well, that's me. I'm gonna scan some pictures eventually. If you have anything you wanna ask me, feel free. What else do I have to do with my time except answer email?

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