(1044/1044)(366/374)(13454)sw pppyyyyyy You are walking on a grassy field. The grass looks inviting to you, p?pyyyyyy maybe you should rest here. The open space makes you somewhat pppy*yyyy nervous, there is absolutely no place to hide if some animal ppyyyyyyy attacks. A small greenish grey plant grows here. ppyyyyyyy Warm rain drums the ground from a still, clear sky. Obvious exits are: nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s and se. (1044/1044)(366/374)(13454)sw sp?pyyyyy You are walking on a grassy field. The grass looks inviting to you, ppppyyyyy maybe you should rest here. The open space makes you somewhat pppy*yyyy nervous, there is absolutely no place to hide if some animal pppyyyyyy attacks. Warm rain drums the ground from a still, clear sky. pppyy?yyy Obvious exits are: nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s and se. (1044/1044)(364/374)(13454)b tele jebu k jebu ui ^^^^^^^^^ You are walking amidst gently sloping hills covered with tough ^^^^^^^^^ grass. A few bushes of various types grow here, perhaps concealing ^^^^*C^^^ small animals. A plant with short tufts of grass grows here. ^^^^^^^^^ Warm rain drums the ground from a still, clear sky. ^^^^^^^^^ There are no obvious exits. Mudpit full of thick oozing mud Daria Ravensflyte the Satyr is an ubergeek! [inside the mudpit looking miserable] Jebu the Ent Druid There is a fierce combat going on here, beware! (1044/1044)(373/374)(13454)(1044/1044)(373/374)(13454)You start concentrating on the skill. (1044/1044)(373/374)(13454)z Jebu is not in a good shape. (1044/1044)(373/374)(13454)Jebu jostles Daria causing a small scratch. Jebu jostles Daria causing a small scratch. Daria jostles Jebu causing a small scratch. You sink Jebu causing a nasty laceration. You bore Jebu sparking a limb to slice open. Ewige tells you 'want to? =)' Jebu jostles Daria producing a shock. Jebu misses Daria. Daria jostles Jebu producing a shock. You miss Daria. You puncture Daria inducing a nasty lesion. k daria You are already fighting! (1044/1044)(373/374)(13454)ui You decide to change the skill to new one. You start concentrating on the skill. (1044/1044)(373/374)(13454)z Daria is in a good shape. (1044/1044)(373/374)(13454)You successfully dodge Jebu's bash. Jebu misses you. Daria lightly jostles you making small marks. You bore Daria making skin fall off from cold. You sink Daria causing a nasty laceration. z Jebu is in bad shape. (1040/1044)(373/374)(13454)Jebu misses Daria. Jebu jostles Daria causing a small scratch. Daria lightly jostles you making small marks. You score a CRITICAL hit! Grinning diabolically you BARBARICALLY PIERCE Jebu causing heart tissue to fly everywhere. Jebu lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood. You bore Jebu making skin fall off from cold. z Daria is slightly hurt. (1035/1044)(373/374)(13454)Daria lightly jostles you inducing a small shock. You sink Daria causing a nasty laceration. You miss Daria. z Daria is slightly hurt. (1031/1044)(373/374)(13454)Daria lightly jostles you making small marks. You bore Jebu sparking a limb to slice open. Jebu moves on to happier hunting grounds. Jebu is DEAD, R.I.P. Jebu's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black. You are prepared to do the skill. You swiftly impale your enemy across the throat, almost crushing her windpipe! ...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again. Daria's flex shield wobbles. ui You start concentrating on the skill. (1023/1044)(341/374)(13454)z Daria is noticeably hurt. (1023/1044)(341/374)(13454)z Daria is noticeably hurt. (1023/1044)(341/374)(13454)Daria misses you. You puncture Daria inducing a nasty lesion. You puncture Daria inducing a nasty lesion. z Daria is noticeably hurt. (1023/1044)(341/374)(13454)Daria misses you. You miss Daria. You puncture Daria causing minor frostbite. You are prepared to do the skill. You lunge forward, and POUND your enemy across the ribcage! ...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again. Daria's flex shield wobbles. § There are no obvious exits. (1023/1044)(309/374)(13454)ui You start concentrating on the skill. (1023/1044)(309/374)(13454)z Daria is in bad shape. (1023/1044)(309/374)(13454)Daria misses you. You pierce Daria causing a small wound. You miss Daria. z Daria is in bad shape. (1023/1044)(309/374)(13454)Daria lightly jostles you making small marks. You miss Daria. You puncture Daria causing minor frostbite. z Daria is in bad shape. (1019/1044)(309/374)(13454)You successfully dodge Daria's bash. You miss Daria. You miss Daria. z Daria is in bad shape. (1019/1044)(309/374)(13454)Daria misses you. You puncture Daria inducing a nasty lesion. You pierce Daria causing skin to freeze. z Daria is in very bad shape. (1019/1044)(309/374)(13454)Daria misses you. You sink Daria making limbs stiffen with ice. You pierce Daria causing a small wound. You are prepared to do the skill. You use all your strength, and POUND a mighty blow to foe's exposed chest! ...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again. Daria's flex shield wobbles. Daria lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood. ui You start concentrating on the skill. (1019/1044)(277/374)(13454)z Daria is near death. (1019/1044)(277/374)(13454)You miss Daria. You sink Daria causing a nasty laceration. Blood pours from Daria's wounds. The blood red demon shouts 'You have 25 minutes.' z Daria is near death. (1019/1044)(277/374)(13454)You miss Daria. You pierce Daria causing a small wound. Blood pours from Daria's wounds. A large cavity replaces Daria's chest. Daria is DEAD, R.I.P. The demon tells you 'You gain 705 points for killing Daria.' Daria's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black. z You are not in combat right now. (1019/1044)(277/374)(13454)§ There are no obvious exits. (1019/1044)(277/374)(13454)You are prepared to do the skill. At whom ? § There are no obvious exits. (1019/1044)(277/374)(13454)You feel fully healed. max [ matron ] 6 times Jenske the honorable Drow [ esquire ] Atnoz the Giant @>--,--`--- < (o) (1044/1044)(336/374)(13454)Swashbuckler tells you 'heh.. all's fair :)' b scores The scores for the current ongoing blood bath: # Player Score | # Player Score 1 Toag 881 | 9 Braik 194 2 (Shagrath) 844 | 10 Herkules 95 3 Glaurung 819 | 11 (Daria) 71 4 Grimmm 753 | 12 (Jalin) 65 5 (Eressa) 339 | 13 (Ewige) 45 6 Flemfruit 320 | 14 (Nakor) 37 7 Drakcap 273 | 15 Linkless 19 8 (Backlash) 267 | Ok. (1044/1044)(349/374)(13454) (1044/1044)(304/374)(13454)The blood red demon shouts 'This is the last minute!' b scores The scores for the current ongoing blood bath: # Player Score | # Player Score 1 Toag 881 | 9 (Backlash) 267 2 (Shagrath) 844 | 10 Braik 194 3 Glaurung 819 | 11 Herkules 95 4 Grimmm 808 | 12 (Daria) 71 5 (Xiticix) 552 | 13 (Jalin) 65 6 (Drakcap) 376 | 14 (Ewige) 45 7 (Eressa) 339 | 15 (Nakor) 37 8 Flemfruit 320 | 16 (Linkless) 19 Ok. (1044/1044)(304/374)(13454) (1044/1044)(297/374)(13454)You feel almost fully recovered. (1044/1044)(310/374)(13454)The blood red demon shouts 'THE BLOOD BATH HAS ENDED.' The demon tells you 'Thank you for participating in the Blood Bath.' The demon tells you 'I'll grant you 50000 experience for your kills.' The blood red demon shouts 'And the highest score was made by Toag!' The blood red demon shouts 'The winner is Toag!' The demon tells you 'Congratulations. You have the highest score of the living players that are logged on. You feel more experienced. As a reward, I'll give you this potion.' Peace and order is restored to the world. Stop fighting each other. @Harambikkel claps at you.