You feel like Div healed you a bit. Div [vsa+]: 183 Bozak draconian shouts 'Anastasia is in a much warmer place now!' Ivanor [vsa+]: onko kellaa crimson plumea arkuis lojumas? Fuk [wanted]: surgery to 80 Qozza [sales]: dragon helm (+5str,lw) mb50k Ghost of Anastasia [ghost]: ress please Altarism [wanted]: 2x brantis axe ,spiked battlesuit and amulet of wendigo warriors Lythlandria [ghost]: accept if needed Toag wears a round vial labeled as (TOAG) (full). Toag starts concentrating on a new spell. Cobrelli [wanted]: 2x blood axe/drow lords axe Purple mage shouts 'Rayne just made my day!' Sven shouts 'Tag should stick to PIGEONS! I want a tougher challenge!' Murrough [wanted]: party for barb Toag starts concentrating on a new spell. Balrog shouts 'Shar died like a DOG!' Ghost of Rayne [ghost]: eh...ress pls 200k on Toag mutters the holy words 'Zanctum Zanctus Aqua' Vial rise from Toag's hands high in the air. The liquid inside vial dazzles brightly for a moment as it turns into holy water. Vial stops spinning and falls gently to the ground. Toag starts concentrating on a new skill. Elgarth [ghost]: accept Toag performs a solemn ceremony to please Aveallis. Bahumat [wanted]: healer Zinnukka pads in. Rayne [ghost]: hehe yea Donamar [sales]: doing minor surgeries at zhamania crystal Toag wears a round vial labeled as (TOAG) (full). Toag starts concentrating on a new spell. Toag mutters the holy words 'Zanctum Zanctus Aqua' Toag starts concentrating on a new skill. Lorrain [wanted]: summon to bc or near, paying 1k Toag performs a solemn ceremony to please Aveallis. Toag starts concentrating on a new spell. Toag mutters the holy words 'Zanctum Zanctus Aqua' Vial rise from Toag's hands high in the air. The liquid inside vial dazzles brightly for a moment as it turns into holy water. Vial stops spinning and falls gently to the ground. Toag starts concentrating on a new skill. Toag performs a solemn ceremony to please Aveallis. Ko ClawFrea shouts 'Shar just made my day!' Jah [newbie]: help Zyclop [wanted]: sum+rp Jah [newbie]: oops Toag wears a round vial labeled as (TOAG) (full). Toag starts concentrating on a new spell. Toag starts concentrating on a new spell. Toag mutters the holy words 'Zanctum Zanctus Aqua' Snow dog shouts 'Next time, Zup, bring me your friends too!' Toag starts concentrating on a new skill. Toag starts concentrating on a new spell. Ghost of Yohoack [ghost]: rais please Toag mutters the holy words 'Zanctum Zanctus Aqua' Antikiller [ghost]: accept ress or rais from antikiller Toag starts concentrating on a new skill. Toag performs a solemn ceremony to please Aveallis. Zyclop [wanted]: sum+rp, hurry please Zin swings his Whip of player control, you hear a sharp *SNAP*. Toag Tremor the unseen Duck janski turns into a pile of dust. Cogline [wanted]: party for mage Morga [newbie]: could someone tell me howcan i find digga's. i'm at the south gate... Info: Toag was banished for roboting. Dude [wanted]: scroll ea Rognus [vsa+]: mitäh? Jebu [newbie]: from sc:4 s, 7 se, 19 s, 19 w, 5 sw, se about Div [vsa+]: hihi Force [wanted]: wow Force [wanted]: first robotheart,now toag? Mercury [vsa+]: joku pelleilee Mercury [vsa+]: raxe Dude [wanted]: scroll of enchanced armour Div [vsa+]: näkyy inform lastis :P Lythlandria [bat]: too bad they don't just remove the robotters Qozza [sales]: sword of law (+dam,+lotsa hit) mb150k Berovir [bat]: too bad they dont rem ya Warmonger [wanted]: spider mask,cloak & a lock Rippe [wanted]: party for hardhitting barbarian Ghost of Saotome [ghost]: rais plz Antikiller [ghost]: accept ress or rais from antikiller Zion [wanted]: a ranger near there guild for 2 secs Baal [wanted]: summon to town Zinnukka pads out. Guardsman shouts 'Virtualman's BLOOD tasted good!' You feel like Taerom healed you a