Sitruuna Pippuri the benevolent Leprechaun < > Qurp Blitzkrieg the transparent Shadow smooth operator an ice-covered demon a frost-covered drow guard Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush! Your marvelous intellect avoids a nasty ambush. eeee You start chanting. You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting. party say concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1166/1455)(252/254)(215055)(37)Sitruuna starts concentrating on a new offensive spell. Toag {party}: concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1166/1455)(252/254)(215055)(37)Tiger leaps in from the shadows! på TIGER LEAPED!!!! 749/749 1166/1455 -105 252/254 Acid ray: ### You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste. Toag {party}: TIGER LEAPED!!!! (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1166/1455)(252/254)(215055)(37)pk ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | 18539: a drow warrior is here guarding the keep | | 23065: the captain of the womens guard | | 22765: a female drow guardian | | 29700: a drow guard is here watching her post | | 5496: a drow priestess | | 8541: a priestess of the demon queen | | 103956: Maria, the head mistress | | 7395: a drow guard is here working for the Despana | | 10423: Ben, the retarded cousin who works as a guard for his uncle | | 14201: Hektor, the mage who failed mage college | | 3621: a drow guard is here working for the Despana | | 35028: Novak, the dark priest of Llyth | | 6176: the drow gatekeeper | | 3978: a drow guard is here to guard the keep | | 5501: an off duty guard is trying to get some sleep | | 6931: a fat, sleepy drow guard | | 5458: a skinny little elfin woman guarding the tower | | 5535: a fat, sleepy elfin guard | | 9288: a small blue baby ice demon | | 19303: a baby frost demon | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1166/1455)(252/254)(215055)(37)Tiger leaves south. You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You roll your eyes wildly and exclaim 'fzz mar nak semen' You watch with selfpride as your acid ray hits Ice demon. YUCH, Ice demon's entrails spill all over the place. Ice demon is DEAD, R.I.P. save Frost covered guard loses the privilege to live. Frost covered guard is DEAD, R.I.P. save Qurp hits Frost covered guard 1 time. SAVED. (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1061/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)SAVED. (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1061/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)Sitruuna holds a Necromatic Staff high above her head and chants 'arkemile' The corpse writhes and twists; then suddenly it disintegrates into dust. The corpse writhes and twists; then suddenly it disintegrates into dust. Sitruuna holds a Necromatic Staff high above her head and chants 'arkemile' *Sitruuna gains 8433 exp. eeee You start chanting. You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting. party say concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1061/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)Toag {party}: concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1061/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)l 749/749 1061/1455 -105 252/254 Acid ray: ### You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste. There are no light sources here, but you can still see. The interior of this dark stone building is only one level and made for defense and not comfort. The walls are almost a meter thick and there are no windows. There are, however, several slits in the walls for arrows. Obvious exits are: enter and s. A steel main gauche A silk girdle A big pile of mowgles coins A small pile of zinc coins A pile of tin coins A round vial (empty) An iron blackjack A steel sceptre A small pile of bronze coins A steel war mattock Darksteel sleeves Sitruuna Pippuri the benevolent Leprechaun < > Qurp Blitzkrieg the transparent Shadow smooth operator (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1061/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)Qurp leaves south. Sitruuna leaves south. Your movement prevents you from casting the spell. CASTING BROKEN. Interior of the castle grounds (n,s,e,w). A cedar long spear and a copper cape Sitruuna Pippuri the benevolent Leprechaun < > Qurp Blitzkrieg the transparent Shadow smooth operator A male master assassin tiger tracking his prey Qurp starts concentrating on a new offensive spell. qq You start chanting. You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting. party say concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1061/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)Qurp attacks Tiger! Tiger hits Qurp 1 time. Tiger leaves north. Toag {party}: concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1061/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)Psychic crush: #### You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste. Qurp {party}: hw off! dom (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1061/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)You interrupt the chant in order to start a new chant. CASTING RESTARTED. You start chanting. You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting. party say concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1061/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)Toag {party}: casting force dome (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1061/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)Qurp aborts the spell casting. Toag {party}: concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1061/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)Force dome: ##### (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1061/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)Qurp {party}: nod Force dome: #### (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1061/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)Sitruuna starts concentrating on a new spell. Force dome: ### You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste. You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You utter the magic words 'xulu tango charlie' This location is now surrounded in a shimmering blue forcefield. party say --> Shelter Active. <-- Sitruuna claps her hands and whispers 'judicandus mangenic' Sitruuna casts her spell at Qurp. Toag {party}: --> Shelter Active. <-- (Hp:749/749)(Sp:946/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)Qurp leaves north. Sitruuna leaves north. Main Building (enter,s). Sitruuna Pippuri the benevolent Leprechaun < > Qurp Blitzkrieg the transparent Shadow smooth operator A male master assassin tiger tracking his prey Qurp starts concentrating on a new offensive spell. qq tiger You start chanting. (Hp:749/749)(Sp:946/1455)(252/254)(222784)(37)Tiger leaves enter. 749/749 1033/1455 -28 254/254 Psychic crush: #### qq tiger You interrupt the chant in order to start a new chant. CASTING RESTARTED. You start chanting. You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting. party say concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1033/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Toag {party}: concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1033/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Qurp leaves enter. Sitruuna leaves enter. Your movement prevents you from casting the spell. CASTING BROKEN. Receiving Room (out,e,w). Sitruuna Pippuri the benevolent Leprechaun < > Qurp Blitzkrieg the transparent Shadow smooth operator qq tiger You start chanting. (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1033/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)cc You quack 'You concentrate on your surroundings:.' You quack ' +-+-+ +---+ +-+-+.' You quack ' |M O+-+ P +-+M |.' You quack ' +---+ +*--+ +---+.' (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1033/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)749/749 1023/1455 -10 254/254 Psychic crush: #### Tiger leaves east. Qurp {party}: shelteri qq tiger You interrupt the chant in order to start a new chant. CASTING RESTARTED. You start chanting. You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting. party say concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1023/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Toag {party}: concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1023/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Psychic crush: #### You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste. dim Qurp starts concentrating on a new offensive spell. (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1023/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)You interrupt the chant in order to start a new chant. CASTING RESTARTED. You start chanting. (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1023/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Toag {party}: Opening Dimension Door (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1023/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)dom Sitruuna starts concentrating on a new spell. (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1023/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)You interrupt the chant in order to start a new chant. CASTING RESTARTED. You start chanting. You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting. party say concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1023/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Toag {party}: casting force dome (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1023/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Toag {party}: concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1023/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Force dome: ##### You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste. (Hp:749/749)(Sp:1023/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Tiger leaves out. Force dome: ## You skillfully cast the spell with haste. Qurp aborts the spell casting. Sitruuna aborts the spell casting. You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You utter the magic words 'xulu tango charlie' This location is now surrounded in a shimmering blue forcefield. party say --> Shelter Active. <-- Toag {party}: --> Shelter Active. <-- (Hp:749/749)(Sp:908/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Qurp leaves out. Sitruuna leaves out. Main Building (enter,s). Sitruuna Pippuri the benevolent Leprechaun < > Qurp Blitzkrieg the transparent Shadow smooth operator A male master assassin tiger tracking his prey Qurp starts concentrating on a new offensive spell. qq tiger You start chanting. You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting. party say concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:908/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Toag {party}: concealed (Hp:749/749)(Sp:908/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)749/749 908/1455 -115 254/254 Psychic crush: #### Qurp attacks Tiger! Qurp hits Tiger 1 time. Tiger hits Qurp 1 time. Sitruuna starts concentrating on a new offensive spell. (Hp:749/749)(Sp:908/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)wave Psychic crush: ### You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste. You wave happily. (Hp:749/749)(Sp:908/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Sitruuna {party}: Dispel evil: - 4 - x Tiger is slightly hurt. (Hp:749/749)(Sp:908/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)x You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You clench your fists and yell 'tora tora tora' You feel like you managed to channel additional POWER to your spell. You crush Tiger's mind with your psychic attack! Tiger lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood. party say Tiger has gone UNCONSCIOUS! cast deaths door at Tiger Tiger loses the privilege to live. Tiger is DEAD, R.I.P. save Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush! Tiger's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black. You are not in combat right now. (Hp:712/749)(Sp:732/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Sitruuna holds a Necromatic Staff high above her head and chants 'arkemile' Sitruuna {party}: Dispel evil: - 3 - Toag {party}: Tiger has gone UNCONSCIOUS! (Hp:712/749)(Sp:732/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)You don't know that spell. (Hp:712/749)(Sp:732/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)SAVED. (Hp:712/749)(Sp:732/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)Pahvi [fin]: nii oliks gore ilkeel päällä tänää? Qurp aborts the spell casting. Sitruuna aborts the spell casting. (Hp:712/749)(Sp:732/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)708/749 -41 817/1455 -91 254/254 Pahvi [fin]: [hockey]: Page gives gore the finger who race ghost [ peer ] Ghost of Dupre [ knight ] Ghost of Murdoch ( lord ) Soul of Damogles 3 players shown. (<>=Wizard, {}=Leader, []=Mortal, ()=Reborn) (Hp:708/749)(Sp:817/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37) (Hp:708/749)(Sp:817/1455)(254/254)(222784)(37)