Sly Storm-force the Zombie Sex God *modest*. As you set your eyes on this god-like being, you become aware that although still powerful, his presence is not what it once was, you get the feeling he is searching for something more meaningful than mere possessions in this world. the tinge of sadness that surrounds him suggests he has not found what he so desires, or perhaps he found it once but it was taken away from him, you will never know. He is in excellent shape. He is one of the most fearsome and cunning spellcasters in BatMUD. Sly's equipment: Head: A Golden Helm <|sly|> (glowing) Neck: A golden necklace studded with huge diamonds (glowing) Amulet: Amulet of protection of the Circle Amulet: Dull black amulet ...It has a black aura around it. (glowing) Cloak: A voluminous robe Cloak: Black Tunica of Zyll (glowing) Torso: Mirror breastplate (glowing) Both arms: Sacred Bracelets of Eternity (glowing) Both hands: Gloves of Nimbleness (glowing) Bracelets: Golden Bracelets (glowing) Finger: Ring made of tin (glowing) Finger: A heavy black metal ring (glowing) Held: A wand of magic <|sly|> (glowing) Held: A wand of magic <|sly|> (glowing) Belt: Belt of bones (glowing) Leg: A battle-scarred shin guard (glowing) Leg: A battle-scarred shin guard (glowing) Both feet: A pair of short green tattered boots (glowing) Forehead: Tattoo of the blue star Around the neck: The crystal pendant of the Navigators (glowing)