Obvious exits are: nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s and se. A green gas street lamp (Hp:673/673)(Sp:619/1132)(274/274)(167287)(7)nw ... You are walking on a paved road which is bustling with #.... activity. #.@.& #.&.& ... Obvious exits are: nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s and se. Proteus Xatapechtli the Duck woofhopple Guest-2 the Player Nasty multicolored demon Demon roars 'I will hunt you down, Toag!' You miss Demon. You spank Demon making small marks. Demon pricks you producing large scratches. Demon misses you. Demon tastes you causing a small scratch. (Hp:636/673)(Sp:619/1132)(274/274)(167287)(7)Hp: 636 +125 Sp: 619 -39 Ep: 274 Kenn arrives from east. de demon You start chanting. (Hp:636/673)(Sp:619/1132)(274/274)(167287)(7)Kenn leaves south. Kenn arrives from south. la demon The Demon looks you and your stuff hungrily. The HUGE Bat-like wings glimmer in many colors you have before just dreamed about. Despite of its beauty it looks very evil. t is not in a good shape. Demon's equipment: Nothing. (Hp:636/673)(Sp:619/1132)(274/274)(167287)(7)Proteus starts concentrating on a new offensive spell. Dispel evil: #### You miss Demon. You spank Demon making small marks. Demon pricks you producing large scratches. Demon misses you. Demon misses you. Pehtoori arrives from north. Pehtoori leaves east. l ... You are walking on a paved road which is bustling with #.... activity. #.@.& #.&.& ... Obvious exits are: nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s and se. Kenn Gunn the grey Elf kennikala Proteus Xatapechtli the Duck woofhopple Guest-2 the Player Nasty multicolored demon (Hp:609/673)(Sp:619/1132)(274/274)(167287)(7)Hp: 609 -27 Sp: 619 Ep: 274 Dispel evil: ### You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste. The Demon laughs at you. Demon successfully parries your punch. Demon successfully dodges your futile punch. Demon pricks you producing large scratches. Demon scrapes you producing large scratches. Demon misses you. x Demon is not in a good shape. Demon is not in a good shape. (Hp:565/673)(Sp:619/1132)(274/274)(167287)(7)loot Hp: 565 -44 Sp: 619 Ep: 274 You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You rub your Fat ruler while humbly reciting 'Ez' div' You sustain the spell and let its power grow before unleashing it. Air crackles around you as dazzling flash erupts from your Fat ruler and strikes with sheer force upon Demon. Demon is dogfood. Demon is DEAD, R.I.P. save loot You take A lightweight shovel, a pair of leggings, made of human flesh , a steel vest, a steel blackjack, a big pile of gold coins, a large chunk of wood, Some deer meat, a large dukonium vault labeled as Set (closed) and a barbed demonscale platemail from a deep fried yolk of Demon. (Hp:565/673)(Sp:480/1132)(274/274)(173032)(75)Kenn takes a deep fried yolk of Demon. SAVED. (Hp:565/673)(Sp:480/1132)(274/274)(173032)(75)loot There is no all corpse here. (Hp:565/673)(Sp:480/1132)(274/274)(173032)(75)There is no all corpse here. (Hp:565/673)(Sp:480/1132)(274/274)(173032)(75)loot There is no all corpse here. (Hp:565/673)(Sp:480/1132)(274/274)(173032)(75)loot loot There is no all corpse here. (Hp:565/673)(Sp:480/1132)(274/274)(173032)(75)loot There is no all corpse here. (Hp:565/673)(Sp:480/1132)(274/274)(173032)(75)There is no all corpse here. (Hp:565/673)(Sp:480/1132)(274/274)(173032)(75)ne Hp: 565 Sp: 480 -139 Ep: 274 Kenn leaves south.