-->invis mu You start chanting. -->Invisibility: # You are done with the chant. You utter the magic words '..... .... ... .. . .!' You suddenly can't see yourself. -->e Chunkster's trophy of chunks is the place where The Grand Master Torturer supplies the leftovers of the chunks he or other prison personnel don't eat for a reason or another. You smell fresh blood here. This place is also known to be the place where people bring the chunks of their enemies and sell them to be kept here to represent their status. Many players also sell here their trophies. Usage: 'sell item','sell all' or 'list'. Obvious exit is: west. A trashcan Melwyn Napander the Troll pyllypasteija Chunkster, the chunkshop's keeper There is a fierce combat going on here, beware! -->Chunkster pushes Melwyn with a bone crushing sound. grr You growl and mutter 'Grrrr..'. -->Chunkster reels from Melwyn's onslaught and collapses upon the ground coughing up internal organs. say get the fuck out You say 'get the fuck out.' -->Melwyn goes huh? looking like it didn't quite get it. Melwyn leaves west. w An underground prison complex. To the south is the main corridor connecting the eastern and the western wing. Obvious exits are: w, s and e. Melwyn Napander the Troll pyllypasteija -->ip You start concentrating on the skill. -->zz You break your skill attempt. -->l There are no light sources here, but you can still see. An underground prison complex. To the south is the main corridor connecting the eastern and the western wing. Obvious exits are: w, s and e. Melwyn Napander the Troll pyllypasteija -->grr You growl and mutter 'Grrrr..'. -->Melwyn asks 'you were killing that?' say now you die You say 'now you die.' -->lol You laugh out loud. -->say säikähikkö You say 'säikähikkö.' -->mad You let out a hideous laugh, run around the room and then suddenly stop. -->Melwyn grunts 'PRRR.' Melwyn grunts 'sitä mieki.' Melwyn grunts 'huira muroksiitin.' -->Melwyn leaves east. e Chunkster's trophy of chunks is the place where The Grand Master Torturer supplies the leftovers of the chunks he or other prison personnel don't eat for a reason or another. You smell fresh blood here. This place is also known to be the place where people bring the chunks of their enemies and sell them to be kept here to represent their status. Many players also sell here their trophies. Usage: 'sell item','sell all' or 'list'. Obvious exit is: west. A trashcan Melwyn Napander the Troll pyllypasteija Chunkster, the chunkshop's keeper There is a fierce combat going on here, beware! -->Melwyn starts concentrating on a new offensive skill. csw melwyn You start chanting. -->Melwyn goes 'Gnnnn!'. Cure serious wounds: # Chunkster pushes Melwyn with a bone crushing sound. You are done with the chant. You turn visible. You clap your hands and whisper 'judicandus ignius' You heal little of Melwyn's wounds. You get bad vibrations as Chunkster's spine snaps with an audible *SNAP*. Chunkster is DEAD, R.I.P. -->Furtoe [vsa+]: aisioita joita voit tehdä hississä jos siellä on muitakin: 1. jos pieraiset nosta kädet ilmaan ja huuda se olin minä. 2 aina kun joku painaa nappulaa päästä räjähdys ääni 3. varaa suuhusi hammastahnaa ja valuta se sopivan hetken tullen ulos pakko Melwyn lights a torch. Melwyn starts concentrating on a new skill. csw melwyn You start chanting. -->Melwyn uses a burning torch to set the room ablaze! Soon leaping flames leap from every flammable object, and thick clouds of smoke billow forth. Melwyn laughs with evil glee and sorts through the wreckage for valuables. Chunkster's corpse is burned into char. Cure serious wounds: # Melwyn extinguishes a torch, causing darkness to surround you. Melwyn extinguishes a torch. -->You sizzle with magical energy. You are done with the chant. You clap your hands and whisper 'judicandus ignius' You heal little of Melwyn's wounds. say hauskaa :) You say 'hauskaa :).' -->csw melwyn You start chanting. -->You feel like Slith healed you a bit. Melwyn grunts 'hihi.' Niagara [sales]: soth maul mb500k la melwyn You are done with the chant. You clap your hands and whisper 'judicandus ignius' You heal some of Melwyn's wounds. Melwyn Napander the Troll pyllypasteija. It has a wart on its left leg, right leg, right arm, left hand, right hand, forehead, left cheek and right cheek. It is in excellent shape. Melwyn's equipment: Neck: Slime necklace Amulet: The amulet of the Wendigo Warrior Cloak: A brown cloak of protection Bracelet: Bracelet made of yellow crystal Bracelet: Bracelet made of yellow crystal Wielded in right claw: A highsteel battleaxe Wielded in left claw: Black Axe called 'The Bleeder' Finger: Seventh Star of Constitution [Made by: Tarquin] labeled as <+7 con, illumium> Finger: A plastic ring gotten from muropaketti [Made by: Rauskis] labeled as 6dex2con Belt: Silver Great Belt Both legs and upper body: Black samurai armour Both feet: Wonderful boots of evasion On buttock: LaatuLiha(tm) stamp Necklace: A shrunken skull necklace On shoulder: Penis the funny roc Melwyn grunts 'ootaha kun mieki teen.' Melwyn grunts 'tiigurin.' -->fear You are struck by complete and utter fear.