la kenn Kenn Gunn the Ogre kennikala < lisa >. trying to bite you.. She has a boil on her left leg, nose and left hand. She is in excellent shape. She is one of the most fearsome and cunning warriors in BatMUD. Kenn's equipment: Head: Black horned helm of Black Reaver (glowing) Neck: Slime necklace (glowing) Amulet: The Amberley Ankh (glowing) Cloak: Black Reaver's cape (glowing) Torso: White cotton t-shirt with the words 'I'm a swedish viking' written on the chest Torso: The Divine Amberley Breastplate (blessed) (glowing) Both arms: Black Bracers of Madness (glowing) Both hands: A pair of gauntlets of dexterity (glowing) Bracelet: Bracelet of Despair (glowing) Bracelet: Bracelet of Despair (glowing) Wielded in left hand: Shield named 'Reflection of Goodness' (glowing) Wielded in right hand: Frosty three bladed halberd (glowing) Finger: A small jeweled ring (glowing) Finger: A small jeweled ring (glowing) Belt: Crimson Brigades's weapon belt Belt: A black skull has a black aura around it (glowing) Both legs: Curved leggings <|arthedain|> (glowing) Both feet: Blue dragon boots (glowing) On shoulder: Havukka the large hawk (651/940)(388/388)(131481)moan moan You moan. (651/940)(388/388)(131481)