She is in excellent shape. She is one of the Humble Druids. Iancurtis's equipment: Arm: An arm protector called Damien Arm: An arm protector called Damien Head: Crown of Sorrows.. The Blood Crown Neck: Golden amulet of Faerwon Neck: Slime necklace Amulet: The amulet of the Wendigo Warrior Cloak: Black Silk Robes Torso: A Dragonskin Breastplate Both hands: Small gloves of extreme observance (rare) Bracelet: Bracelet of Despair Bracelet: Bracelet of Despair Wielded in left hand: Mace of the Manta Ray Wielded in right hand: The HUGE (undead) crushing maul Finger: A steel ring Finger: A dark ring, made of stone (rare) Belt: Girdle of Feral Power Both legs: Pulsing Leggings Both feet: Blue dragon boots Around the neck: The crystal pendant of the Navigators Your movement prevents you from doing the skill. Forehead: A gold star symbolizing faith in Tarmalen In hand: Staff of Druids (dark) hp:661/1013 ep:295/325 lvl:10% foe:near death>k Rocker starts concentrating on a new offensive skill. Rocker cuts you. You dodge. You lightly cut Speedballs. You lightly cut Speedballs. speedballs You are already fighting! hp:622/1013 ep:295/325 lvl:10% foe:near death>Rocker cuts you. Rocker lightly cuts you. Rocker parries. ...AND counterattacks. Rocker parries. ...AND counterattacks. Blood pours from Speedballs's wounds. Rocker incises Speedballs. Speedballs dies in a massive fit of convulsions. Speedballs is DEAD, R.I.P. The demon tells you 'You gain 65 points for killing Speedballs.' Speedballs's corpse is collected by Death, clad in black. Rocker cleaves you in the ribcage, forcing the air from your lungs! Rocker turns suddenly and STRIKES again.. s hp:1013/1013 ep:316/325 lvl:10% foe:n/a>s -----+--- You are walking on a grassy field. The grass looks inviting to you, yyyyy|yyy maybe you should rest here. The open space makes you somewhat yyyy*|yyy nervous, there is absolutely no place to hide if ppyy*yyy| nervous, there is absolutely no place to hide if some animal pyyyyyyy+ attacks. Above you is a warm, still, clear sky. pyyyyyyyy Obvious exits are: nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s and se. hp:404/1013 ep:308/325 lvl:10% foe:n/a> The blood red demon shouts 'THE BLOOD BATH HAS ENDED.' The demon tells you 'Thank you for participating in the Blood Bath.' The demon tells you 'I'll grant you 40200 experience for your kills.' The blood red demon shouts 'And the highest score was made by Fulgore!' The blood red demon shouts 'The winner is Fulgore!' Peace and order is restored to the world. Stop fighting each other. hp:404/1013 ep:308/325 lvl:41% foe:n/a> hp:404/1013 ep:308/325 lvl:41% foe:n/a>b scores There is no blood bath going on.