A black square (n,e,s). A black pawn eager to please his king (940/940)(334/391)(17309)n A white square (e,s). A black obsidian golem looking for something to squash You successfully dodge Black rook's claw. You successfully dodge Black rook's claw. You successfully dodge Black rook's bite. Black rook successfully dodges your futile slash. You solidly slash Black rook inducing a slight shivering. Your superb dexterity avoids a nasty ambush. Black rook smiles madly and threatens 'I was only warming up, Toag. This time i'll get mad!' (940/940)(334/391)(17309)s s A black square (n,e,s). A black pawn eager to please his king (940/940)(333/391)(17309)Folder arrives from east. e e A white square (n,e,s,w). A black pawn eager to please his king (940/940)(333/391)(17309)n n A black square (w,e,s). A black knight in the service of his king. Black knight horribly shreds you causing lung tissue to freeze. You successfully dodge Black knight's claw. You try to dodge, but Black knight is not fooled. s Black knight bites you inducing a nasty lesion. You solidly slash Black knight causing a small scratch. You score a CRITICAL hit! på :scored a CRITICAL hit! Grinning diabolically you incisively cut Black knight making rib bones snap and crack. Your superb dexterity avoids a nasty ambush. Black knight roars 'I will hunt you down, Toag!' (817/940)(333/391)(17309)s The knight slashes in front of you. (817/940)(333/391)(17309)på :scored a CRITICAL hit! [party]: Toag scored a CRITICAL hit! (817/940)(333/391)(17309)Black knight misses you. You successfully dodge Black knight's claw. You try to dodge, but Black knight is not fooled. Black knight bites you inducing a nasty lesion. You solidly slash Black knight causing a small scratch. You solidly slash Black knight causing a small scratch. e e A white square (e,s,w). A black pawn eager to please his king A black bishop counting captured souls Black bishop wounds you causing a kidney to rupture. You try to dodge, but Black bishop is not fooled. Black bishop thrusts you slicing open a gaping wound. Your armours absorb some of the damage. Black bishop misses you. You miss Black bishop. You scrape Black bishop making small marks. Your superb dexterity avoids a nasty ambush. Black bishop grins 'Come right ahead, Toag, i got plenty more for you!' (666/940)(333/391)(17309)e e A black square (w,e,s). A black queen tries to seduce you Black queen wounds you causing a kidney to rupture. Black queen bores you sparking a limb to slice open. Black queen nips you causing a nasty laceration. Black queen successfully dodges your futile slash. You solidly slash Black queen inducing a slight shivering. Your keen senses note a disturbance seconds before the ambush! Black queen roars 'I will hunt you down, Toag!' (478/940)(333/391)(17309)s s A white square (n,e,s,w). (478/940)(333/391)(17309)Orb arrives from south. Ormod [sales]: Merchant services. (Repairs, surgerys, etc.) e Orb leaves north. e A black square (n,e,s,w). (478/940)(332/391)(17309)e e e A white square (n,e,s,w). (478/940)(332/391)(17309)e A black square (n,e,s,w). (478/940)(332/391)(17309)Squire arrives from east. Squire leaves west. t gazgo scores t gazgo scores Gazgo tells you 'The scores are as follows.' o-----------------------o | Name Score | o-----------------------o | Macala 3968 | | Gilgal 3733 | | Harambikkel 882 | | Rogar 215 | | Vendar 848 | | Veikka 664 | | Jebu 3754 | | Walciz 962 | | Jenny 879 | | Toag 4973 | o-----------------------o | Score to win: 5000 | More (84%) [qpbns?]You tell Gazgo (monster) 'scores' o-----------------------o---------------------------o | Total Time Running | 110 minutes, 50 seconds | o-----------------------o---------------------------o (478/940)(332/391)(17309)e e e A white square (n,s,w). (478/940)(331/391)(17309)e e You can't go that way! (478/940)(331/391)(17309)e e You can't go that way! (478/940)(331/391)(17309)e You can't go that way! (478/940)(331/391)(17309)n n A black square (w,s). A black pawn eager to please his king A black obsidian golem looking for something to squash You successfully parry Black rook's claw. Black rook misses you. Black rook misses you. You score a CRITICAL hit! på :scored a CRITICAL hit! Grinning diabolically you uncontrollably slash Black rook causing large bones to crack loudly. You miss Black rook. s Your superb dexterity avoids a nasty ambush. Black rook grins evilly and cackles 'So you came back for more, Toag?' (478/940)(331/391)(17309)på :scored a CRITICAL hit! [party]: Toag scored a CRITICAL hit! (478/940)(331/391)(17309)s A white square (n,s,w). (478/940)(331/391)(17309)w w A black square (n,e,s,w). (478/940)(331/391)(17309)n n A white square (e,s,w). Gazgo, the hiding mage A black knight in the service of his king. Black knight misses you. Black knight sticks you causing a nasty laceration. s You successfully dodge Black knight's bite. Black knight tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily! You solidly slash Black knight causing a small scratch. Black knight tries to dodge your hit, but you are not fooled that easily! You scrape Black knight causing a minor twiddling. Black knight states 'After i'm done with you, Toag, you will be nothing but dog food!' (426/940)(331/391)(17309)Squire arrives from east. s The knight slashes in front of you. (426/940)(331/391)(17309)Black knight misses you. You successfully dodge Black knight's claw. Black knight bites you inducing a nasty lesion. Black knight successfully dodges your futile slash. Black knight successfully dodges your futile slash. Black knight smiles madly and threatens 'I was only warming up, Jebu. This time i'll get mad!' Jebu arrives from south. Jebu leaves east. n;t gazgo tag n;t gazgo tag You can't go that way! (385/940)(331/391)(17309)tell gazgo tag Gazgo tells you 'You have tagged me.' Gazgo tells you 'You receive 440 points for that tag.' Gazgo tells you 'Your total score is 5413. Gazgo tells you 'You have WON!' Gazgo tells you 'You have been rewarded 200 mithril.' Gazgo shouts 'Toag has won the Hunt Event.' 'Toag has been awarded THE prize.' Gazgo tells you 'You will be rewarded your score five times over in gold.' Gazgo tells you 'You have been rewarded 27065 gold.' Gazgo tells you 'I am out of here!' Gazgo, the hiding mage, snaps from existance. You tell Gazgo (monster) 'tag' (385/940)(331/391)(17309)Black knight yawns sarcastically and says 'Well Jebu guess it's time for your daily beating!' Jebu arrives from east. Jebu leaves west. Black knight slits you causing muscle tissue to freeze. Black knight sticks you causing a nasty laceration. You successfully parry Black knight's bite. Black knight successfully parries your slash. You miss Black knight. Black knight turns suddenly and STRIKES again.. Black knight hit through your defenses, slashing a terrible wound in your forehead! You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! You are no longer stunned. på No longer stunned! You fall unconscious from the pain. The knight slashes for your heart. Blood pours from your wounds! You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! på No longer stunned! You are unconscious, unable to do anything. Squire starts concentrating on a new spell. Black knight pierces you snapping a collarbone. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! Your body is almost FROZEN solid! You die. Black knight shouts 'Toag isn't much of a party animal!' n You have a strange feeling. You can see Death, clad in black, collect your corpse. HELL (). Ghost of Beyond Ghost of Tuuba n You are a ghost. You may use ghost channel or 'pray' here. (1/940)(391/391)(17309)Backlash tells you 'what do you win?' @Gotrek goes 'MUAH' at you. Laaban tells you 'asiaa' @Welwood hugs you cutely. Laaban tells you 'laugh' Backlash tells you 'doh acept' Zarx tells you '?' Bothar tells you 'accept me' @Damo cheers enthusiastically at you. Miksa tells you 'asuiks meidan citis ?' Kato [bat]: lol Baal tells you 'accept' Gilgal tells you 'what'd ya get?' @Markuz goes 'Heh' at you. Kato [bat]: 'Toag has been awarded THE prize.' Macala tells you 'muah :P' @Markuz claps at you. Bothar tells you 'ress or rais' Kato [bat]: Black knight shouts 'Toag isn't much of a party animal!' Zarx tells you 'mita vittua sa teit' Gotrek [sales]: amulet of truth mb 200k Noctur [bat]: nice price Solarhawk [wanted]: 1 healer wanted.. Zarx [bat]: hehe Kato [bat]: very Welwood tells you 'what did you get for that?' Blayke [wanted]: cheap exp restore potion Kultamarja : jos joku muijja menis imemaan Maraa ni ei varmaan 70 miljoonaa suomalaista kattos sita telkkarista :) Mendar [sales]: stats? Black rook shouts 'Jebu, I bet that HURT! *RAH RAH*' Zarx [bat]: l Kultamarja : miten VOI kiinnostaa jotain jenkkeja tommonen.. shiver.. Gotrek [sales]: spreg -con Doughnut [fin]: johtuu varmaa siita et suomessa on vaan 5miljoonaa ihmista Miksa {fin}: jep kaikki kymmeneen kertaa vahintaa Zarx [bat]: typo i would say Squire [wanted]: party for mage accept ress from backlash accept ress from backlash You accept resurrect from Backlash. (1/940)(391/391)(17309)Kultamarja : tosin olihan 7 paivaa lehdassakin juoru-juttu siita ku mara oli joltain snagarilta ostanu makkaran. :) Kultamarja : mut 7 paivaa o 7 paivaa. Orc shouts 'Someone just made my day!' Doughnut [fin]: pahus (1/940)(391/391)(17309)Veikka [wanted]: party for druid You see lightning striking the middle of old central park! (1/940)(391/391)(17309)ghost ress ghost ress Turning ghost channel on. Ghost of Toag [ghost]: ress (1/940)(391/391)(17309)Zarx tells you 'löysit gadgon?' Dallas [sales]: Black Reavers Armour +3 dex +3 con +3 str mb 90k Maggoth : hmm mistä mä saisin ajurit hp laserjet II:lle susiviitoseen? accept ress from welwood accept ress from welwood You accept resurrect from Welwood. (1/940)(391/391)(17309)Bothar [ghost]: accept RAIS/RESS from Bothar, if you need it Bothar tells you 'ress acept me' Aarugotti : ne tulee susivitose mukana Welwood tells you 'ack I'm sorry hon I cant right now in the middle of a fight' Kato [wanted]: reinc for spid Gotrek [wanted]: ill do it Maggoth : njoo no en oo jostain syystä instannu ja nyt ei oo romppua eikä romppuasemaa :) Gilead [wanted]: heal all Laaban tells you 'moI!' Laaban tells you 'miks oot kuollu!' Aarugotti : käsi Maggoth : jeh accept ress from bothar accept ress from bothar You accept resurrect from Bothar. (1/940)(391/391)(17309)Bothar tells you 'casting' Aarugotti : windows cd pitää kopsaa kovalevylle ja asentaa windows sieltä Aarugotti : sillon on aina se cd available eikä se edes kysy sitä ikinä vaan instaa vaa Backlash {sales}: alts Spid [bat]: aww city lamps just dont break :( You have been RESURRECTED! You enter the corpse. You feel a bit older. Death room (n). Ukkeli the Thrikhren Bothar Bloody the Duck is nice healer Bothar starts concentrating on a new skill. i i You are carrying 77.3 kg of equipment: 27864 coins (202 mithril, 1 batium, 1 platinum, 27659 gold and 1 bronze) [Cash: 128769 Bank: 137690 Total: 266459] Five orcish scimitars and black metal key Keep: A lightweight shovel (101/940)(391/391)(8655)Maggoth : hmm no ku instasin tän, oli kovalevyä se 2 gigaa Bothar smiles happily. Boog [sales]: silver shimmering cloak 3-4 spr mb 120k smile smile You smile happily. (101/940)(391/391)(8655)Whizz : Piraatin parku :) Bothar performs a solemn ceremony to please Aveallis. Ghost of Beyond [ghost]: ress Maggoth : siinä ei paljo romppuja laiteta olemaan Doughnut [fin]: seinne mahtuu monta Bothar [ghost]: accept RAIS/RESS from Bothar, if you need it Macala tells you 'mikas oli the prize?' Doughnut [fin]: windowsia Ukkeli asks 'tekiko mitaa?reply tekiko se mitaa?' t macala puuhka ku meni tiukalle t macala puuhka ku meni tiukalle You tell Macala (*camping*) 'puuhka ku meni tiukalle' (101/940)(391/391)(8655)Maggoth : köyhä vaan ystävien kesken :) Bothar starts concentrating on a new spell. Dallas [wanted]: +dex cloak, magical silk shirt Macala tells you 'juse kerkesit sit tellaa :P' Ukkeli buzzes 'kihihiih.' Aarugotti : win95 asennushakemisto vie jotai 100m max Mordac : windows asennuspaketit on joku 30 megaa Doughnut [fin]: jotain semmosta Ukkeli starts concentrating on a new offensive spell. Bothar growls and mutters 'Grrrr..'. Rise [wanted]: party for psi blaster Ukkeli asks 'ei?' Macala tells you 'pitaa kyl teha gazgotrigut :P' t macala knighti stunnas ja just ehin tagaa ku tulin stunnista t macala knighti stunnas ja just ehin tagaa ku tulin stunnista You tell Macala (*camping*) 'knighti stunnas ja just ehin tagaa ku tulin stunnista' (136/940)(391/391)(8655)Ukkeli buzzes 'en maa enaa.' Maggoth : ahaa, no sit ois varmaan pitäny Mordac : 100m jos laittaa kaiken paskanki Orc shouts 'Burn in hell, Ladyrose!' A ghostly figure resembling Ladyrose flies in from the north and through the lens. bat last bat last Last messages from bat channel: [21:11]:Regent [bat]: what type of weapon is aklys? [21:14]:Jenny [bat]: orcs! [21:17]:Jenny [bat]: smelly orc, smelly orc, it's not your fault. [21:18]:Souc : cat I think [21:18]:Jenny [bat]: hmmm, in this case it was definitely orc [22:01]:Spid [bat]: hah, finnish links suck, i get no lag. [22:02]:Aarugotti : you know you're lagging when you type ilde and get something like 20 seconds :) [22:02]:Aarugotti : idle also [22:02]:Kato [bat]: heh [22:02]:Phantros [bat]: holy lag [22:07]:Nasu [bat]: Boatcon'99: ARMAGEDDON can yet be joined! 'tell nasu info/news/list' for more. You still have 20d, 18h, 52min and 30s to sign up for the convention! [22:13]:Kato [bat]: lol [22:13]:Kato [bat]: 'Toag has been awarded THE prize.' [22:13]:Kato [bat]: Black knight shouts 'Toag isn't much of a party animal!' [22:13]:Noctur [bat]: nice price [22:13]:Zarx [bat]: hehe [22:13]:Kato [bat]: very [22:13]:Zarx [bat]: l [22:13]:Zarx [bat]: typo i would say [22:17]:Spid [bat]: aww city lamps just dont break :( (175/940)(391/391)(8655)Bothar [ghost]: accept RAIS/RESS from Bothar, if you need it Miksa {fin}: siis hellou siella giga miehet Scanner [wanted]: summon to city or near Bothar 'hmmmm's for a moment. Ukkeli calls for the four horsemen saying 'Harken to me and hear my plea, disease is what I call to thee' Ukkeli falters and loses his spell. Miksa {fin}: arvaa milla koneella pyorii nyt win95 Macala tells you 'sain maaki melkei 20k vaivanpalkkaa' Baltzebub [fin]: RAMPA II Ukkeli starts concentrating on a new offensive spell. Cilwand [fin]: eiks siihe oo viel tunti Macala tells you 'mita ny tunti meni aikaa melkei :P' Arachon {fin}: tunti vial rampaan! t macala sain 200 mithril ja 27k pojoista t macala sain 200 mithril ja 27k pojoista You tell Macala (*camping*) 'sain 200 mithril ja 27k pojoista' (228/940)(391/391)(8655)Yog : pitaa jo lammitella Dekya arrives from north. Snapdragon shouts 'Let's do that again sometime, Baltzebub!' A ghostly figure resembling Baltzebub flies in from the north and through the lens. Macala tells you 'aikas kiva' Ukkeli calls for the four horsemen saying 'Harken to me and hear my plea, disease is what I call to thee' Ukkeli fails miserably in his spell. Yog : noin :> Dekya starts concentrating on a new spell. Dekya leaves north. @Zarx goes 'MUAH' at you. Macala tells you 'ens kerral voitan sut :P' t zarx kivasti tuli ton eventin voitosta t zarx kivasti tuli ton eventin voitosta You tell Zarx 'kivasti tuli ton eventin voitosta' (228/940)(391/391)(8655)Bothar starts concentrating on a new skill. Yog : mutmut eiha RAMPO kuale Arachon {fin}: baltze lammitteli alkuruudun kautta t zarx 200 mithril ja 27k t zarx 200 mithril ja 27k You tell Zarx '200 mithril ja 27k' (228/940)(391/391)(8655)l l You have entered a rather large black room with gray runes written on the walls. This is in a total contrast with the otherwise white church. In the center of the room is a large lens, which seems to have some moving images on it. Obvious exit is: north. Ukkeli the Thrikhren Bothar Bloody the Duck is nice healer (228/940)(391/391)(8655)Aarugotti : no 6 gigane levy maksaa noin 1000mk Bothar performs a solemn ceremony to please Aveallis. n n Entrance hall of the church of all Gods (e,w,n,s). A large fountain (almost full) and a tour guide (276/940)(391/391)(8655)w w Church of all Gods (n,s,w,e). A holy altar emitting peace around it Tbc Deathlord the Orc ide-uutti Deicide the Troll Guest-109 the Player Guest-106 the Player Guest-100 the Player Gabbo the Cromagnon TeamMajava(TM) Zac The-Ripper the Cromagnon does cheap merchant services Nasu, the Boatcon'99: ARMAGEDDON prophet (spokesmascot) (276/940)(391/391)(8655)Maggoth : oisko kellään sit niitä asennussysteemejä taijotain? kai sieltä vois jonku printteriosion erotella :) Gotrek [sales]: reincs Macala tells you 'tai ainaki pistan tiukalle ,)' Maggoth : on mulla nyt tilaa... Zarx tells you 'siis' Nasu says 'Look at me! Look at me!' Zarx tells you '100k?' Zarx tells you 'loysitko sen sakalla' Macala tells you '1.3k oli sul ku alotin' Jixsin [wanted]: summon to bc Jixsin [wanted]: will pay 500gold You feel like Sian healed you a bit. Rolle arrives. Rolle leaves east. Kultamarja : 970mk taitas olla tas listas halvin 6.4 giganen Darkki [sales]: w: lightning bracers, cold black leggings Your clone begins probing your mind. Macala [wanted]: summon to city