Alusta uupuu hieman kusetusta..toim.huom. Zeane tells you 'sori nyt jos häiritsen hirveesti mutta muistatko sitä salasaanaa mikä thieffeissä oli :P' Zeane tells you 'hmm.... mä oon nyt yhessä paikassa... ja kun yritän mennä ylöspäin You try to open the wooden door, but it doesn't move at all. You hear a faint 'click' from a tiny hole in the door and you think you saw an eye there for a moment.' Zeane tells you 'ja tuolla ylhäällä on 'the pub of the peaceful dagger' You tell Zeane 'ainii ja sielta pubista saa btw guild itemin sit' Zeane tells you 'mut mites mä pääsen tonne bubii :P' Zeane tells you 'kun tuohon oveen ei pysty koputtaa' You tell Zeane 'ku koputat siihen oveen ja se jannu sanoo 'say password' ni typeet say password' You tell Zeane 'ainii ja siina pitaa muuten nayttaa varkaitten merkkiki siina ovella' Zeane tells you 'ja mites se näytettäää :P' You tell Zeane 'use thieves cant at make sign' Zeane tells you 'ööö' You tell Zeane 'siis tarvit thieves cant skillin' You tell Zeane 'eiko sulla oo sita?' Zeane tells you 'ei.. kun en siis ole thief vielä :P etin tuota kiltaa missä joinata' You tell Zeane 'jos oot civi ni pitais tulla backroundista 5%' You tell Zeane 'tai sit se bugaa..' You tell Zeane 'vai et oo civi viel?' Zeane tells you 'en ole vielä' You tell Zeane ' sit' You tell Zeane 'sun pitaa reinkkaa civiks eka' Zeane tells you 'kun pitäs jotenkin päästä tonne vähä kattelemaan :) ei uskalla reincatakkaan vielä jos en sitte kato pääsekkaan thifuks :P' Zeane tells you 'ei kyllä mikään info ainakaan näytä että noi civilized sais sitä :P' Zeane tells you 'sitä skilliä siis' You tell Zeane 'naah seo hidetty skilli, niinku spidereiden jotku skillit/spellit' You tell Zeane 'ei nay infoi jos et oo guildin member' Zeane tells you 'onko nuo thiefit nyt sitte auki varmasti että uskaltaako sitä reincata :)' You tell Zeane 'no onne ollu auki varmaa 4-5d' Zeane tells you 'oletko sä niinku thief :PP' Qurp Blitzkrieg is a level 100 eternal of the Shadow race. It was created before 1997 and it is 2y, 66d, 47min and 10s old. It has been on for 13min and 36s, not idle. It is the leader of the Shadow race. It has killed: Garald the pikeman, 82845 exp Moreod, the master vampire, stands m.., 1136391 exp (party of 9) Web page: Plan: >Some are born to sweet delight, some are born to the endless night. >Parry White saved my life. > >Burglefloogah the christmas elf arrives from north. You tell Zeane 'no oon ollu testerina viime reincista lahtie' @Zeane goes 'Ooooo...' at you. You tell Zeane 'ei oo vaan saanu kayttaa steal skilleja pelaajiin testin aikana..sikaa' @Zeane goes 'Heh' at you. Zeane tells you 'todella! :)' Zeane tells you 'no toivotaan parasta eipä paljoa haittaa jos ei toimi :) reincci addikti kun olen :))' You tell Zeane 'heh :)' Zeane Frogmorton is a level 41 mortal of the Ogre race. He was created Sun Nov 26 15:32:38 2000 and he is 95d, 22h, 13min and 23s old. He has been on for 4h, 59min and 11s, not idle. He has killed: Eiya, dreamingly looking out of the .., 5360 exp a bored tavernkeeper, 12547 exp (party of 3) Web page: Don't Ask Me Anything Becouse I Don't Know Anything Plan: >Egghead tells you 'Minä kysyin: Miksi zeane aina reinkkailee Oraakkeli >vastasi: Sinun roolisi elämässä on miettiä tätä asiaa, minä en voi sinulle >vastausta kertoa.' -----------clip clip clip------------------------------------------------- You tell Zeane 'dexi tarkein' Help available on topic: Skill duration: 2. Type of skill : special skill. Affecting stats: St/De. It uses 6 endurance points. While not one of the most respected ways of killing someone, backstabbing is still one of the most effective. Usually executed with lightning speed and power, this attack takes the opponent unawares from behind. Once upon the target, a short blade, usually a dagger, or similar weapon, is plunged deep into the back of the victim. Surprise is the name of the game, without it, success is impossible. The endurance cost goes as follows: Backstab only: 20 ep Bs + double bs: +15 ep Bs + double bs + assassination: +15 ep + armour piercing: +05 ep ------- 55 ep Zeane tells you 'mites wis & int... kuin tärkeitä?' Help available on topic: Skill duration: 4. Type of skill : special skill. Affecting stats: De. It uses 48 endurance points. The first thing they teach to young thieves is the knowledge of observing. Target of upcoming thievery should be as relaxed as he or she can when the time of actions takes place. This is possible when the thief knows how the victim moves, speaks, acts and reacts on different things: thief can do all the right gestures and act the way it doesn't disturb the target. Unprepared victim, who is chatting with you, is much easier target for stealing than nervous and prepared fighter swinging two-handed sword. Observing requires time and efforts, because it might get dangerous for thief's healt unless he knows what he is doing. It's said that the best thieves spend most of their time preparing their next move, when clumsy beginners run around trying to rob everything that moves. As these beginners end up on everyone's blacklists and sooner or later into graves, the best thieves don't exist to public at all. You tell Zeane 'eipa oo juuri spellei' @Zeane nods at you. You tell Zeane 'all-seeing eye poison jne tommosta boree' @Zeane nods at you. You tell Zeane 'observationia kannattaa reenaa sit 90% min heti alkuun' Zeane tells you 'jaa mitäs se tekee? :P' You tell Zeane 'pitaa 'tutkia' targetteja ennenku niilta saa kamaa irtoomaan' Zeane tells you 'onkos se kallis skilli?' Levels: 195036482 (59.60253%) Skill: Alcohol tolerance: 4999 (0.00153%) Skill: Analysis of magic lore: 1524769 (0.46596%) Skill: Appraise: 3204 (0.00098%) Skill: Attack: 1392891 (0.42566%) Skill: Battlecry: 748 (0.00023%) Skill: Bludgeons: 1282 (0.00039%) Skill: Camping: 15565 (0.00476%) Skill: Cast alchemy: 22858 (0.00699%) Skill: Cast channelling: 1727392 (0.52789%) Skill: Cast electricity: 307883 (0.09409%) Skill: Cast fire: 307883 (0.09409%) Skill: Cast generic: 1727392 (0.52789%) Skill: Cast information: 22735 (0.00695%) Skill: Cast magical: 307883 (0.09409%) Skill: Cast teleportation: 22858 (0.00699%) You tell Zeane 'Skill: Observation 307883: (0.09409%)' Zeane tells you 'no ei oo kallis' You tell Zeane 'ei, mut sen missaa helposti ku ei oo guild requirementeissa pakko reenaa ku 20%' Zeane tells you 'sähän voisit oikestaa quotee mulle lvl 25 infot :)' Zeane tells you 'plz :)' You tell Zeane 'enpa taida kaikkee paljastaa' @Zeane goes 'Heh' at you. You tell Zeane 'saat itekki miettii vaha niit juttui' Zeane tells you ':) no joo.. mietin vaa että mitä kaikkee jännää sillä levelillä saa :)' You tell Zeane 'kyl sil saa stealit 65%' You tell Zeane 'true&normal' Zeane tells you 'mikäs skilli se on millä pystyy piilottamaan että alottaa skillin teon?' You tell Zeane 'conceal skilluse' Zeane tells you 'selvä :) saako sitä ? :)' You tell Zeane 'oho missasin tellin..joo saa sita' @Zeane thanks you heartily. Qurp {kepustan+}: se vois reinkkaa nyt et voisin tellaa ku seo civilized et 'OK, nyt sun pitaa maksaa mulle se 500k et inviteen' -------clip clip clip---------------------------------------------------- Zeane Frogmorton is a level 1 mortal of the Hobbit race. He was created Sun Nov 26 15:32:38 2000 and he is 95d, 22h, 35min and 45s old. He has been on for 15s, idle 6s. Web page: Don't Ask Me Anything Becouse I Don't Know Anything Plan: >Egghead tells you 'Minä kysyin: Miksi zeane aina reinkkailee Oraakkeli >vastasi: Sinun roolisi elämässä on miettiä tätä asiaa, minä en voi sinulle >vastausta kertoa.' You tell Zeane 'ihan sama, ei align restrictioneita' Qurp {kepustan+}: help don't believe everything mortals tell you Zeane tells you 'hmm' You tell Zeane '?' Zeane tells you 'ööö.. miks ei toimi :P' You tell Zeane 'mikas?' Zeane tells you 'use thieves cant at make sign' Zeane tells you 'use thieves can't at make sign' You tell Zeane 'onko sulla se skilli?' Zeane tells you 'ei' Zeane tells you 'ei näy' You tell Zeane 'ööh..ehka se bugaa..' @Zeane thinks about you for a moment. @Zeane eyes you suspiciously. You tell Zeane 'hmh?' Zeane tells you 'nyt alko epäilyttää :)' You tell Zeane 'nyt vasta? vedatin sua just tunnin' Zeane tells you 'joo jotenki arvelin :)'