hp:1041/1041 ep:321/321 lvl:41% foe:n/a>All around is a dense fog. You can see maybe five meters in front of you before everything turns into murky shadows. The only interesting feature of this dull land is the ground which is a matrix of shifting black and white squares. There are no obvious exits. Battery Acid the Giant Battery starts concentrating on a new offensive skill. kb kb Battery scratches you causing a small scratch. Battery scratches you causing a small scratch. You lightly cut Battery causing a small wound. You lightly cut Battery causing a small wound. hp:1008/1041 ep:321/321 lvl:41% foe:in excellent shape>uc uc You start concentrating on the skill. hp:1008/1041 ep:321/321 lvl:41% foe:in excellent shape>Battery slightly pierces you producing large scratches. Battery misses you. You cut Battery producing a major poison burn. You gash Battery producing large scratches. hp:988/1041 ep:321/321 lvl:41% foe:in a good shape>Battery misses you. Battery scratches you causing a small scratch. Battery successfully dodges your futile slash. You lightly cut Battery causing a small wound. Battery impales your chest REALLY hard! The wind is knocked out of you! Battery starts concentrating on a new offensive skill. You are prepared to do the skill. You make a great cleaving maneuver, but your enemy blocks your attack. Battery slightly pierces you producing large scratches. Battery slightly pierces you producing large scratches. You gash Battery creating a nasty infection. You lightly cut Battery causing a small wound. uc uc You start concentrating on the skill. hp:781/1041 ep:289/321 lvl:41% foe:slightly hurt>Battery scratches you causing a small scratch. You successfully dodge Battery's pierce. You gash Battery creating a nasty infection. You miss Battery. hp:766/1041 ep:289/321 lvl:41% foe:slightly hurt>Battery misses you. You successfully dodge Battery's pierce. You lightly cut Battery inducing a minor poison burn. You cut Battery inducing a nasty lesion. hp:766/1041 ep:289/321 lvl:41% foe:slightly hurt>Battery scratches you causing a small scratch. Grinning diabolically Battery digs into you causing entrails to fly everywhere. You gash Battery creating a nasty infection. You gash Battery producing large scratches. You are prepared to do the skill. You swiftly cleave your enemy across the throat, almost severing her windpipe! Battery pierces you causing a small wound. Battery slightly pierces you producing large scratches. You miss Battery. You miss Battery. Battery lunges forward, SMASHING your temple! You almost black out from pain! Battery turns suddenly and STRIKES again.. Battery starts concentrating on a new offensive skill. uc uc You start concentrating on the skill. hp:406/1041 ep:257/321 lvl:41% foe:not in a good shape>Grinning diabolically Battery riddles you causing a NASTY head wound. You successfully dodge Battery's pierce. You gash Battery creating a nasty infection. You cut Battery inducing a nasty lesion. hp:279/1041 ep:257/321 lvl:41% foe:not in a good shape>You are prepared to do the skill. You swiftly cleave your enemy across the throat, almost severing her windpipe! ...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again. You successfully dodge Battery's pierce. Battery slightly pierces you producing large scratches. You miss Battery. You lightly cut Battery causing a small wound. uc uc You start concentrating on the skill. hp:253/1041 ep:225/321 lvl:41% foe:in bad shape>Battery scratches you causing a small scratch. Battery scratches you causing a small scratch. You miss Battery. You miss Battery. Battery lunges forward, SMASHING your temple! You almost black out from pain! You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! Crackfiend tells you 'Hey, trying to get a party together, wanna come?' Battery starts concentrating on a new offensive skill. hp:79/1041 ep:225/321 lvl:41% foe:in bad shape>You are prepared to do the skill. You use all your strength, and POUND a mighty blow to foe's exposed chest! You successfully dodge Battery's pierce. Battery scratches you causing a small scratch. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! You cut Battery producing a major poison burn. You lightly cut Battery causing a small wound. uc uc You start concentrating on the skill. hp:62/1041 ep:193/321 lvl:41% foe:near death>You successfully dodge Battery's pierce. Battery slightly pierces you producing large scratches. You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much! You lightly cut Battery causing a small wound. Battery successfully dodges your futile slash. hp:38/1041 ep:193/321 lvl:41% foe:near death>You are prepared to do the skill. You use all your strength, and POUND a mighty blow to foe's exposed chest! ...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again. Battery lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood. You cut Battery producing a major poison burn. A large hole replaces Battery's face. Battery is DEAD, R.I.P. Battery dies and is carried away by two clerics. The arena master shouts 'Battery of team 1 dies and is removed from the arena!' Battery leaves away. You score a CRITICAL hit! The arena master shouts 'Fight is over! Winner is team 2 which consists of Toag' This is a small chamber down in the arena-building, where the magical arena of BatCity is controlled. There is a wooden panel with switches and buttons embedded to the northern wall, and a small plate with instructions right above