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Hello, my name is Dustin O. My friends and I Tom T,Andy N, and Matt F, are using colored duck tape to make my friend Andy's 1981 Ford Fairmont look like the American Flag.

Click here for more pictures

In doing so we hope to win a nationwide contest in which we started through the duck tape co. We will have a chance to win a lot of money for our college education.

We are all SENIORS of the class of 2002! We attend Pacific High School in Pacific, MO.

We are all very poor so we decided to take up a collection for the money, and anyone who made a notable contribution got to sign the trunk of the finished product.

It took us forever, but it was well worth the effort, because how many people could say they have a duck taped 1981 Ford Fairmont.

Here are just a few pictures of us and the car before we started. Man this thing was a piece.

                                  Front of the beast.                    Back it up brother....

                      Dang, this thing is a boat...          The paint on this thing sucks!!!

                               OOO....shagadelic                   Vroom Vroom....Wanna race?

          Grind away brother!              Dang, this thing is so hot its flaming

      Drivers side Nudge and Matt's      Passenger side Otter and Tommyboy's

           Otter studding it up             Tommy boy showing us how it's done

Matt relaxing in the back              Nudge acting like a big hick

       The Freedom Fairmont                We are proud seniors of 2002!!!

All the stuff we ripped off this thing


Thanks for coming, Enjoy the usefulness of DUCK TAPE!!! Use it wisely!

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