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Welcome To My Homepage
About Me

Contact Me:
: Starlit Amber
: amber_starlit

The Basics:
I was born on October 3rd, 1984 in San Diego, California. My parents are Daymon and Linda, and yes they're still together. I get along great with my mom, she's my bestfriend. My relationship with my dad is sketchy. He's been clean and sober for nearly two years now, but I still don't really know how to talk to him. I have an older brother named Justin. Our furry little friends consist of: one Jack Russell Terrier named Signal, three Beagles named Buddy, Casey, and Buddy West (ha-ha don't ask), and a hamster named Bubbles.

On The Outside:
Well, I am about 5'-4'', 110lbs. I wear a size 3 or 5 jeans, medium shirts, and size 6 shoes. My measurements are, 34B-24-32. I have strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes and lots of freckles that you've probably never noticed. Yes, I know I'm very pale and fair skinned. I don't tan easy at all. I burn, bad. So, don't get on me about being all pasty (I still look cute in a thong though, ha-ha). I like to dress in colorful clothes that express my inner colorfullness. The only jeans I'll buy is Levis, my favorite shirts come from Self Esteem, and I'm obsessed with Vans.

Something Deeper:
I'm not going to sit here and tell you "I've been through so much," and all that shit. I havn't. I am a very outgoing person, and I am sure I have too much self confidence. It's always been that way, I'm conceited... what can I say? Other words that have been stuck to me are: outspoken, bratty, bitchy, a bad-girl, and a teaser. I believe in astrology to every extent and I've been told I'm the perfect example of a true Libra. Religion? I don't believe in God. Wait, I take that back... I am slowly starting to believe in God. It's hard for me to believe in something that can't be proven; science get's the best of me. However I do believe in astrology... go figure. I try to have fun, be funny, and live life to the fullest.

Dude... this is it. I sit at my computer all freakin' day. Okay half the day. Okay fine 3/4 of the day. Other than that I'm obsessed with taking pictures. I never leave home without my 35mm camera. Then, I spend all my money on scrapbooking all the pictures I've taken. I would tell you that I like to go shopping, to the beach, play tennis, and hang out with my friends, but those aren't hobbies now are they? Not to me anyway. Read More.


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My Pictures

Picture Gallery: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
New pictures (gallery #10) added June 2nd.

My Bedroom

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