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Do you like to read stories that have allot of grammar and spelling errors?
Do you like to look at pictures that are not that pretty?
Do you like hearing the opinions of some one you don't really care about?
Do you have any thing better to do with your time?
Then this is the place for you!

- I noticed that allot of pages out there were about one thing or the other. Some were about how much people hate some thing, while others were about how much they loved some thing else. Some sites where about how much people want to speak what was on their mind, while other sites want to just speak the facts. Some pages were about showing off what one can do, while others where about damning one for their ways. So in the Cess Pool's Page Crap I will try to do all of this and more all by my freaking self!

- The Sideshow is an old section of my page which never wants to work right. It's a collection of images I made with Photoshop, and some past moments of Zen. I have it on another server to save room on the one the Cess Pool is on. But that server never wants to work!

-Bitch page, another old part of my web site here. It's got the classic "Boy bands are evil", and the "Pok'e Mon is the Devil" articles. This an other section of my site which sits on a diffrent server that is never working.

- Once upon a time... is the story time page on my site with some of my original work. Classic stories like "Medical Card", and "Interview with the almighty". I might also put up some poems I wrote... however I cant find my high school poem book, so I might just make most of them up as I make the page. This Page is expected to grow.

- The Four levels of retardation is my personal page devoted to my views and comments of recent events in the world, nation, and state. A page I haven't had time to put work into yet, but with my free time now will get some attention.

- My Favorites section is going to info on my favorite bands, books, movies, TV shows, and computer software. This site will be a direct opposite of the Bitch Page.

- The Critic: A section where I will make comments on the recent movies, books, and music I have watched, read and heard. It will be completely devoted to my taste in what I think is cool. So if you want the low down on some thing... then just read what I think about it.... because God knows... I know more then you when it comes to that kinda shit.