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About Moi!

You must be really really, really bored to read about me!

My "life" up until now
List of Really Cool People

My "life" up until now
now = 8th September, 2001

Fiona is still mourning over the loss of Hamster (which was lost down the toilet). She says not to worry about losing your hamsters because her toilet has been repossessed. Fiona is still a student at KHS (Kidney Humanoid Sanctuary), but she finds arguing with her dog much more worthwhile and educational. She is currently running an experiment to prove that toilets consume everything. She will use Ramona's toilet (since hers has been repossessed by the government because she was making everyone paranoid). She will soon conduct an experiment to prove that washing machines will also consume everything.

Fiona has an older brother, which she believes is Wile .E. Coyote’s lost brother. Fiona’s younger bother was born to a blonde Caucasian family, but Science screwed up and he turned into a dog. Fiona kindly adopted him.

Fiona believes that humans evolved from Lego men, rather than monkeys and that Barbie and G.I. Joe will never get it on and that brussel sprouts will taste better if you add sugar or gummi bears. She warns you that the toilet bowl is a not a place for a hippo to swim and not to get the flush button mixed up with the light switch. "It doesn't look good,"she said, "I learnt that the ugly way."


Fiona's List of Really Cool People
  1. Shirley Manson
  2. Maxwell Smart
  3. Agent 99
  4. Rex
  5. Bradtner