"what saith the Scripture?" (rom 4:3).
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Jesus said-

"You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me" (Jn 5:39).

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Among other things, the Bible claims to be the product of divine inspiration, (2 Tim 3:16,17) a lamp to our feet in this life (Psa 119:105) and the standard by which we will be judged in the next (Jn 12:48). Believing these claims to be true, many, like Job have treasured the words of Scripture more than food itself, (Job 23:12) believing themselves to have been reborn (1 Pet 1:22-25) saved, (Jas 1:21) sanctified (Jn 17:17) and encouraged (Rom 15:4) by its message. And the message of Scripture has but one centre, focus and heart - Jesus Christ. The Old Testament points forward to His coming, while the New Testament tells of His arrival, the eternal impact of His first advent and the certainty of His return at the end of time.

The purpose of this web page is to share the message of Jesus Christ through the study of Scripture, and to introduce ourselves to those who share our desire to know the Lord better. As non-deminational Christians, we are commited to the belief that the Bible is the full and final revelation of God's will for man, and while infallibility is beyond us all, we have made every effort to ensure that the articles and commentaries on this page are faithful to the inspired message. Please feel free to contact us, and may God bless you in your pursuit of that "wisdom from above" (Jas 3:17).

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