Past Concerts


This page contains various things about Poison's past concerts including reviews, ads, and other memorabilia.

If you use any of the pictures, place a link back to here - thanks!

- includes an article and/or review from the local newspaper


August 21, 2003 - Ford Pavilion at Montage Mountain

June 14, 2003 - PNC Bank Arts Center

August 23, 2002 - Pier Six Concert Pavilion

July 14, 2002 - PNC Bank Arts Center

July 13, 2002 - Hersheypark Star Pavilion

July 10, 2002 - Tower Theater

Newspaper press for this tour from across the country

July 8, 2001 - PNC Bank Arts Center

July 6, 2001 - Jones Beach Amphitheatre

June 20, 2001 - Montage Mountain

June 10, 2001 - Hersheypark Star Pavilion

Newspaper press for this tour from across the country

July 6, 2000 - Montage Mountain

June 17, 2000 - PNC Bank Arts Center

June 13, 2000 - Hersheypark Star Pavilion

July 14, 1999 - Montage Mountain

July 11, 1999 - E-Center

June 18, 1993 - Allentown Fairgrounds

February 27, 1991 - Stabler Arena

November 20, 1990 - Philadelphia Spectrum

June 1, 1989 - Allentown Fairgrounds

June 23, 1987 - Allentown Fairgrounds