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Here is a schedule to kill of an enemy mage without destroying his fortresses. This schedule works by controlled guild action, so anybody who is called upon has the duty to do his prescribed task. The selection can take place by volunteering or random selection. When the enemy mage is really important, the whole guild can participate in his killing.

First check his barrier by having a blue mage cast scrying mirror until the number of bariers is visible or until it is clear that the mage has a very high barrier.

After this choose one of the following options:

High barrier (difficult):
Step 1:
Get a black mage to recruit 1 militia, 1 pikeman, 1 cavalry and 1 phalanx. After this he has to cast CoS and attack the mage with 1 of his recruitable units. This way he takes devils with him and most enemy stacks will attack the devils allowing the devils to counter and kill of multiple stacks in one attack. (this step is meant to kill of the entire enemy army) Do this until all enemy stacks are whiped out. Then message all other mages, except the mages that have counters on the enemy, to carry out step 2 of the mission.

Step 2:
All contacted mages start pillaging the enemy mage until he is put under protection. (this step is meant to remove all population, geld and items as well as destroy a significant amount of the barriers of the mage) After this contact all mages that have counters on the enemy mage to carry out step 3 of the mission.

Step 3:
All mages that have counters start pillaging to increase the effect of step 2. Don't stop pillaging untill the counters run out. After this contact all mages to continue with step 4.

Step 4:
Black, green and white mages use items: pipes of the sewer (pop), rotten food (pop), letter of the thieves guild (geld, items) and official list of demands (pop,geld,items).
Blue mages use the spells: Fools gold (geld) and Steal Artifact (items)
Red mages use the spells: Shatter (items) and Volcanic Eruption (destroy buildings and barriers) (don't use volcanic eruption until all items are gone). After population, geld and items are brought back to zero go to step 5.

Step 5:
Blue mage casts laziness on enemy.
Black mage casts death and decay on enemy.

Between every step can be a progress check by a blue mage casting scrying mirror. When after step 3 the barriers are still to high some red mages can try and cast some extra volcanic eruptions to lower the barrier.

Low barrier (easy):
First have a blue mage cast confuse then start the killing.

Step 1:Send in a red mage with 1 militia to check the defence item. If the defence item is scroll of protection from fire attack until the enemy is out of scrolls. Else attack again with 1 militia but cast inferno this time. When he has no units with resistance to fire this should do it. If he has such units send in a black with CoS after the inferno attack of red. When all enemy units are killed message all other mages, except ones with counter on enemy, to carry out step 2.

Step 2:
All contacted mages start pillaging until the mage is put under protection. (this step is meant to remove all geld,population and items) After this message all mages who have counters to carry out step 3.

Step 3:
All mages who have counters start pillaging the mage until they all run out of counters. After this contact all other mages for step 4.

Step 4:
Black, green and white mages use items: pipes of the sewer (pop), rotten food (pop), letter of the thieves guild (geld, items) and official list of demands (pop,geld,items).
Blue mages use the spells: Fools gold (geld) and Steal Artifact (items)
Red mages use the spells: Shatter (items) and Volcanic Eruption (destroy buildings and barriers) (don't use volcanic eruption until all items are gone). After population, geld and items are brought back to zero go to step 5.

Step 5:
Blue mage casts laziness on enemy.
Black mage casts death and decay on enemy.

Between each step progress can be measured by having a blue mage cast scrying mirror.

When the campaign is carried out precisely in this way there should be no way for the mage to escape his destiny. He will die because he can't pay the upkeep of his fortresses anymore.

By Paul Hart (Onslaught) on Thursday, March 08, 2001 - 12:27 pm: Edit

Dunka, could you revise this? I know the first one doesn't work because Devils do not hit full force on Randoms any more. Only Counter, which means it would work if the Black mage has them. :)

By Buddy (Ignite) on Friday, March 23, 2001 - 04:04 pm: Edit

I'll revise and let Dunka add to it...

First: Scrying Mirror to check barrier level if it's not known.

Two Options:

First - High barrier (difficult)

Step 1:
Pillage the enemy protection. (This reduces/removes population, geld and items.)

If the enemy has a large amount of fodder and pillaging isn't working, then have some mages WITHOUT counters use regular attacks. (Regular attacks nullify some defensive advantages and take land easier. This will also remove some fodder so mages WITH counters can pillage successfully.)

Step 2:
Mages with counters start pillaging until counters have expired.

Step 3:
Blue Mage casts Confuse and Laziness.
Black Mage casts Death and Decay.
Red Mage casts Call Lightning and Meteor Storm.
Gren Mage casts Summon Locust Swarm.

Step 4:
Black, Green and White Mages
Pipes of the sewer (pop)
Rotten Food (pop)
Letter of the thieves guild (geld, items)
Official list of demands (pop,geld,items)

Blue Mages
Fools gold (geld)
Steal Artifact (items)

Red Mages
Volcanic Eruption (destroy buildings and barriers)
Destroy Artifacts (items removed ie... no mana crystals to gain mana of Wine of Three Whips to gain population or any other items to sell for cash)

**Between every step, progress check be checked by Scrying Mirror or Crystal Ball.

Option Two - Low Barrier (easy):

Step 1:

Send in a red mage with 1 militia to check the defence item. If the defence item is scroll of protection from fire, then have Blues cast Steal Artifact and Reds cast Destroy Artifacts until they are gone. If they don't use scroll, then attack again with 1 militia casting inferno as your attack spell. When he has no units with resistance to fire this should do it.

Step 2:

All mages WITHOUT counters begin Pillaging until the mage is put into protection. (This reduces/removes geld,population and items)

If the enemy has a large amount of fodder and pillaging isn't working, then have some mages WITHOUT counters use regular attacks. (Regular attacks nullify some defensive advantages and take land easier. This will also remove some fodder so mages with counters can pillage successfully.)

Step 3:
Mages WITH counters start pillaging until counters have expired.

Step 4:
Blue Mage casts Confuse and Laziness.
Black Mage casts Death and Decay.
Red Mage casts Call Lightning and Meteor Storm.
Gren Mage casts Summon Locust Swarm.

Step 5:
Black, Green and White Mages
Pipes of the sewer (pop)
Rotten Food (pop)
Letter of the thieves guild (geld, items)
Official list of demands (pop,geld,items)

Blue Mages
Fools gold (geld)
Steal Artifact (items)

Red Mages
Volcanic Eruption (destroy buildings and barriers)
Destroy Artifacts (items removed ie... no mana crystals to gain mana of Winee of Three Whips to gain population or any other items to sell for cash)

I hope this clarifies some killing techniques.

This works very well for BBQ's (Re-Education), but has to be coordinated. Most of our attacks are spread over a time period and almost all of our kills are from a couple of days worth of attacks and spells. I suggested we also come up with a way to kill mages without a coordinated effort. Like locking in spells and draining resources.

I also have one suggestion, the BG's could possibly be devised by adding people together who log in at similar times. For instance, I play mornings (EST). Gather 4-5 mages who play in the morning and you wouldn't have to coordinate attacks. You could simply assing duties. When you log on at your playing time you can then carry out what needs to be done. I'm not sure if that's a workable solution, but I think it would make BG's more effective than if I cast D & D and someone else casts MS like 12 hours later.

As always, I am open for suggestions, flames, comments, questions and/or kudos.


By Arjan Harke (Dunka) on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 01:06 pm: Edit

I think you got most of it covered quite nicely ignite.

people shouldn't forget we try to get enemies to 0 geld/0 pop/0 items first. this is already very hard to recover from. If we also keep spells on him it will be next to impossible to escape.

By Dan (Darkmage) on Thursday, June 10, 2004 - 07:20 am: Edit

was just browsing the boards.. do these tactics still work?

By Mazar Boris (Frosty) on Thursday, June 10, 2004 - 07:34 am: Edit

yepp, although the admins havenīt taken over that you can see in the chronicles if/when someone casts serenety on a fully spelled mage. Morticus for example has survived last reset although he had no pop, no gold, no mana, no items and was fully spelled. The only two possibilities I can think of are 1) heīs an admin ;) 2) he got a serenity. But it was not possible to see the mage who casted it on him :/ That way itīs MUCH harder to kill someone.

Sir Frosty

By Elixor (Elixor) on Thursday, June 10, 2004 - 06:34 pm: Edit

Also possible that he got one of those items ... which I cannot remember, but they do dispel spells.

By Corwin (Corwin) on Friday, June 11, 2004 - 01:16 am: Edit

Minor indulgence

By Mazar Boris (Frosty) on Sunday, June 13, 2004 - 10:26 am: Edit

The scrys showed that he had no items at all any more...

By Elixor (Elixor) on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 08:34 am: Edit

The scries lied?

By Mazar Boris (Frosty) on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 09:37 am: Edit

hmm...I think Iīm to naiv...I always trust items/spells ;)

Letter Symbol Letter Symbol Letter Symbol
A aA a B bB b C cC c
D dD d E eE e F fF f
G gG g H hH h I iI i
J jJ j K kK k L lL l
M mM m N nN n O oO o
P pP p Q qQ q R rR r
S sS s T tT t U uU u
V vV v W wW w X xX x
Y yY y Z zZ z