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<---<@ OneOfEach's Pet Kingdom {=^;^=}

<---<@ Take A Looky {=^;^=}

Places to Find Me Chatting & Pics to See ;-D

1. It's True! Talkcity is Back up & Running! Visit #Pettalk & #Petmania
2.Bunratty & Napua (Rainbow Bridge)
3.Bud passed away w/Bone Cancer 7-2001
4. My crippled pet Blue Jay in College
5. Leahi- Yellow Crowned Amazon (Rainbow Bridge)
6. Hoku our Pet Opossum 9-94 (Rainbow Bridge)
7. Vet. Tech. Mania! I've been off my rocker for years!
8. My kids in Mexico this summer 7-2001
9. Leslie Nielson & Me! (Don't ya just hate those celebrity brag pics?!)
10. Remember T.V. Series Hill Street Blues, Ed Marinero?*grin*
11. My Family Growing Up....(I'm on Daddy's Knee)
12. What's left of my TalkCity page :-(

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! {=^;^=}
