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Download Lords of Magic icons!

Lords of Magic is a Stategy/Roleplaying game for the PC, by Sierra. It is about a fantasy world called Urak, inhabited by humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, fairies, and other magical creatures. Eight faiths: Life, Death, Order, Chaos, Water, Fire, Air, and Earth are the religions of the land. But the terrible necromancer Balkoth, Lord of Death, has set out to wreak destruction on Urak. It is your job to become a Lord of one of the other seven faiths and defeat him!

You can choose from three professions: Warrior, Theif, and Mage. Then choose which faith you decide to follow. When you beat the game, you may then choose to play as the Dark Lord, Balkoth himself. Each faith and profession has different strengths and weaknesses. A warrior has strong defense, and strong attacks, but he cannot cast spells and go into steath mode. A mage can hurl powerful bolts of energy across the battlefield, but when confronted up close by a Chaos barbarian, is nearly defenseless. And the theif, a master of espionage, can sneak across the field and strike the opponent before they even seen them coming. But they cant charge a horde of orcs with a sword, and have any hope of surviving.

The people of each faith differ greatly. Life worshippers are peace loving elves who live in the forests and meadows of Urak. The people of water are Amazon women and their lizardmen servants, along with the krakens and serpents of the sea. Air followers are fairies living in the remote heights of the mountains. Order people are chivalrous humans living in an orderly Arthurian society. Fire followers are dwarves, gnomes, and giants who practice their smithing in the hot and firery lands of the Red Mountains. Chaos worshippers are primitive, vicious,human barbarians who live in the craggy mountains and wilderness, enjoying ale, fights, and their animal gods. Earth worshippers are slow but stout dwarves and gnomes who are expert miners. Finally the followers of Death, are the brooding, evil, dark elves, living in the deadest, dampest, darkest places of Urak. Each faith are enemies to their opposite: Death and Life, Water and Fire, Chaos and Order,and Air and Earth.

Much can and will be written about this game. It is my favorite game. I have read the thick manual multiple times, and consult it frequently for art and writing ideas. I'm a LOM junkie! More will be added to this eventually. For now, here's something funny.


Download each icon separately, or get the whole lot of them at once in .zip format

Download the .zip file

How to tell if you've been playing Lords of Magic way too much:

  1. You are convinced that you can walk on lava.
  2. When cornered by muggers, you immediately try to go into "stealth mode"
  3. If you are still spotted by the muggers when you are in stealth mode, you franticly search for the flee area.
  4. You think that you can walk on water, as long as it is not very wide.
  5. You hear about a theft on the news and wonder what all the fuss is about.
  6. When you are too tired to argue with someone, you just say "autocalc".
  7. To pay for your groceries, you offer the clerk some "magic" crystals and say "Its a fair trade!"
  8. It drives you nuts that you can't find the entrance to any of the statues in your town.
  9. You make human sacrafices to Golgoth in hopes of LOM 2.
  10. You send out your family pet to "scout for mauraders"
  11. You have named you children "LOM Original" and "LOMSE"