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The CWC presents to you the tale of the Three Wise Men.

The clips starts out with The Legion of Demolition standing on the top level of the MGM Grand's parking structure. They were clothing from biblical times, and are just standing around. It's pretty dark, as it is most likely early morning. They look towards the Luxor Casino. (OOC: For those of you that haven't been to Las Vegas, and haven't seen the Luxor at night, It's shaped like a pyramid, and a light is emitted into the night sky from its peak. Its really bright, and can be seen miles away.)

VoiceOver: In the days when King Herod ruled, there were three wise men, also called *magi*. One night, the wise men noticed a very bright star shining in the east.

The Luxor's light turns on and shines brightly in the night sky, and catches The Great Demo's attention. He points it out to Demon and Maniac.

VoiceOver: The star was a sign to them, that a king had been born; so the wise men set out on a journey to follow the star and find the newborn king.

All three of the Legion of Demolition turn to their bikes, which have been modified to look like camels complete with saddles and all. They hop on and ride out of the screenshot. The three are seen riding their bikes over the rough terrain of parking lot speed bumps, as they arrive to the entrance of Sunrise Children's Hospital.

VoiceOver: The star led the wise men through fields and over mountains, until they arrived in Bethlehem, where it stood over the place where Jesus was.

The Legion of Demolition bust through the double doors of the Maternity Ward where a doctor is delivering a baby. One of the nurses is so surprised she screams frantically and later faints.

VoiceOver: When the wise men arrived, they found Mary, Joseph and Jesus; and the glory of the Lord shone all around them. The wise men knew that this truly was the King of kings, and they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy; and bowed down before Jesus and offered to Him their treasured gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The Great Demo wrestles the newborn child away from the doctor, as Demon and Maniac autograph posters and hand them out to the nurses, and even the mother of the newborn child. The scene fades to an excerpt from the bible...
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:
And the government shall be upon his shoulder:
and his name shall be called
The mighty God,
The everlasting Father,
The Prince of Peace."

. . . Isaiah 9:6

The CWC wishes your holiday season was as joyous as ours. The new year has arrived, and the CWC wishes you much luck!

And the scene fades.

Click here to see the trip itself!