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Welcome to Dragon's home!

Hi there, My name is Dragon. I am currently a fifth year predoctoral student in Department of physiology of Georgetown university. I plan to graduate this July, and lots of concerns about future job directions become very real and urgent. With all the frustrations and discouragement I have been through these years, I still have a passion for sicience and love to remain in this field. I would like to dedicate this site to my fellow graduate students and would like to focus the subject on job hunting. Although I prefer to have a postdoc training after graduation, other potential choices are also being discussed.

A pre-doc student just start to think about look for a postdoc position? read advices on how to search for a postdoc position.
If you have more time, you can read more articals on opinions about science jobs here.

Learn bioinformatics online!

Here is a list if online bioinformatics tutorials or lecture note.

My favorite site:

Read about the weeks most important science discovery at nature science update.
Learn to program in perl language at programming for bioinformatics.

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