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Epilepsy Advocates

We are a group of people that are striving to help make a difference in the lives of people suffering from Epilepsy. Our group is made up of people that suffer from Epilepsy, parents of children with Epilepsy, people whom have previously had Epilepsy and friends of those suffering from Epilepsy. We may come from many diverse backgrounds but the one thing that ties us together is our desire to help improve the lives of those suffering from Epilepsy. Please come join us!! New ideas and faces are always welcome.


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FAQ's Regarding Epilepsy

What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder which is caused by surges of electrical energy in the brain that lead to seizures characterized by lapse of consciousness, loss of muscle control or convulsions

How many types of seizures are there?

There are more than 20 different types of seizures

What are some common causes of seizure disorders?

Injury or trauma to the head, infection, brain tumor (30% to 40% of patients with brain tumors have a seizure), high fever or heatstroke, epilepsy (seizures occur in a predictable pattern), diabetes (seizures can occur when blood sugar level is too low)
What do I do if I see someone have a seizure?

Cushion the head with a pillow or soft item of clothing, Loosen tight neckwear, Clear the area of sharp objects, Turn the person on his/her side, Do not put anything in his/her mouth or attempt to make the person drink something, Look for appropriate medical I.D., Do not hold the person down or restrict their movements; the seizure cannot be stopped and must end naturally, Stay with the person until the seizure ends and time the seizure, if possible, DO NOT PUT ANYTHING IN THE PERSON'S MOUTH-- A PERSON CANNOT SWALLOW THEIR TONGUE

What percentage of the World population has Epilepsy?

Epilepsy effects about 0.5% of the population.

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Great Epilepsy Sites

Epilepsy Foundation of America
Epilepsy Advocates
Epilepsy Drug Patient Assistance Programs by name
Research to determine if seizures are really affected by the weather
Not an Epilepsy site but a way to save money tell them Karen_Perea sent you!!
