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Edit 202 Pictures guys!

This picture indicates how websites and Adobe acn be used to improve some current school projects. This layout was quickly made up in about a half hour. By taking another program, (for example, Macromedia Flash) and turning many of the pictures pieces into buttons which can flash to different sections of the site, Chem 10 notes, Chem 20 notes, and contact.

This picture shows the personal implications of the adobe, by creating impressive themes, picture melding, and using some of the effects to create a nicer looking page.

This is a perfect example of why to learn how to use photoshop. For those wanna-be art teachers, this program would be very useful, computers are the way of the future. Eventually, you will have to use computers for some art, and I don't think a class of art students will be impressed when their teacher puts up this.

This picture shows some physical uses of photoshop. Often times pictures can be shot out of focus and film that would otherwise be wrecked or ruined can be revived by photoshop. Using some of the features, in this case the sharpen tool, we can help to remedy some of these problems. Before this picture was all blurry and fuzzy, apply the sharpen tool and it is so sharp you can now see the hairs on his head as we make some quick tent surgery!

This picture is that of a desktop. In class we reviewed a program called Print-key 2000. Adobe can work very similarly by pressing the print screen button on your keyboard (sometimes labelled PrtSc) it will take a picture of your screen and place it in your clipboard, you have only then to paste it and then edit to the effect of your desires. This feature is both useful to teachers, and students as you can transfer exactly what you are seeing. For example this graph of a function which can only be provided by specific software, but my friend with the software sent me a print-out of his screen in order to help me with my homework.
**Note: also good for spying on your friends, look on the task bar**

There you go guys, that should be sufficient for now, if there is anymore help i can do just give me a ring or e-mail. For some information on photoshop, try looking at this website It is an excellent assortment of tutorials showing what you can use photoshop for and for information about the program. Cheers guys.

Click here Quinnie