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The quest of a single man begins.... Welcome!
 Pocket PC
Welcome to my page dedicated for Pocket PC. Comments? Suggestions? E-mail them to me.

In addition to this links, if your living in Norther California (specifically Bay Area), there's a local Pocket PC User Group that's having a meeting every month. It's usually being held at the first saturday of every other month at 3PM over at Connecticut Yankee sports bar in San Francisco. We have a mailing list that you can join in to get more info on what's happening. Just go to We have Charles Pickrell, our local PPC MVP, who leads this meetings and everything.

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Cassiopeia Accessories
I had a Cassiopeia E-115 (which is now being used by my wife) and E-11 (which is now collecting some dust on my drawer) and an E-200 which is what I am now using. Check below to see what additional accessories and softwares I added on my unit that makes it more enjoyable to use.
    Basically, for E-200, most USB type keyboards should work using the generic drivers. Some are being reported to fail after a few keystrokes.
  • Go-Type Keyboard (for E-1xx seriees only)
  • FX100 keyboard
Cassioepia Pocket PC Links
Below are some links of Cassiopeia Pocket PC users. Please check them out. (First set would be E-200 dedicated sites)
Pocket PC Links
Here are some of the links I found on the net. Check them out.