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The quest of a single man begins.... Welcome!
 Class of '89
Hello There! Welcome to my page dedicated to alumni's of Liceo De San Pedro (LDSP). Please be advice that even though the site's intended as an online archive for class 89's yearbook, all other batch are most welcome to drop by. Got some comments? news? or info on anyone from LDSP? Please send them in and I'll post them here.

Note: The LDSP logo here are trademarks of LDSP. I have acquired permission to post it here. I personally scanned and retouch this logo so if you want to copy this and put it on your own site, please let me know in advance and most specially, get permission first from LDSP.


Tuesday, October 16, 2001 There are times when you stop and think all those things you did way back in high school. Those friends that you\'d been with... and that special someone you\'d been waiting for everyday outside the campus. You still remember the time when you said goodbye to them. But you know and they know... they\'ll never be forgotten. They\'ll always be cherished and remembered.. no matter where they are. If you do happen to know where they are right now, please give them a buzz and tell them -- "Hey friend! I still remember you". I hope you guys like the midi that I installed on this site. You\'d probably be hearing them by now.

I was thinking of putting the lyrics over here but I guess you all knew them by heart. But if you do want it to be posted, let me know ok? If you find the midi file too loud or you just want it to stop playing, just press the ESC button on your keyboard while your viewing this page.
Posted by John C @ 12:25 PM 

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 Liceo Network E-mail List
Here's an e-mail list server which enables Licean alumini's (not just from batch 89) to keep in touch with each other. This is a members-only e-mail list service so you must subscribe by putting your e-mail address below and then click the "Join Now" button.

If you're already a member, you can go there by clicking this link or by typing in your browser --

Subscribe to Liceans e-mail list
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Below are some links related to the alumni's of LDSP. Most (if not all) of this are free access site. But some of them requires you to subscribe as a member first before you can fully access the whole site (like the and liceonetwork's yahoo! groups list). If you want your site to be included here, just e-mail me. By the way, there's more links on the Liceo Network site.

  • Batch 1976 - SPA/LDSP Batch of 1976
  • Batch 1991 Image Gallery Site - Pictures and Online yearbook of Batch 1991 (maintained by Mr. Reden Africa)
  • Batch 1992 - Section Faith Webpage - Pictures and Online yearbook of Faith - Batch 1992 (maintained by Mr. Ronaldo Albaytar)
  • Batch 1997 Web Page - Photo Galleries (maintained by Ms. Annie Austria)
  • Alumni.Net - Alumni list which maintains database to millions of alumni's around the world... including those from LDSP.
  • Liceans e-mail list - an e-mail list service which enables you to send e-mails to all licean subscribers at once.
  • LDSP Forums - Online forums that you can use for announcements and getting in touch with each other. And also, I don't maintain guestbooks for this section so you might as well post your comments here. Try it out!
  • - The webmaster's personal webpage.

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