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Plunder & Lightning Pt. 2

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1. Baloo and Kit sleeping.
2. Kit wakes Baloo up.
3. Kit tries to get Baloo moving.
4. A knock at the door.
5. Enter Rebecca.
6. Baloo tells Rebecca to come back later... a lot later.
7. Rebecca is not pleased. To say the very least.
8. Rebecca crawls through the window.
9. Rebecca makes sure Baloo knows who's boss.
10. Baloo takes a look at the deed to his business.
11. Rebecca goes through Baloo's mail. Isn't there a law against that sort of thing?
12. Kit tugs at the laundry and says"I told you so."
13. Rebecca pulls out a stinky sock.
14. Rebecca has a look around the place.
15. "This place definitely needs a woman's touch."
16. Kit holds back Baloo.
17. Kit reminds Baloo abot the treasure.
18. Rebecca holds up the deed and keys to the Sea Duck.
19. Baloo explodes, figuratively speaking of course. : )
20. Introducing Molly.

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