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HTA Past Pupils' Solidarity Project

Putting up of a project which the Past Pupils of HTA could consider their own for the pooling of their time, talents and resources while at the same time helping the less fortunate among the young.

Proposed venue is the Farm School of the Salesian Sisters in Parang Calapan Mindoro Oriental

Our Salesian Sisters have put up a "Farm School" in Parang, Calapan, Mindoro for the poor out-of-school youth. It is a non-formal school that caters to young people already trying to eke out a living by fishing or farming. Their students include some youth from the Mangyans - an ethnic tribal group in Mindoro. To save time, effort and money, majority of the students live in the school, nourished by whatever is available. The condition of both the students and the Sisters themselves is very poor and difficult. Since the apostolate is only on its second year, so much is yet to be done. Funds are needed for: buildings, infrastructure, equipments, technological assistance and even for the simple day to day existence of both the students and the Sisters. Some assistance come from the private and corporate donors but the need is still great. The Past-pupils can hopefully find ways and means to share this mission of the Salesian Sisters among the poor of Mindoro.

1. Identify interested past pupils
2. Getting to know the place - a core group of the Past Pupils will visit the site at a convinient time to assess the situation and define possible interventions
3. Preparing a project plan - possible interventions will be laid out in a project proposal to be presented to the rest of the  interested Past-pupils
4. Raising funds - interested past-pupils will be asked to concretise their sense of solidarity by an amount to be fixed which shall be termed "Solidarity Share". They can also solicit funds from friends, office mates and relatives.
5. Defining ways of participation in the project - interested past-pupils could be part of the solidarity project by
            - Consultative/Technical participation
             - Personal involvement and presence in the project
            - Financial support of the project through the "Solidarity Share"
6. Actualization and management of the solidarity project - Past Pupils who choose to be personally involved will actualize and manage the project at the time defined in the project proposal making of the funds raised from interested past-pupils.
7. Evaluation of the project - periodic evaluation of the project will be done and a report will be issued to the past-pupils concerned. The report will also include a financial statement to account for the solidarity share of the proponents.