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The last of the famous North American shows...

Friday, March 3, 2000 (Universal): Even though I was a little too far away (considering I'm always either front row or on the floor) I still had a great time. I really thought the backdrops were added flavor the show. Something else that I was thinking about while I was there was that I was supposed to have gotten back stage passes for that very show and the guy that was supposed to give them to me called me only days before to tell me that "something happened". Oh well. As soon as we walked out of the theatre, all I could think about was seeing him again on Sunday in Irvine....

I got in line at around 2, but got a good space in line 'cos my friends had been there since 11:30. (You see, I had to rehearse for a play the following day and therefore couldn't leave early.) After nearly being trampled during the stampede to the front door, I was still excited about the show but was left to doubt if whether getting to the pit was going to be worth it. I always make it to the pit, sometimes even getting in the front row! But, I KNEW something wasn't right with the crowd, that this night they were a little too hostile, more than usual. I still did it, though. But, paid the price. My friends and I had to evacuate before *Morrissey* even came on, and I cried. I was so disappointed. I had bought *him* a card with all kinds of stuff written inside and didn't get the chance to give it too him. As soon as he was ready to hit the stage I snapped out of it and decided it would be ridiculous to pout and bitch. Damnit, I was there to see *Morrissey*! So from that moment I had a great time. Confusing, huh? "Well, that's the story of my life..."

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