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Boyfriend Application


Name (last, first, middle, aliases): _____________________________

Age: ___

Hair Color: __________________

Eye Color: __________________

Height: __________

Weight: _________

Phone: ( ) ______ ___________

Email Address: _________________________________

Have two female acquaintances rate your looks, circling one number per evaluator, and obtain their signatures:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Number of previous relationships: ____

Number of previous serious relationships: ____

Virgin? (Circle one): Yes No Questioning

If not, by what margin?: ____

Describe most recent ex (Leave blank if not applicable): _____________________


Percentage of exes on good terms with (Leave blank if not applicable): ____%


Class Year: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

Highest level of education completed: _____________________

Major (if applicable): ____________________

Number of languages proficiently spoken or read: ______

Career (Or career plans): ________________________________________________


Hours spent shopping in last six months: ____

Favorite movie: _________________________

Professed religious faith: _______________________

Describe your personality briefly: _________________________________________



Are you involved in sports?: Yes No Questioning

If so, which one(s)?: _____________________________________________________


Are you involved in a fraternity?: Yes No Questioning

If so, which one? Please briefly describe its purpose:_________________________


Describe any leadership positions you have held: ___________________________




Please attach two letters of reference, preferably one from an ex, and provide contact information below (optional, but highly recommended):

Name: _________________________________________

Phone: ( ) ______ ___________

Email Address: _________________________________

Name: _________________________________________

Phone: ( ) ______ ___________

Email Address: _________________________________


Please answer two of the following questions in the space provided:

1. Where would you take me on a date, and what would we do?

2. In what ways do you show yourself a gentleman while on a date?

3. How might you make Valentine’s Day a memorable occasion?


Thank you for your application! You will receive notification within 4-6 weeks, at which time an interview with a panel will be required.

Application written by Lauren Wilbanks, who will also be reviewing applications. ;-)