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Just Hear Me Out

Hi. My name is Drew, and this is my webpage. I am guilty of being (or having been) the following: taking pictures of myself,selfish on occasion, frequently lonely, an avid fan of club music, that kid who writes stories over the page limit, occasionally that kid who boosts his self-esteem by deflecting issues onto others (usually in the form of poking fun or making up obnoxious names like "goat boy" or "Cosmo girl"), a believer in the amazing power of 1000mgs of Fish Oil a day, a tori amos fan, not your average sexual cookie on the block, hateful toward people, a passive-agressive blogger, a blogger, a lover of good modern non-beat poetry, a clubhead, that person who uses you just to get alcohol, an asshole, whiney, self-destructive, the kid who dies his hair black before senior pictures, a student at a fancy shmansy art boarding school, a transfer student, a fascination with sensitive bad boys, a supposed former infatuation junkie, a person who makes lame attempts at making alanis morissette jokes, a fan of jan terri- the potato princess of punk power pop. And recently, I've managed to form a fascination with kurt cobain:

There are good things about me too, of course. I'm a human and admit my faults, as noted above. I'm not a dirty hippie. I write. I am incredibly loveable and parent-friendly. I am in love with my friends Marnie and Rachel. I am honest. I will tell you what I think. I try to talk things out. My computer speakers are incredibly phallic. I am quirky, in wonderful ways. I have a sense of style when I want to have one. I take my friendships seriously, when a friend also takes my friendship seriously. And I do my homework.

favorite websites: engrish,diversions,sharpeworld.

Thank you for hearing me out. Please come back and visit again!

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