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Total Xbox
Welcome to Total Xbox.

This is an Xbox-exclusive gaming site with articles and information on all sorts of Xbox games. We will constantly be updating the website with all the latest from the Xbox. Email us if you have comments or suggestions.

March 7th: w0ts0n has added a new layout to the site, this is very exciting and we hope you like the new look. we would like to see your thoughts so we made a relevent poll, please vote because we would like to see what you think.

On other matters, Ninja Gaiden is almost here, and a hands-on preview has been added by Cliff. Check it out and wait in anticipation! Cliff has also added another update of Fable, the most highly anticipated Xbox RPG ever. Beware, there might be some heartbreaking news.

March 3rd: There haven't been any recent reviews or previews lately, and finally, games are going to start pouring in. Ryan has been hard at work on a template that will go on Total Xbox soon. Cliff is also working on a Ninja Gaiden review, and soon, a review of The Suffering.

March is a hot month for Xbox, according to the release dates of games like Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, Driv3r, and possibly even Hitman: Contracts. Of course, Ninja Gaiden and The Suffering also round off that list. There should be a lot headed to the reviews section of TX soon.

OH yeah, you can also help out site by voteing for us..

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Yeah, its awesome
I like it
its ok
I don't like it
Put it back!

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