Authors, N-Z

Interlude I by Connie Neil

Life in the Big City by Connie Neil

Rating: R (language)

Premise: Robert McCall helps a woman who discovers that even in the ultra-modern world of computer technology, some very old-fashioned dangers lurk, and that money is no protection against bullets.

Type: Action

And Thou Wilt Be Left Alone by Linda O.

Rating: PG-13

Premise: McCall must rescue Control's mistress--who is also a Company agent.

Type: Drama

Emerald by Linda O.

Rating: PG-13

Premise: An interlude set immediately after "When Pigs Fly."

Type: Vignette

Eye of the Beholder by Linda O.

Rating: PG-13

Premise: Young boys are manipulated into blinding Mickey's old love by an IRA wanna-be.

Type: Drama

Fun and Games by Linda O.

Rating: PG-13

Premise: A Company trainee falls apart in the field, and it's left to Robert McCall and Lily Romanov – with an assist from Mickey Kostmayer – to see if they can put the pieces back together and salvage her career.

Type: Drama

A Nice Simple Girl Who Cooks by Linda O.

Rating: PG-13

Premise: Scott finally brings home a girl Robert likes. She's polite, she's clean, she cooks like a dream--she doesn't even have tatooes. There's just this one little thing about her...

Type: Drama

On the Wall (Part I/II) (Part II/II) by Linda O.

Rating: PG-13

Premise: When the Berlin Wall comes down, the Company celebrations in Berlin and New York include drinking, music, and a little light bondage.

Type: Drama

Thirteen Days (Part I) (Part II) by Linda O.

Rating: PG-13

Premise: When Scott McCall decides to get married, it is of course no ordinary event. It will take all of Robert's skills, resources, and friends to make it happen in just thirteen days.

When Pigs Fly by Linda O.

Rating: PG (maybe PG-13 for language)

Premise: Did you ever have one of those days? The EQ men have all been warned that they're about to. And who do you have to kill to get a decent cup of coffee in this town? (A loosely-tied sequel to "A Nice Simple Girl Who Cooks.")

Type: Humorous Drama

While She Lives by Linda O.

Rating: PG-13/R (readers strongly cautioned for violence and mature subject matter)

Premise: Control tries to come to terms with losing Lily Romanov. Sequel to And Thou Wilt Be Left Alone.

Type: Drama

White Russian Roulette by Linda O.

Rating: PG-13 (sex, language, violence)

Premise: Robert and Lily Romanov undertake a simple little mission turns out to be anything but, while Control's obsession with Lily's dark past threatens to tear their relationship apart for good.

Type: Drama

Beyond Control-Missing Scene by Anna Sawitzky

Bump and Run-Unseen Scene by Anna Sawitzky

Chance Encounter by Anna Sawitzky

Dead Drop-Missing Scene by Anna Sawitzky

Rating: PG

Premise: A reconciliation.

Type: Missing Scene

Destiny? by Anna Sawitzky

Rating: PG

Premise: What if?

Type: Fantasy

Eye of the Tiger by Anna Sawitzky

First Impressions by Anna Sawitzky

Rating: PG

Premise: This is my own version of Mickey's and Scott's first meeting in Mission: McCall.

Type: Vignette

An Unexpected Meeting by Anna Sawitzky

Rating: G

Premise: Prequel, of sorts, to First Impressions. How Mickey ended up with Uzi in the first place.

Type: Vignette, Mickey and Nick Kostmayer

Perfect Clarity (I/II) Perfect Clarity (II/II) by Shannon

Rating: R/NC-17 (for violence and language)

Premise: An old friend contacts Mulder while Scully is on vacation. They--and the man trying to protect them--are drawn into a dangerous conspiracy involving an experimental drug. Can Scully find Mulder before the drug is tested on him? Scully is assisted by Detective Tim Bayliss and Robert McCall.

Type: Drama/Crossover (X-Files/Homicide: Life on the Street/The Equalizer)

Lost and Found by Shannon

Rating: R

Premise: The Baltimore homicide unit discovers the bodies of two FBI agents...

Type: Drama/Crossover (X-Files/Homicide: Life on the Street/The Equalizer)

Clean Slate by Shannon

Rating: NC-17 (violence, language)

Premise: When Mickey Kostmayer and a mysterious little boy are kidnapped, Mulder, Scully, and McCall race to find them.

Type: Drama/Crossover (X-Files/The Equalizer)

The Resurrection by Shannon

Rating: R

Premise: My answer to Gethsemane.

Type: Drama/Crossover (X-Files/Homicide: Life on the Street/The Equalizer)

A Little More Than Kin by D. L. Solomon

Rating: PG

Premise: A sabotage mission.

Type: Drama

All Things Being Equal by TAE

Rating: PG

Premise: Mission to Peru goes bad.

Type: Drama/Crossover (The Sentinel/The Equalizer)

Equal to the Task by TAE

Rating: PG-13

Premise: Sequel to ATBE. Control, having asked some questions about the former operative who assisted in rescuing his friends, discovers a secret. Unfortunately, others under his command have come to some conclusions of their own. Control, McCall, and Mickey return the favour from ATBE.

Type: Drama/Crossover (The Sentinel/The Equalizer)

Equality by TAE

Rating: PG-13

Premise: Control, upon waking from what he had expected to be a nightmare, is struck by a memory. Unable to pull up the recollection, he shelves it and goes into work as usual. Mickey comes in to beg off of a mission to go to his grandfather's funeral. Control uncharacteristically allows for the change. Control has an enormous secret, and Mickey, Jim, and Blair are about to find out about it. McCall is not in this one.

Type: Drama/Crossover (The Sentinel/The Equalizer)

Manon by Mary Wilkerson

Rating: PG

Premise: Robert McCall gets a message from his old friend Control to meet him in the town of Sloanville. Once there he is confronted with the fact that Control has hidden the existence of McCall's former lover Manon from both he and Manon's daughter. Now the woman has died and McCall tries to make sense of her death and her apparent wish to remain hidden from those who once loved her. With the help of Kwi Chan Caine and Capt. Blaisdell, he discovers he must let go of his guilt over all Manon suffered and let her memory go.

Type: Drama/Crossover (The Equalizer/Kung Fu: The Legend Continues)

Authors, A-M