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Lasting Memory
Lasting Memory

From the Webmistress

The following is an indepth study of the Bonescrapers, written by Maya D. Bonescraper based upon the published field studies of pioneering experts. As part of the Portersville Posse, I posted this work free of charge on my website in hopes of educating the ignorant masses; however, nothing is more thrilling and educating as a trip out to their native habitats.


To Dadday - I'm finally warning humanity.


I am Maya D. Bonescraper. I am here to inform you that there are bonescrapers among us who want to scrape your ribs. They also want your bottles and rags for various private reasons.

There are four types of bonescrapers:
  • Mayans
  • Aztec
  • Titan
  • Incans

    The information for this website is taken from the celebrated publication, THE Bonescraper JORNOL, Book #1, copuwrite 1990, Bonescraper publications. It is an excellent source on the intricacies of bonescrapism. It is also the only known source, although this publication itself could also be considered a new source because I am, in fact, also a bonescraper expert as were the writers of THE Bonescraper JORNOL, who will heretofore remain anonymous.
    I would also like it to be known that several misspellings will occur because the information taken from THE Bonescraper JORNOL must remain in an unaltered state. This does not mean, in any way, that I am mentally redarted.
    It is important that anyone reading this information must take it VERY SERIOUSLY. Bonescrapers are very real, very dangerous, and they will, in fact, scrape your bones if you give them the chance. If this information was in any way fabricated, then how come I am a bonescraper expert? Would there be any bonescraper experts if there were no such things as bonescrapers? I rest my case. (If you still do not believe me, then please refer to the insult page now.)

    Main Content

    And now for the information that will save your life:
    The following are various qualities of each of the four (4) bonescraper species. But it must also be known that before you read on,the authors of THE Bonescraper JORNOL added this warning to their groundbreaking publication:

    " Beware of the following! Pg 1-4
    (followed by a down arrow, directing the reader's eye
    to the deadly information). "

    Mayans Bonescrapers
    * Life status: civilizization
    * Main Home: Pine hill, big pond Area
    * CLothes: cloth
    * weapons used in battle: venom, Rocks, spears, tail,
    CLaws, Fist hatchet, mudballs, teeth, Club, man-made
    * Population: 2.3 mill.
    * homes: IN tree trunk or clay house
    * Food Drink: Human Bones, ANIMal Bones, water, Fish,
    Wood, Crab, Antlers, Turtles, Enemy Bonescrapers
    * APPearance: Night, Disturbance of Home, When in war,
    Evening, When ANNoied
    * Heith: 3'
    * Weight: 60 lb
    * Sight: color
    * skin color: Greenish Red
    * Fears: Fire, light, kids, Guns

    Aztec Bonescrapers

    * Life status: savage
    * Main Home: Pine hill, Big pond Area
    * Clothes: torn rags
    * weapons used in battle: teeth, Claws, venom, tail
    * Population: 60,000
    * Homes: Attic, tree trunk
    * food Drink: Bones, Wood, water, Blood
    * APPearane: Night, Disturbance of Home, when in war,
    Evening, when annoyed in any way, when hunting
    * Height: 4'
    * Weight: 80 lb
    * Sight: color, infered
    * skin Color: Greenish Brown
    * Fears: Fire, light

    Titan Bonescrapers

    * Life status: w a r l i k e
    * Main Home: Pine hill, Big pond Area
    * CLothes: Rags
    * Weapons: teeth, tail, claws, Rocks
    * Population: 40,000
    * Homes: cliff sides
    * Food Drink: Bones, Wood, Rock, Dirt
    * APPearance: Night, when Disturbed, in war, blank
    * Height: 6'
    * Weight: 140 lb
    * Sight: Black"N"White
    * Skin Color: Brownish Grey
    * Fears: Fire, light (we interpret that they also can
    remember a time when they were once afraid of kids)

    Incan Bonescrapers

    * Life status: Partly civilizd
    * Main Home: Pine hill, Big pond zone
    * CLothes: torn clothes
    * weapons: Rocks, tail, teeth, claws
    * Population: 20,000
    * homes: tree trunk
    * Food Drink: Bones, Water, Fish, wood, Crab
    * Apperance: Night, Evining, Early morning, disturbane
    * Heigth: 3'
    * Weight: 40 lb
    * Sight: coler
    * skin color: Leaf green
    * Fears: Guns, kids