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Lasting Memory
Lasting Memory

Newerest Quotes!

Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog.
My phone shall have its ear open for the likes of your being that which shall may supposively extend a voicelike hailing unto my brain through a series of unseen waves.
And you, for I, to you!
After seeing those maps, Chris desired to frollick off in the wilderness....however he was careless, and Clarion heard his joyous cries. Now, there is a new blizzard upon us, ripping the dreams from his soul with a sadist's pleasure.
*As the Ninja laid her head upon Megami's knee, she look up at the beloved face and said unto her......."This is the BEST chicken Nugget I EVER tasted"......then drooled.*
NES: wii? more like w!!
NES: mii niid wii
NES: M!! N!!D W!!
Sakabatou: this is how we write that was the end of a sentence.but sowas this
Vincent: And the FF series is mankind's greatest escape from reality.

Newest Quotes

" He's so tight he squeaks. "

" And you, to I, for you! "
   -Jess's of the Deli

" Magic pants of the prance prance, behold my fruity dance! "

" It's times like this I wish I had a none-roof "
   -Jess M. and sunroofs (rooves?)

" Hope you wrote that one down. "
   -Jess M. regarding Dota's cure for cancer

" It has less detail than if I wrote my phone number down and called it a picture. "

" It's better than pimpin', but not quite an orgy "

" And so, the ice goddess gifted upon the lowley creater name "scorpion", now he may disperse all those that displease the goddess of ice! "
   -Jess M. of the Deli

" Gasp! ...Followed by puzzlement!"
   -Jess M. of the Deli

" I dont give a shit if youre taking a shit."

" Lunch, the breakfast of champions."

" I didnt think you could hear me over the fans."
" ...I could hear you over a nuclear war."
   -Kristina to Dota

" This summer is flyin' like a Brian."
   -Miss Moffat

" It's like the entire summer summed up in one shirt."
   -The Anonymous Stock Boy

" is love to me no matter what the race or nationality. "

" Just looking at humans makes me wanna kill them. "

" There are no such things as a bisexuals, just greedy people"
   -Jess M. and her mighty words of wisdom


" Well, if the dildo fits, shove it!"
   -Guy,father and role model

" You see, gravity's a bitch."
   -Buddy,on windows and vomitting

" Did she cast fricking demi on her uterus?"
   -Cloud,regarding Lulu's pregnancy

" I'm so gay, I can put a lisp on the word cracker. "
   -Comedy Central Minion

Andrea: " He got his penis hooked on something."
Jessica: " On what?"
Bubba: " Phonics?"
Jessica: " Works for me."

" If u love something, set it free...if it comes was meant to be (and if it doesn't, hunt it down and kill it). "

" Don't try to tell me you're an intellectual, you're just another boring bisexual. "
   -the dead milkmen (Instant club hit--you'll dance to anything)

Homer and Bart are playing clay pidgeons with the dinner plates...
Homer: " See you in Hell dinner plate! "

" It's not the British Embassy. "

" you are a total psycho asth. "
   -Miss Katrina

" ...and then you take a slice of the cheese! "

" i wrogte this aqwaymesswgtae wi86th m7y6 njo9se "
   -The Stoner

" I would like 3. "
" Three what? "
" Yes "
" YES! "
   The trials and tribulations of Goten

" Dazed, dozed or dur? "

" I thought for a second the sprinkles were coming on, but then I was like: Hey, we don't have sprinklers! "

Dkun: " Mysterious Sluts? "
Dota: " Materia Slots! "

Infinite Strife: " Tell him he needs to not butt into other peoples business and stop acting like the high and mighty know it all before he gets his shit ruined and put in his place."
Infinite Strife: " fuck you very much. "

" It looks like a monkey faced boy is sucking a huge cock out of another monkey faced boys head "
" Thats no penis! Its her neck! "

" I smell like Ralph. "

" 22. The word " @#%$ " will be used frequently. "
   -from Hentai laws at

" A seminar on time travel will be held two weeks ago. "

" A synonym is a word you use in place of one you can't spell. "

" Crashing is the only thing windows does quickly. "

" Eat Well, Stay Fit, Die Anyway. "

" If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal. "

" The easiest way to avoid a hangover is to just stay drunk. "

" The more you complain, the longer God lets you live. "

" Don't call me precious, cuz I'm a giant panda! "

" It's kinda like autumn...or fall...hey didn't autumn already start? They like skipped over fall this year. What? You know...spring, summer, fall, autumn and winter? "
   -The Anonymous Stock Boy

" I think it's a cross between a llama and a lawn chair. "

" Sure it's an 8 bit mind...but check out her 64 bit body. "

" I am superfluous, and I also tend to use more words than I need to. "

" If winners never quit, and quitters never win, who can quit while they're ahead? "
   -The Ever-Amazing AIM SubProfile

" And on the nineteenth day, God created cheese.
  And then it was perfect. "
   -Battle 51  Senshi Battle Zone

" Strength is the only thing that matters. Everything else is just an illusion for the weak. "

" Never run from anything immortal - it only attracts their attention."
   -The Last Unicorn

" ...'Cuz take away our playstations
and we are a third world nation... "

" If one day you find yourself flying back through time and you see someone flying back toward the future it's probably best to avoid eye contact. "
   -J. Handy (from STARR's profile)

" It is the need to update that drives us. "
   -Dota upon trying to think of a new Preface to her Profile

" Even though I was their captive, the Indians allowed me quite a bit of freedom. I could walk freely, make my own meals, and even hurl large rocks at their heads. It was only later that I discovered that they were not Indians at all but only dirty-clothes hampers. "
-That Dude

" Damnit! My nutz are dangerous! They aren't to be toyed with! "

" The information for this website is taken from the celebrated publication, THE Bonescraper JORNOL, Book #1, copuwrite 1990, Bonescraper publications. It is an excellent source on the intricacies of bonescrapism. "
   -from the Bonescraper Website

" For GODSAKES! Pinky out, man! "
   -the Portersville Posse

" Wash your hands! "
" I DID wash my hands! "

" Pig Laty has nice dremes about the paarty. "

" Damn hog! "

" Go home! "

" Sho Nuff! "

" Look Dadday! I'm warning humanity! "
   -Maya D. Bonescraper

" This is the beeg 2nd page! There are don't see them?
  Your eyes deceive you!!"
   -from the Bonescraper Website

   -from the Insult Page

" People die and Yuna dances...when will she stop dancing? "

"'s a ninja horse "

" Dial 911? There's no eleven button! "
   -The Anonymous Stockboy

" ...fucking homosexual shit - it's like sexes fucking other sexes...wait...that's okay. "

Soft Voice: " Cloud, I've been waiting on you for a long time. Why did you kill me? Now it's my turn. "
Jin: " No, I rolled doubles... "
   -From Goten's MSTing of a FF7 Fanfic

" Hu?? "
   -Akuma Yukio

" loam! "

" He doesn't wanna touch the tampons. "
" Oh, he'll be touching the tampons. "
   -Denise informing Dota

" Common sense is not so common after all. "

" Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a drive way? "
   -The Age-old question...

" Could you screw a lil're making a nasty squeaking sound. "

" You wonder why all mercenaries for hire aren't extremely fat, considering assassins have two "ass"s. "

" Why does a shipment goes by car, a cargo goes by ship? "
   -A subprofile random question

" It has [...] a plot about as deep as a cookie sheet. "

" Shut-ta-tah! "
   -Miss Katrina

" What I meant to say was.... "
   from the Portersville Posse

Dota Strife: o.O " Are you from like Michigan or something? "
Rinku: -.o " Dota, you've known me for like 3 years. "
Dota Strife: " Yah, and all we've ever said to one another is 'Go fuck yourself....bitch.' "
Rinku: " Oh. "

" If they have a prey in front of their eyes, they hunt. Now they are hunting for the big mission of preserving their sperm and we are nothing but their preys. "
   -Rise (the hentai video game)

" With all of the realism of a movie about an infant being elected president, Time Stripper Mako is a sex-filled romp... "

" ...he gets ridiculously mad at her despite all Hentai logic dictating that he should have at least four appliances jammed into her before she's spoken three sentences. "
   -Time Stripper Mako (the hentai video game)

" Sexual Content: Mosaic censoring that makes intercourse look like an intestine falling out of a hatchet wound. "
   -The Maids Story (the hentai video game)


Memorable RP Moments

Cloud: " Well, are we going to fight, or are we going to dance? "
Dota: " The only dance I know is the fight. "

" ...cocked a brow in Heaven's favor. "

" ...danced the dance of wiccan winters. "

::She lowered her tail a bit, as she saw the spearing of someone being done::.... o.o;
   -LdySilverWolf D

" Well yeah...people dont just go free falling from cliffs... "
   -Snow Angel Dota

Akuma Yukio: " Youre not Dota...I can tell. "
Dota Strife: (as Omega) " Well duh. "

" ...nothing but mortal emotions... "
   -Dota Strife

Delita: " Fenrir, quick! Attack! "
Fenrir: ::just sits::
Delita: " Damnit Fenrir! "



Sissa site ish pretty I make poem for it:
O pretty words that float so bovinely
Over yonder speckled black and
secondary color blue page
And blinking faces that curse
Obscenely at my crapophile
Poetry sensually licking at
The twinkies of life
As I lay me down to sleep
Quothe the Aimee
Beep Beep
In the Kudo Cabin she will stay
Waiting for that easy lay
Touch me she will say
Under orb-ed moon
With a spoon

When the last petal has fallen.
    When the last angel has cried.
I shall still be standing.
    I shall still be here.
Look to the heavens and deep in your heart.
    Look, and you shall find me.

Tabi ni yande
yume wa kareno o

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
   -William Blake

I have been given
one moment from heaven
as I am walking
surrounded by night
stars high above me
make a wish under moonlight.
I move in silence
with each step taken
snow falling round me
like angels in flight
far in the distance
is my wish under moonlight.
   -Enya On My Way Home

O Rose, thou art sick!
The invisible worm
That flies in the night,
In the howling storm,
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.
   -William Blake The Sick Rose



The X-Box -=- Cloud Strife

X-box: Boredom. But in 128 bits!
X-box: Because you could afford to spend $300 on a paper weight.
X-box: When you need something heavy to throw.
X-box: Because you needed further proof that PS2 is best.
X-box: The reason you cried on Christmas.
X-box: When you need spare parts quickly.
X-box: Because you think your computer doesn't crash enough.
X-box: For people who have inferiority complexes.
X-box: For consoles, there's no power greater than suckass.
X-box: No, really. It's not as bad as you think. ...Please?
X-box: The reason you turned to outdoor sports.
X-box: Because it's better than parcheesi. ..Barely.
X-box: Because your dog needed a stronger chew toy.
X-box: It's the best we could come up with.
X-box: The punchline to the joke
What do you get when you cross a gameboy and a cheese grater?
X-box: When Microsoft runs out of ideas.
X-box: Yeah, we stole that.
X-box: You've got players? We've got... nevermind.
X-box: Yeah, we're sad too.
X-box: Because retards need to have fun too.
X-box: Microsoft gets even.
X-box: It only stinks if you have standards.
X-box: Well, you win some, you lose some.
X-box: For the last time, we are not kidding!


The Best of You Know You Watch Too Much Trunks When...

You spend a day in your closet and think a year has passed
You pretend that the ginsu knife strapped on your back is your sword
You put a firecracker inside a pill bottle, light it, and hope a house will appear when you toss it into a (hopefully) cleared area.
Trunks got killed by Cell, you cried for a day
You saw how Trunks looked in GT, you cried for a day
You jump down a flight of stairs yelling "Burning Attack!" while making fancy martial arts moves.
If you're hard drive is full and your trying to decide whether to delete your trunks pictures or your operating system. (From Athey)
Your first thought as you pick up your check is 'Now I can buy more parts for my time machine!'
You buy Dragonball GT: Final Bout, quickly play as Trunks.....then hear his voice and say...PRETTY CHEESY FOR THE DOWNRIGHT COOLEST D.B CHARACTER EVER!(from HAWK12788)
You actually like his voice in Final Bout.
You know the lyrics to Trunks theme, (Hikari no Will Power), all by heart, and you don't know a word of Japanese.
You tape the beginning song of DBZ (english) and watch it over and over just cuz it has Trunks in it(From Anna)
You once tried so hard to become super-saiyan that you got so much blood in your head that you actually hallucinated and started to see what you thought was your ki.
You're looking into your grammar book, you accidently read future tense as Future Trunks.(From Jenny)
You see the name DRAGON BALL GT you think the GT stands for GREAT TRUNKS!!!!(From Delilah)
While eating your spaghettios you notice a peice that looks like the Capsule Corp. 'C'
You become very jealous or suspicious of Pan in GT
You forget that Vegeta is the best DBZ character...heheh (From vegeta0028)
You run around the local carnival screaming that you are trunks and have your best friend's lightsaber strapped on your back.(From Stock Princess)
You get pissed at your math teacher for saying 'number seventeen' (From Trunks404)
Whenever someone comes into a chat with the name 'Cell', '#17' or '#18' you immediately go into a rage and pummel them and send them a virus to kill them!
You have watched an episode of DBZ with Trunks in it in the past 24 hours.
You are going to watch an episode of DBZ with Trunks it in within the next 24 hours.
You're reading this list.
You get more than half the jokes on this list.
You stay up all night thinking of things to put on this list.(Kakarot_22)
All of the above things are true.(ZaraDBZ)
There is NO such thing as watching too much Trunks!(From Sailor M)

These were posted at Temple O' Trunks. This is a great place for Trunks-obsessers such as myself ^^